HELP WANTED V Internship in White House Gay & Lesbian Outreach Office. The White House Gay 347 CL/lRICE,‘l’ot~ll, AND RAF-'Fl’S HoU$E..._ AAGH! sror’! I CAN'T STAND IT’ @441 Mo 8 SypNEy’5 PLACE... June 2000 | Out in the Mountains I45 = gayity= classifieds and Lesbian Outreach Office is in need of a full-time intern for the Fall 2000 semester. The fall internship session is from September 4 - December 22, 2000 and the application deadline is June 23, 2000. If you are interested in applying for this or any other intern- ships at the White House please contact the White House Intern Office at 202- 456-2742. If you have any questions about our office, you can contact Jesse Harmess at 202-456-1687 or via email at Jesse_M._Hartness@who.eop . gov V The Stowe Theatre Guild announces a casting call for great community theatre! Come to auditions for Moon Over Buffalo, an American farce with a cast of eight (four women, four men, various ages.) Time: I p.m. Date: May 21 Place: Town Hall Theatre, Main Street, Stowe. Set in the l950’s, this is a fast—paced 0: rr FALLS our b£FoREI 5o‘rb SLEEP I'LL eeuuamsk DOLLAR uJl>£R M)’ PILLOW AMD1HEN,... AND THEN I'LL HAVE ENOUGH To BUY Awruee PACK OF maps! comedy guaranteed to keep the cast involved and chal- lenged. Director Tom Carder will answer questions at 253- 9902, or you may contact pro- ducer Carol Loysen by e-mail at Show dates are September 20-23, 27-30, and October 4-7. All performances will be at 8 p.m. Rehearsals begin in July Information phone #1 802- 253-3961 (06/00) VThe Vermont Rainbow Connection Television pro- gram is seeking volunteers for various crew positions. This is an excellent opportunity to do something positive for the g/l/b/t community and have an exciting, fun time doing it ! Experience in TV production is not required, if you are sin- cere and responsible we will be happy to train you for the positions needed. For more info: call ‘Sharon Randall, Producer 802-849-2739 or email: Still not sure? Check out our Dykcs Towatdh Out for byAIison Bechdcl web page to learn more about the show. ~lavender (09/00) VOutright, Vermont’s resource for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered youth and the people who work with them, is now accepting appli- cations for the following posi- tions: Direct Services Coordinator (FTE): Supervise youth groups and group facilitators, youth leadership develop- ment, HIV Education and Intervention projects, sub- stance abuse prevention pro- grams, an information line, and a drop-in site. Responsible for coordinating crisis intervention and other training for staff and volun- teers. Maintains a website and youth newsletter. Works with the executive director and the board of directors to develop annual and long range plans for direct services; develop annual or multi-year budget- ing; writing, monitoring and reporting grants directly relat- ed to direct services. Participates on state and local task forces and advisory councils, networks and col- laborates with other state and local agencies and provides information about programs . and services to the communi- ty at large. The ideal candi- date will possess a minimum of a Bachelor of Arts degree in social work or a closely related human services field and/or equivalent work expe- rience. A competitive salary and benefits package will _be offered based on experience and educational background. Educational Development Coordinator (F TE): Supervises educational pro- grams, conducts workshops, formal presentations as well as panel discussions in ele- mentary, middle and high schools, colleges, youth-serv- ing agencies and a wide vari- ety of community groups and organizations. Recruits, trains and supervises volunteers for you KNOJ, I'VE 5E£N woRKn~l(; on THIS ISSUE FDR ‘/EARS. BUT I STILL o*N'1' 5£L1£vE rr. I MEAN, ACTuAu.y BEING ABLE‘1'o G?!’ MARRIED?! , - ‘t g VICTOR)’ m Vilviour . Mormmugn. cu;vzlce,Lz*r’s Do ww/?I-r wow U[llON:|)_€'EqD+H5ol)NDj l\"r.E MAN ANYTHING IKE 2 we voub I>O'TD your FALL AND Do :1’! _ Dav CLEANING. - - "‘ /'\ ._ ‘\_:. ‘Q. .:-//;:.//.,j/,' fill. ‘ R rr's HISTORIC! 1b'm:m< ABOUT ' 11'. we l>oN"r NAMT To RUSH mo ANVI1-lmo. . . mow charmingly sweet you sing! ELEGANT, courloskme LET, CH5“ 5“ I W. I WA 5 CITIZEN. THE UNNnoRlNG JEMYATI HAvETo ‘THINK ABOUT 4:, , '~A~mw "‘é%“ w»“é‘~«°r~Avf‘~‘a ~~Er~m=°°r.-' :$2:.2.W.=:.*i.a.2:%*.:...d. -’°°* ' We 7°” rr's...w"; ALL xx»: LIFE. ITS A LOSS OF lNNO- " ' ‘Butwhaéshallve dofor a ring?’ ' ' ’-7 .- _ _ ' mm. CENCE. 0/ A WA)’. A coLomz/mow. ,. - , ,. , ONT "3? “yeti, . - W4!/‘ " , /f;\'’ 3 (JF oi” ‘ Yolkfi T:9amN5 MALE 0 Ty; BEGNNNG or THE WHOLESALE COMMODIFICATION or OUR LNE5 . No, rmemd Now we /' Pussy saidiotbe owl,‘You elegant Rvwll ITHINK IT LIDKS QUFIE LOIS! CAN you HEN 1 DIGGER? 1 ZIU.S1’DlD$0ME- “ THlNe To My BACK! "4; I'M Soklzy ABOUT 05 wus- - PAPERS omne KITCHEN 11"; symaoucl :ra='z.'ra~l. I New ' you Don’-r l