Justices of the Peace Mary Hurlie Michael Olinick Hinesburg, VT 05461 Middlebury, VT phone: (work/day) 802- Day: 802-443-5559 Marc Awodey 406 Colchester Ave Burlington, VT 05401802- 865-9603 443-5085 ‘ Eve: 802-388-4290. rawodey@together.net (home/eve) 802-482-3927 molinick@middlebury.edu ‘ mhurlie@middlebury.edu - Alan Blood ' Carol E. Westing 7 Small Meadows Farm Ross Laffan 134 Fred Houghton Rd Putney, VT 05346 P.O. Box 176 4 Putney, VT 05346 802-387-5917 Ellenf@sover.net Rochester, VT 05767 802-767-3697 rossL@sover.net 802-387-2152 westing@together.net Don Dresser 65 Delfoate Rd. Huntington, VT 05462 802-434-381 1 Eric F. McCann Federal Terrace, Box 7 North Troy, VT 05859 802-988-4773 Alan B. F eltmarch blairhs@together.net 808 Hi-Acres Road Coventry Newport, VT spirited jewelry * gifts it gallery © 802—34—7967 bsmanor@together.net * . . 7 Keith E. Goslant Tying the knot’ 99 Main St P1ainfield,VT 05667 ' 802-454-8552. kgoslant@hotmail.com * ORDER RINGSCTODAY... for your summer or fall Civil Union ceremony ...finely crafted by l‘family" artisans! Brendan Hadash 964 Beach Hill Road June 2000 |.0ut in the Mountains [17 = milestones :- Pie-in-the-Sky Farm Bed & Breakfast Dwinell Road Marshfield, VT 05658 (802) 426-3777 fax: 1-802-426-4090 1 U welcome@gieinsky.com www.Qieinsky.com Come celebrate your Civil Union or other special event with us at Ple-in- the-Sky -- a quiet country retreat outside of Montpelier, Vermont. Suite or room available by reservation for the day, week, or weekend. West Glover VT 05875 Tel: 802-525-3856 © bhada5h@s°V°"“et 34 state slreel monlpelier,vl osso2 302.229.0522 V V Wedolirge V Portraite V Everrbe Pike Riesner 7 0 ‘ 4 Phtogfaphy Preeerve the moments of your union with the unique style of 5 Pike Rieener Photography. A and Karen Let ue capture the emotion and pike Riesner ' epohtaheity of your epecial slay. (802) 9335,9143 l_——““§"”TC'-T‘ ‘T‘ ‘T t””; /as EOUR SEAsoNs (CAKE DIESlG1\l' —»—}—(‘.l'.\"l'()lVl \VlZI)l)lN(} AN!) l’/\R'l'Y (Iz\Kl’.S >--—~———— lROliEl<'T SIMPSON l’.('), BOX 188 . \X/ll.Ll.S'T()N, VERMONT 05495 80.Z.25H.‘)758 - l:'M/\ll.: CSONlN(}S@T()Gl{'l'lll§R.Nl{'l‘ "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." , -Virginia Woolf For over 10 years, Cloud 9 Caterers " has been bringing creative, customized menus ii to the table. Cloud 9 boasts an extensive variety of srgnature menuitems that take CLOUD 9 CATERERS ‘ r. VERMONT advantage of produce unique to Vermon We also feature lavish custom cakes and desserts ‘created by our Pastry Chef,’ Patty Berringerz A Whether the event you're planning is a civil celebration for 300, or dinner for 6, call Sarah Moran at Cloud 9 Caterers Phone (802) 655-7370 Fax (802) 655-7765 The ]eweler’s Bench is going out of; business!!! To celebrate my closing the month ob June will be dedicated to great deals tor you. Every item in stock will be dis- counted at least 50% obb! This is your chance to pick up a terriliic value [for yourselb, or tor someone you love! The last day I will be open will be July 1st! Thanks tior two GR8AT years 01; busi- ‘ ness! Tuesdays thru Fridays 8:30am — 5:30pm Saturdays 8:30 — 4:00 Located at in the same space as Jerome The ' Florist, next to Del's and directly across brom the Court House 260 North Main Street Barre VI‘ 05641 479-I496 E—mail salncloud9@aol.com