30 I _Out in the Mountains IMay 2000 MONDAY 15 BURLINGTON - VT CARES Annual Phone Bank Evenings from 15th-18th May. Volunteers welcome to join us in mak- ing thank you calls to the many Vermonters who support CARES. We will meet each evening throughout the week for calls, social time, and light dinners courtesy of NECI. FMI contact Garrett at 800-649-2437 or garrettk@vtcares.org ST JOHNSBURY - Vermont Gay Men's Chorus Spring at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 8:00pm WINOOSKI — The Book Rack & Children's Pages - Elinor Lipman & "The Ladies‘ Man”. Elinor Lipman will lead a book group discussion of her newest paperback, “The Ladies’ Man”. Seating is limited: call for reservations. 7pm at the Champlain Mill. FMI: contact Elaine Sopchak 655-0231 THURSDAY 18 Deadline for letters, classifieds, Community Compass, and calendar items for OITM June issue. See each section for submission guidelines and addresses. MIDDLEBURY - Queer Night Purely social gathering every Thursday night at Mr. Ups. Everyone welcome. 8:00 pm until we all go home. FMI: Barb - beegevt@ao|.com RUTLAND - Men’s Health Project Community Planning Meeting at 7:00pm. Contact David at 775-1546 or vtcares3@sover.net WINOOSKI — The Book Rack & Children's Pages -Tresita Beach & “Thinking Allowed". Hunger isn't funny, but humorist Tresita Beach is working to bring help with humor. She'll be performing & ‘signing her book to benefit the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf. Admission is $5; a por- tion of all proceeds will go to the Food Shelf. 7pm at the Champlain Mill. FMI: contact Elaine Sopchak 655-0231 FRIDAY 19 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee. See Friday 5 listing FMI ' BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night. See Friday 5 listing FMI BURLINGTON — VGSA Friday Sip&Dine. Meet up with VGSA members and friends at 135 Pearl for a drink or bev- erage, decide where to dine out, then leave around 7:30 for dinner. I - I ’ ' . WINOOSKI — The Book Flack & Children's Pages - Galway Kinnell & “New Selected Poems". Join us for a poetry read- ing by former Vermont State Poet Galway Kinnell, as he introduces his newest collection. 7pm at the Champlain Mill. FMI: contact Elaine Sopchak 655-0231 SATURDAY 20 I BENNINGTON — AIDS Senrices of Southwestern Vermont — Spring Concert at the Second Congregational Church at 7pm. Performers include Hal Waters, Lindsey Dyett, with guest performers and the Gentle Jazz sounds from Burr and Burton School. BURLINGTON - Samara Foundation hosts Gill Foundation www.mountainpridemedia.org/events calendar.m workshop, 10:00am -12:00pm $5.00 fee to cover refresh- ments. For more information contact: Samara Foundation, 860-6236, samara@together.net. Location: Burlington Public Works Department, lakefront conference room (bot- tom of Maple St., cross RR tracks and follow signs to the left) SUNDAY 21 BURLINGTON - Unitarian Universalist Circle - Full Moon and Candlemas ritual, potluck and meeting. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl Street (top of Church Street, side door entrance). Info 655-4378 BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus, 5-7pm.. All are welcome! Love of singing only requirement for mem- bership! Next concert is Sunday, June 11th @ 4:30pm in Burlington. FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327. BURLINGTON .-;Green Mountain Freedom Band - Second Annual Spring Cohcert at the McClure Multi-Generational Center, located at241 North Winooski Ave, 3pm. Admission is $5.00 suggested donation. Hope to see you there! BURLINGTON - VGSA Sunday Brunch at Tim, Dan and John's. Join VGSA members and friends for Brunch at ‘lim, Dan and John's for a Pot-Luck Sunday Brunch. Contact John or Tim @ 654-7764 for info and directions. HYDE PARK - Crones Golf and Jam Session at 1pm. Pot luck. Bring your beverage of choice and any musical instru- ments. Call 888-7118. MONTPELIER - Men's Health Project Potluck supper, 5:30pm. Bring a dish to share for a casual meal with other men. Call 229-4560 for more information. STOWE - Stowe Guild Auditions - “Moon Over Buffalo” All . auditions will be held at 1pm at the Town Hall Theatre, Main Street. FMI call (802)253-3961 or email:info@stowethe- atre.com. WEDNESDAY 24 BURLINGTON - VT CARES - Support Group for People Living with HIV/AIDS Confidential, on-going 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, at CARES office, 5:30-7pm. FMI or to arrange transportation/child-care, call Kara 863-2437 or 800-649-2437 A T H U RS DAY 2 5 MIDDLEBURY -' Queer Night Purely social gathering every Thursday night at Mr. Ups. Everyone welcome. 8:00 pm until we all go home. FMI: Barb - beegevt@ao|.com RICHMOND - OITM Stuffing, 5:30-8:30pm. Come join MPM board members, staff, and other volunteers at the monthly Out In The Mountains Stuffing at the OITM office above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Help get the paper ready for mail- ing out to our community while visiting with old friends or making new ones! The stuffing starts at 5:30 and lasts until we are finished (usually 2 to 3 hours). Please join us! FMI & Directions: distribution@mountainpridemedia.org or 802- 434-6486. FRIDAY 26 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Meeting. See Friday 5 listing FMI BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. See Friday 5 listing FMI. BURLINGTON — VGSA Friday Sip&Dine. Meet up with VGSA members and friends at 135 Pearl for a drink or bev- erage, decide where to dine out, then leave around 7:30 for dinner. Chiltern Mountain Club - 17th Annual Memorial Day Weekend Bicycling May 26-29. FMI: Bob Bland (802) 333- 9448, b|and@sover.net SATURDAY 27 WILLIAMSTOWN - Women of the Woods -Annual Spring Barbeque/Potluck/Bonfire at 4:30pm. We'll have XC - Croquet, as usual, even in the mud! Bring a chair, potluck item, and your beverage of choice. Call 433-5990 or 229- 0109 for directions. SUNDAY’ 28 BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus, 5:00- 7:00pm. All are welcome! Love of singing only requirement for membership! Next concert is Sunday, June 11th @ 4:30pm in Burlington. FMI call ‘Peter Frechette 864-5327. KILLINGTON - VT CARES - Men’s Social Gathering Central Vermont Kickoff for Pride 2000. At Toadstool Harry's from 3 o'clock on into the evening. David at 775-1546 or vtcares3@sover.net ’ MONDAY 29 RICHMOND - OITM Staff Picnic. Location to be announced. FMI editor@mountainpridemedia.org or 434- 6486. Everyone welcome. \ THATBOOKSTORE” and THAT ANTIQUE CENTER Collectibles Multi-Dealer‘ Shop Used and Antiquarian Books, Antiques and Used and Out-of-Print Books, VT and NH Books, Post Cards, Paper Ephemera, Glass, Linens, Vintage Clothing, Coins, Primitives, Pottery and more... Something for Everyone! Usual|y...Mon-Sat 10:00-8:00, Sun 11:00-8:00 Railroad Street, St Johnsbury, VT 05819 802.748.1722 - emaiI:tbs@plainfield.bypass.com http://www.allroutes.to/thatbookstore W Chat I Personals I News I Travel I Entertainment I People Planetouticom vvvvw.planetout.com I AOL Keyword: PlanetOut engage —~, enjoy \