38 Out in the Mountains May 2000 Foundation of Vermont — PO Box 1263 - Burlington, VT 05402-1263. Application packages must be postmarked no later than May 12, 2000 to be considered. Complete details, instructions, and applica- tions can be found at http://www.samarafoundation.org/s amara2.htm or through area guid- ance counselors, GSAs, and other youth and educational organiza- tions. FMI: info@samarafounda- tion.org. (05/00) V The Women Meeting Women Educational Assistance Award. Selection based on involvement in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans- gender community. Two equal awards will be given up to $500 each. The first award will go for a undergraduate program or similar program for high school graduates or comparative GED applicants. The second award will be for grad- uate or continuing education for applicants who have already com- pleted some type of undergraduate program. Eligibility Criteria: Applicant must: 1) be a lesbian, a bisexual female, or a woman iden- tified member of the transgender community. 2). be between the ages of 18 and infinity 3) live in New Hampshire or Northern Massachusetts. 4) not be a current Women Meeting Women Steering committeemember. Requirements: 1) be eligible. 2) complete and sub- mit the WMW educational Assistance Award application. (75% of score). 3) submit with application a copy of most recent transcript. 4) submit with applica- tion proof of acceptance to an edu- cation program. 5) submit with application a letter of recommen- dation attesting to the applicant's level of involvement in the GLBT community (25% of score). Deadline for Applications is May 31, 2000. To request application or have questions, Contact: Deborah E. Burch, WMW Educational ‘ Assistance Award, 16 First Avenue, Methuen MA 01844 Phone: (978) 683-1033 (05/00) classes! courses uttered V Would you like to polish your “personal work skills" and feel bet- ter about what you do ? “Workplace Success" is a free 8- week class being offered by the Women’s Small Business Program. It is designed to assist individuals to identify internal and external barriers, with topics Corrupt & darkly handsome, Chef Etienne is in Paris, hiding from cops , drug dealers and including: how to give and receive feedback, problem solving, stress management, time management, dealing with co-workers and super- visors, and balancing work with personal needs. We are currently enrolling for our next class which is scheduled for Mondays from 2- 5pm, beginning May 8th at Trinity College, Burlington. For further information call Gloria at 846-7163. Workplace Success is funded through a grant provided by the Department of Employment and Training. (05/00) Attention Cat Lovers! Two well- loved, well-cared for cats need a good home. Cats are sisters, 3 yrs. old, spayed, very friendly. Please call 802-334-8685. V Infertility Group. A time limited therapy group is forming this spring for women who are experiencing infertility. The focus of the group will be on gaining support, clarity and empowerment through sharing with others this powerful and diffi- The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan c=:-been... Right now he's walking across the Pont lleuf. There's a lot of commotion. A famous Brazilian soccer star is filming a commercial. cult experience. The group will be composed of 6-8 women and will run for 8 sessions. At the end of this period the group will open up for new members. Contact Patricia Jenkins MSW, LlCSW at 413-584- 2590 for more information and an initial interview. 16 Center Street, Suite #503, Northampton MA 01060. (06/00) V LEAD International (Leadership Education Action . Diversity) is sponsoring a public access cable show, “News & Views from the Vermont State House”. The show is filmed once per week during the legislative session and once per month during the balance of the year. Topics include welfare reform, reproductive choice, civil unions, prescription drugs, harass- ment in the schools, etc. If you'd like more information, or would like to be a sponsor, contact LEAD at 223-6299/|ead@sover.net. The show can be viewed in the follow- ing areas on public access cable: Barre, Bennington, Burlington, Colchester, Manchester, Middlebury, Montpelier, Norwich/Hartford, Rutland, St. Albans, and St. Johsnbury/Lyndon. SBl‘llll2BS lllfllfflll ‘ V Less than perfect credit ? Looking to purchase or refinance a home ? We can help. Atlantic Mortgage Corporation has helped many Vermonters to realize their dream of home ownership. We work and live in Vermont, a local company that has hundreds of pro- grams for every situation. Self- employed, bankruptcy, foreclosure, no income verification and yes, even programs for people with great credit. Free telephone approval, free consultation, no application fee. Phone 496 2456 or toll free 888 809 1172. Web page: http://lender.homestore.com/atlanti cmortgages. Atlantic Mortgage will gladly contribute $100 to VT CARES for every loan closed. (01/01) lllllllfl situations llllllfflll V Vacation Rentals — 'Sec|uded Spring Retreat, Log cabin in the foothills of Camel’s Hump, seclud- ed, wildflowers, wild animals, wilderness, $40/night or ...by Eric 0:-net iust about everyone else. Bu calls a phone number at random, asks The person (kind’a bitchy) who answers where he should look for Etienne? At thesame moment, a world away up in the Canadian arctic, lovesick young Buavik finds the palm pilot that Etienne dropped when he hightailed it outta town. Even Arm‘: boY.s WEN‘ TANK 'roP.t‘lN 5PRING.. hospital, cuz First I'd ‘try a mental where al1yone_who w_;_m_£4toFinuIEt1enne .. ‘ be1onos.. -then ljd tr)’ Parxs.. "Yo6A For GUY: wuo - HAVE BEEN DUMPED" that’s empada 1S dellclqusl Where clldyou le arn1to_ cooK Brazlllan _? J www. S1'orIelNALl.l NN.Com sf PLANeTou'l’.:'1ITWYEA;;l§l':ll2b;t; _‘ _ _'~ « SciRl§Wn‘r;9©u)[9 ASSISTANT; ET!-IAN GREEN. . You GAVE ME Foo: This M°miNo‘s Later snow wsrs Ft'oM LAST AUGUST! ' rrns NOT "A RECORD Bt'EAKIN6 at Ethan’ s best friend Loooao over 300 ANGH CALLS ! Buckls in THE Last Hour .... .. I THINK condo '- So..wl=.’re SEPARATED '- l‘ AT LEAST For Now Am. ; Z "//V “Ml l\\\\\ llllllllll EVEN TI-to‘ I l