10 I Out in the Mountains [June 2000 = opinion: VOICES FROM THE MOUNTAINS Judge Not The Rutland Herald, on May 6, 2000, printed a _ remarkable letter to the editor from Elisa Winter with the title “Better to refrain from judgment.” Although I’m an agnostic and Mrs. Winter a Christian, her last two para- graphs are so remarkable that I dialed for her phone number in Vergennes and left on her answering machine my grate- ful congratulations. Here are her paragraphs: “If you think that gay folks are evil or sick or unnatural, I think you’re wrong, but you can believe whatever you want. But while you’re busy judging and despising and condemning, please try to remember once in a while that judging and despising and condemning are exactly the things the stone-throwers were doing. And Jesus asked the stone-throwers simply to look into their own hearts and see which one of them was by Lyle Glazier completely without sin. Then and only then could a stone be thrown. “Are you all so sure that was a child and was especial- ly moved to discover in her letter not only the profound love and forgiveness that is I am disturbed by what could be false piety now that gays and lesbians have been granted rights of civil union. you are so perfectly spiritual- ly evolved that you should be usurping God’s judgment and throwing stones at humans he loves and forgives just as much as he loves and -forgives you?” When I got her answering service and realized I could not talk in person to her, I left a message thanking her. I told her that I had a remarkable Sunday school teacher when I the ' the heart of the New Testament, but that even in the Old Testament, her point is made. (The story of Job, for example, is the story of a man who became tested by God to find out if he was truly with- out pride and never rebelled against the will of his Maker.) As I hung up the phone feeling clean and refreshed by even this indirect communi- cation with Mrs. Winter, I had in front of me my clipped copy of her letter. Without thinking I printed across the top of it “Judge not that ye be not judged.” Where had the words come from? I was repeating them from somewhere deep in my past. I came down stairs and took from a shelf three sourcebooks: Roget s Thesaurus, a two-volume Everymanis Library Dic- tionary of Quotations and the Crown Thesaurus of Quo- tations. No help there. Without hope, I turned to the 1941 Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary, and there, under the word judge, was what I was looking for in exactly the words I had writ- ten across the top of Mrs. Winter’s letter: “Judge not that ye be not judged. Matthew 7.1” I went to the shelves and found my well-thumbed Holy Bible. Written on a blank page before the title page was this dedication: “From Mrs. C. K. Gilbert and the Sunday School.” There was no date, but I had been no more than nine years old — 80 years ago. What a remarkable pair of books — the King James Bible and Noah Webster’s dictio- nary. And what a remarkable thing the computer stored in our brain! Years ago, I learned from an article in the Brown University Alumnus how a pathologist and a psycholo- gist working together discov- ered the secret of memory — that in the brain are tiny wires or filaments and on those wires are bumps or follicles, infinitesimally small, record- ing experiences. I wrote to the scientists suggesting that they get in touch with a poet who benefits from Wordsworth’s definition of poetry as “the spontaneous ‘overflow of §€%¥*§?§¥§i§§§ fifii ?§ 342 -2 .-/6» 9”‘ " .a*=r... my ":3:/-‘ 3-in-' 2 caj cf. 28 vs 5.‘? « ’x‘.~\.>:3 \ =§‘:;g§j: p .. resource. Do you know your rights? We Do. V Gay 86 Lesbian Advocates «Sc Defenders (GLAD) has worked for over 21 years on behalf of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgen- dered individuals and people with HIV in the six states of New England. Whether the issue is employment discrimination, denial of health care, the rightof glbt students to get an education in safety, fair treatment for glbt parents, the recognition of families of same—sex couples or housing discrimination, GLAD is your equal justice under law