12 | Out in the Mountains |June 2000 ——f opinion = From Isolation to Justice: A Generation This letter has been signed by over 1000 LGBT youth all over the United States. Outright Vermont, the statewide organization working in support of all LGBTQA youth in Vermont, is proud to support all of the young people who signed onto this important statement. To add your name to the list of signatories, send an email with your name, age, town and state of residence to: lgbtnextgenera- tion@hotmail.com. The support of people over 30 is also requested. To sign on as an ally, send an emai,l including your age, to the above address. For those without email, contact Outright Vermont at 865-9677 ’ to be added to the list. As OIT M went to press, there were more than 1000 youth signatures collected. Among our nation’s monuments for liberty, equality and justice les- bian, gay, bisexual and transgender people march on Washington. For many in the next generation, this is our first opportunity to experience a national march. Yet, we are faced with conflicting emotions. More important than the experience, this march pro- vides us with an opportunity to ask what kind of a movement we are inheriting. The LGBT movement does not belong to today’s leaders alone; it belongs to tomorrow’s as well. The next generation of ' LGBT activists will be left to either sustain or undo the work done today - work that affects how LGBT people are thought of in American society and how we think of ourselves. Thus, we must be guided by a vision that continues to advance our values and enrich our legacy. To what degree do today’s LGBT organizations have a long-terrn view that anticipates the consequences of today’s strategies? What are our movement’s values, beyond the festi- vals, rainbow “tchotchkes,” fundrais- ing dinners and concerts? We, the next generation of LGBT activists, join hundreds of thousands of LGBT people who share a commit- ment to the values and principles of social justice that are the foundation of the LGBT movement. These values have implications beyond sexual ori- entation and are the basis of civil rights for all people and inform how social movements act. WHAT ARE OUR VALUES? Each one of us grew up in a homo- phobic society that taught us to feel alone and isolated. From this isola- letter to the LGBT movement from the Next tion, we reach out to each other to build c o m m u n i ty and act togeth- er to build a movement. We are our friends’ found families, the creators of new traditions and ethics. We :4 9 ?*'~3 » <2aar»,*<~|3JJrm ‘DON'T You ’\'\Mu)L( its UNFAIR +0 RN52 A CIMLD Nfl A F/X11422 3? l ‘ are reinventing gender. We act up, and kiss in. We build com- munity centers and other social service programs everywhere. When the nation was in homophobic denial, together we launched an unprecedented response to the AIDS epidemic and we created the most poetic monument in the country, the Quilt. From these experiences, the core values of our movement emerge: compassion, belief and commitment to the common good, non-discrimina- tion, political freedom, freedom from violence and harassment, control over our own bodies, and equal opportuni- ty. These values are part of a larger legacy that links justice movements together. Do we believe in these val- ues as a “Simple Matter of Justice” for all people? If we truly do, the LGBT movement must resist isolation and return wholeheartedly to this nation’s struggle for justice. IN ISOLATION It is clear that the LGBT movement is succeeding at achieving some gains on sexual orientation and gender iden- tity issues. But if LGBT organizations act in isolation, our values will be undermined and they will not be real- ized. . A single-minded approach that attempts to isolate sexual orientation equality from other struggles limits the movement’s agenda so that some may move forward while others are left behind. In our own history, inter- nal battles were fought to recognize some of the movement’s most obvi- ous constituents — bisexual and trans- gendered people. Acting as if sexual orientation is the common denomina- tor — and not justice - makes the move- ment irrelevant to those who cannot or will not act in isolation. LGBT people are the childless elderly, yet lack of social nets for the old is deemed “not a gay issue.” The nation’s commitment to public educa- tion — on which LGBT youth and par- ents depend — is deemed not a gay issue. LGBT youth disproportionately represent homeless youth in this coun- try, yet homelessness is not a gay issue. Employment discrimination, for those of us who cannot or will not pass, casts us into poverty, yet unem- ployment, welfare and Medicaid poli- cies are not gay issues. LGBT people are more likely to abuse drugs and this nation’s drug policies are increasingly more criminal than interventionist, yet the war on drugs is not a gay issue. In this framework, we wonder who is “gay?” If the LGBT movement acts in iso- lation it is blind to the ways in which it reinforces inequality. What does it mean to fight for more severe hate crimes penalties when we know that in our current criminal justice system people of color and people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds make up a vastly disproportionate number of people arrested and incarcerated? In addition, people 25 and younger are often the perpetrators. Wouldn’t pre- vention of hate crimes — and our core values — be better served if resources and energy spent passing these laws were redirected to join education- strategies that reach the places where young people learn? If the LGBT movement acts in iso- lation it becomes blind to the crisis eroding the very foundations of civil rights in this country. Increasingly there are no rights apart from those that are bought and secured in the marketplace. The wielding of private power and political access based on wealth undermines democracy for all people. If this remains the context, gains made around “sexual orienta- tion” are meaningless. OUT OF ISOLATION We believe the LGBT movement will not move forward without under- standing the reality of LGBT people’s lives — which are not isolated or reducible to a single issue. If the LGBT movement continues its trend toward isolation, we will have failed to understand the nature of justice — that it serves the common good and leaves nobody behind. Thus, the degree to which the LGBT movement is directed by col- lective input and an open process of decision making is the crucial mea- sure of its commitment to social jus- tice. The survival of the LGBT move- ment demands that we refuse to con- centrate power in any organization, and instead seek to foster a democrat- ic ethic of participation among LGBT people. When this happens, more organizations will support ways for us to participate in the movement beyond appearing at a national march or by writing a check. No organization, no matter what their financial resources, could alone determine the direction of the movement. TRUE JUSTICE IS JUSTICE FOR ALL The means our leaders employ to fight for justice inform and redefine the ends we seek. These means define not only the movement’s ethics but also determine who is invested in the movement, who it speaks to, who leaves, and ultimately who is left behind. LGBT‘people have much to teach American society. It is our turn to sup- port this nation’s social justice legacy by contributing to the model through which rights are obtained by a com- munity. If in adding to this model, we are true to our values in means and ends, we will have worked towards the day when this country affords equality to all of its citizens. We applaud those organizations and activists who have built and sup-. a_.......:——>