Supports the organization in con- ducting a Diversity initiative to fos- ter a more welcoming, inclusive environment for all members and audiences. Coordinates Board operations, including scheduling, communications, and record-keep- ing for monthly meetings. Performs other duties as required by the Board of Directors. Required: Bachelor's degree or equivalent professional experience; Minimum of three (3) years of paid adminis- trative experience in a community, non-profit or GLBT organization; longstanding affiliation with GLBT communities or organizations; Experience in fiscal management; Excellent organizational, interper- sonal, oral and written communica- tion skills; Excellent computer skills, including familiarity with word processing, desktop publish- ing, database management, and accounting software; Proven ability to work independently, exercise judgement, and manage multiple tasks and priorities. Preferred: Public relations, marketing, and/or customer service experience; Grant writing, fund-raising, and/or development experience. Terms and Compensation: 35-40 hours/week, $30,000-$35,000 annually, plus benefits and devel- opment/fund—raising incentives Assistant Director SpeakOut is seeking a highly orga- nized, efficient, creative individual to serve as its Assistant Director. The position offers opportunities both to work independently and to receive on—the-job training under the supervision of the Executive Director. Responsibilities: Supports the Executive Director in administering ongoing programs to further the organization's mission, including outreach and scheduling of speaking engagements, the Fall Forum speaker training, and the Governor's Commission Youth Speakout Project.Monitors and manages the organization's fiscal affairs, including cash flow, book- keeping, payroll, and all local, state and federal tax regulations and other financial obligations. Participates in grant writing, fund- raising and other development activities to strengthen the organi- zation’s fiscal status. Assists in coordinating and expanding exter- nal relations efforts to strengthen SpeakOut's identity and visibility in the media and community at large. Engages and supports volunteer members through member activi- ties, newsletters, and opportunities for continuing education. Provides logistical support for the Diversity Initiative to foster a more welcom- ing, inclusive environment for all members and audiences. Assists with coordinating Board opera- tions, including scheduling, com- munications, and record-keeping for monthly meetings. Performs other duties as required by the Executive Director. Required: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent professional experience; Minimum of two (2) years of administrative experience in a community, non- profit or GLBT organization; long- standing affiliation with GLBT com- munities organizations; Excellent organizational, interpersonal, oral and written communication skills; Excellent computer skills, including familiarity with word processing and spreadsheet applications; familiarity with desktop publishing, database, and/or accounting soft- ware preferred; Proven ability to work independently, exercise judgement, and manage multiple tasks and priorities. Preferred: Experience in bookkeeping and/or financial management; Public rela- tions, marketing, and/or customer service experience; Grant writing, fund-raising, and/or development experience. Terms and Compensation: 15-20 hours/week, $12-$15 per hour, plus benefits and development/fund-raising incentives. (05/00) V Seeking Participants for Caregiving Study. Kristina Hash, a social work PhD student at Virginia Commonwealth University, is seeking gay men and lesbians over the age of 50 who are cur- rently or have previously provided care for chronically ill, same-sex partners to participate in a research interview. Interview ques- tions will focus on experiences and life changes that have resulted from caregiving, or changes that have occurred since the death or relocation of a partner. All informa- tion will remain confidential. The researcher is involved in the gay community and has experience working with older adults. It you are interested in participating or for more information, please contact Kristina at (804) 266-5136 or by email at Collect calls accepted. (O6/00) V Mountain Pride Media, publish- er of Out In The Mountains, has Intern opportunities available immediately and for the summer. Whether you are fulfilling your requirements for your degree pro- gram or just looking to gain some valuable experience, we have sev- eral projects related to our news- paper and web site that could be right for you. Our office is located in Richmond, Vermont. For more Dykcs Towatch Outfor byA1ison Bechdcl vlHo'5 SYDNEY TALKNG-la? I WONDER IF Mo FINALL May 2000 . Out in the Mountains 37 information contact us at 802-434- 6486 (option 3) or intern@moun- (5/00) V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out In the Mountains is looking for Regional'Ad Sales Representatives to sell advertising in our paper and on our web site. We have immediate openings in Burlington, Montpelier, Rutland, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction, and more. If you are looking for flexible hours (min. 5 hours per week) and the ability to work from home this is a great opportunity for you. A monthly stipend plus com- mission is paid. For more informa- tion contact us at 802-434-6486 (option 3) or personne|@moun- (0500) V Mountain Pride Media, publish- er of Out In The Mountains, has an immediate opening for an Advertising Sales Manager. Manage our team of regional Ad Sales Reps and maintain our advertising database. Develop and implement advertising campaigns and promotions. Coordinate and approve all contracts and ad copy materials. Excellent communica- tion and organizational skills need- ed as well as the ability to meet critical deadlines. This is a part- time commissioned position. For more information contact us at 802-434-6486 (option 3) or per- (05/00) V Are you stressed? Have no time for friends andfamily? Just making ends meet? Do you like to help others? Would you like to be healthier and happier? Would you like to have more time and money? Be your own boss! Phenomenal growth industry needs you! Don't wait! This is a truly fantastic oppor- tunity. Get involved now! You'll be glad you did. info: Nancy 802-868- 5015. E-mail (05/00) EIIIIIIIWIIIBIII wanted V College Student Looking For Summer Employment. Responsible, have a variety of work experiences, great with kids, have my own transportation. Available the first of June. Open to any type of work, resume and ref- erences available upon request. Call Joe at 802-654-2184 or e-mail (06/00) V The Samara Foundation of Vermont will be awarding three $500 scholarships in June 2000 to students who can demonstrate through their personal experiences and/or public commitment a dedi- cation to the interests of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning community. Applicants must be Vermont resi- dents, a graduating high school student or GED participant, and plan to further their formal educa- tional training in the upcoming aca- demic year. Applicants are asked to complete an application cover page plus submit an essay and let- ter of recommendation to Samara fififififi §§’é ?§ 13%;» LolS,I'M TRY" = lNGTowATcH ' - oN RAFFI Tiu. CMRICE N E 6513 BACK? I'M Gums FOLDED AND AGREED ‘W OPEN RElATl0N$HlP ? n3eEiz'cooI> L'~?- _ 1 ’ GAME. HUH 5 3;? ..-1 WHATEVER . WATCH MY SEAT. @2000 By ALISON BECHDEL I 'll-JOUGHT OFMLLJNG )bU. BUT you KNOW. WE HAVEN'T BEEN lN'l'oU0t... AND WE PARTED ON suai . '-. AN AMMARD NOTE. IN THE LoBB)'. .. HEY, Lois! I HAVEN'T SEEN you ArrA GAME BEFORE. , UH... Hl,'.TERR\/. I (JUST CAME wrrll MY HOUSEMATE. , 3 ME /l1’1’HE HAIPUME BU‘Z2EE!TiIr/E (N NfilT'flMEAS THE TECHNICAL F0011 CONT! NUS,’ |T's ‘me REST OF THESE con- PLACENT )'AHoo5 1’ WANTTO smgck. WHAT no THEY BELJEVE. _ _ . m . mvw u:m:RM,AN ? var -- . TAKE A Pou., AND ITS "SAME- SE)‘ IMRRIAGE? UH, I DON'T , ‘ll-imK so . CAN I HAVE M)’ y'iiD WE SCORE ?I KEEP MISSINGTHE EXCITING BARTS. M:\. — v4\“* % Oll.MAr~l.1'Mir~l‘l12ouBLE. xanaa, meirrue may Poacumues 5° ERR” NA”. W“ T WANTE GET HAAVE >31 Tm.; ‘=5 .sul=FER AN ieuommious 5HELLAcv'ou BAcl(1b -rile GAME Bur \/'l(Now.THERE'S A pmzy atom or youk CLARICE? HA5 Hams? HAVEA (pm; By THE t-,Ai2A'5g PICKUP GAME Ar¢H£'Y' T°”‘"E° A SEXUAL FANTASIES ?5H0l~/ sit: BEEN "A5 ’ ‘K5’ ' 3°VFRlEND sonznms IT'S ezsmoo i,u;o~EsoAv ~ieiirs.wi-: , lW“‘R5- 2/ com; ALL YET? LONG. youiviusr as ovER- SHOULD Go $oMETlE- "' T “ . __ , DUE FOR AN OIL CHANGE. /7 'll 1 / ll; . il l 74 :5 '7?‘