May 2000 | Out in the Mountains I29 www' mountalnprldemedla ' org / events To announce your‘ event for 0ITM’s monthly calendar email [], or write [PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477] by the 20th of the month prior to publication. calendanma MAY MONDAY I BURLINGTON - VGSA Movie Night. Join VGSA for a night of fun and a movie at the McClure Multigenerational Ctr. Contact Thom @ 655-6706 for more details. TUESDAY 2 RANDOLPH - Orange County Democratic Committee - Ed Flanagan and Jan Backus Speaking at the Randolph Elementary School 7:00 -8:30pm . Delicious desserts pro- vided, an optional donation of ($6 to benefit OCDC. FMI: call 728-5163 RICHMOND - OITM Staff Meeting OITM office above _the Daily Bread Bakery in Richmond 6:30 -8:00pm. Out in the Mountains staff meeting. Everyone welcome to join in the MONTPELIER - Chiltern Mountain Montpelier/Morrisville bike ride FMI: Lew Lasher (802) 253- 8969, iew57 @ MORRISVILLE - Mountain Pride Media Green Mountain Tour In the board room of Concept ll ~ hosted by Linda Markin. 1 - 3 pm Workshop: Writing for the print media.. 4 - 6 pm Reception. Please contact us at or 802-434-6486 to RSVP, volunteer, or get more information. Directions will be sent to all who RSVP. MT PHILO - Crones Wildflower Hike Meet 11:00am at the parking lot. Do bring any flower identification resources you have with you. Call Fran at 951-9012. SUNDAY 7 BERLIN - Women of the Woods — Serious birding for spring warblers, or whatever we can find around Berlin Pond. Bring field glasses/binoculars/scopes, 8am. Call 229-2381 for specific meeting place. BURLINGTON - 11th Annual COTS Walk. Participants gather at 2pm at St Paul's Cathedral for the 3-mile educa- WINOOSKI — The Book Rack 8i Chi|dren’s Pages - Chris Bohjalian & “Trans-Sister Radio". Join us for Chris’ first pub- lic reading of his new book. 7pm at the Champlain Mill. A suggested donation of $5 will be accepted at the event, more than half of which will go directly to VT CARES. FMI: Elaine Sopchak 655-0231 FRIDAY I2 Deadline for Samara Foundation of Vermont Scholarship 2000 Three $500 scholarships will be awarded to students who can demonstrate through their personal experiences and/or public commitment a dedication to the interests of the GLBTQ community. Application forms can be down- loaded at BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Meeting, 5:30-6:45pm. See Friday 5 entry FMI. BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group, 7:00pm -8:30pm. See Friday 5 working meeting. If you want to get involved, this is a great tional route around Burlington. COTS is looking for individ- entry FML '4" 1 place to start. Note the Tuesday meeting this month. ual walkers, team captains to organize groups of walkers . and day of event volunteers. FMI: contact Sally Ballin at BURLINGTON - Lecture and Vocal Recital Classical by COTS, 864-7402 x108 or email or visit women at St. Paul’s Cathedral, 7:00pm. Pam Macy, us at ' Vocalist, Jean McGregor, pianist. Benefit for the Samara D 3 BURLINGTON D, _t VT 4 6 C I n t, f tn Foundation Scholarship Fund. FMl:call 626-9077 - igniy , - pm. ee raion o e _ Eucharist and monthly gathering of DignityNT, a safe and BURLINGTON — VGSA Friday Sip & Dine. Meet up with 3::E1L':1::T:";,23g:)yn“'f,.|T:::t:;rnfi:/:'lNn:’;n:°:§;n was supportive group for g/I/b/t/q Catholics and friends. Bishop VGSA members and friends at 135 Pearl for a drink or bev- astonishing’ teeming with a new of rhythm that pulsed and Booth Conference Center, Rock Point, Institute Road. FMI: etage, decide where to dine out, then leave around 7:30 for breathed with life” LA Times. Tickets are $24.50, $18.50 5555705 0' 553‘4435- d'""°'- and $16. Call Flynn box office at 85'F'-YNN BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal. A Spirited 3. MONTPELIER - Vermont Gay_ Men's chorus .- “A Vocal __ V _ I , 1 J _ Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Minority" in concert at the Unitarian Universalist Church, D 4 I 1' ’ Community. Rehearsals at Christ Church Presbyterian from Main Street, 8:00pm. Tickets at the door. FMI: call 802-633- I ‘ 5:00.-7:00pm on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are wel- 2389 or email _ , _ come! Love of singing only requirement for membership! WDDLEBURY ' Queer N‘9ht ' P”l'e'V 5°°'a' gathemg Next concert is Sunday, June11th @ 4:30pm in Burlington. ' every Thursday night at Mr. Ups. Everyone welcome. 8:00 FMI ca" peter Frechette 354-532-,-_ I S R D '| 3 pm until we all go home. FMI: Barb - or _ n _ _ I 388-8298. BURLINGTON -n Unita(;'i.a:i1| Univenrtsaiiislti Cirlele -I lgagnan n _ A _ PONUCK. F9"0W5 IP 3” im I9 ' 5-. °‘”s '9 a ‘ pi BERKSHIRE - Fried Green Tomatoes - May Party at Bev’s potluck at 6pm: film ‘‘l?rin0e~°«§ 3096" ai,6=3°Pm -_W“9°' in Berkshire, 1pm. We‘ll fly kites and do other Mayish 5 chair accessib|e.»Donations. First UU Society of Burlington, thin 3 so brin our ouuck dish and our a (huge for fun 152 P lSt (t fChurch Steet side door entrance) Info 9 ' g y p C H 3.31:3 7o3p7 937 OP 0 - - and frolic in the Spring breezes. a - . - _ - - 655-4378 BURL‘-NGTON - Oufnghf VermA°”mh Your Plaggmg BURLINGTON - Body Awareness Workshop for gay men 3 Commmee. M.eetmg 5'30'6‘45pm t osehw 0.3.? 0; hour experiential workshop will be led by Walter Zeichner under are mvned to ma.” Upcommgé O.utr.'g ‘t acm/tlhlesfin and is sponsored by the Men's Health Project, 1:00- evemsf Also please prmg any S” mlS.S'°ns or e Zine 8 4:00pm. For more information, contact Thomas at 800-649- Reaching Out. Free Pizza 2nd 8i 4th Fridays of the month. 2437 or tnnmnsn@Vtnnres_nrg. Location: XandO (Outright Vermont’s Youth Space) 109 S. BURLINGTON _ Cnam lain Vane Frnnnnnnners _ Fun Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. Entrance , nun Meet at 6.30 p mpin from 0); the Community Boat BURLINGTON _ Both Sides Now _ social/Discussion Group . . ’ ' ' ' ‘ . . t’ b‘ I ’ I/d’ ' ‘ll tat 35 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermeet - Peer See'e'/Supper Heuee at the “°°‘. ef Ceieee Street '" .Bui"“e*°"- VT ‘°' e X?n';".3.?.;i ;i°é.§‘i?i.3&1?!amoIf.°l‘§Z'f’n?a?i§’$”vl§lii?.‘§‘ Meetmg Friday Night Gr°”p at7:00'8:‘.30pm ' Free and con" fun run-of up to “V5 "mes along the Bmseway’ followed by at' http://www.angelfire.corn/vt/bothsidesnow/ or call 879- "*3 fidential & is open to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, dinner ata local eating place to be determined by the group. 11:47 questioning. and allied youth ages 22 & Under Location; For more information, or to be added to our mailing list, - XandO (Outright Vermont's Youth Space)109 S. Winooski please contact David Steinberg ST JOHNSBURY _ Vermont Gay Menvs chorus . "A vocal Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. Entrance d_m_steinber9@yah00-com (W00; 5'13-553-450:) °', Minority" in concert at the Unitarian Universalist Church, . . . Frank Haddleton 935"”“”e" 3° -°°m 9 ‘me: Cherry Street, 8pm. ‘Fckets at the door. FMI: call 802-633- :n':TrsBUF¥5enn\;GSA D'n'f:g out ‘ J°(£n\$rSA memtfif 302434-5052)- 2389 or email _ J this month's dinner out will be in Plattsburg, NY.‘ Contact HANOVER, NH - PFLAG - Meet Marc Adams, author of WESTMINSTER WEST _ Lesbian Group Hike_ A group of Randy or Travis at 863-3669 for details and more info. “The Preachers Son.” 7:00-9:00pm. . . lesbians from the Brattieboro area who like to hike] are ' . . ched I'n their first hike. We are hiking the Pinnace in ST JOHNSBURY ' V?"m°”t/:,ARES5'3E'rst :”g§gmHa'E5|3; is/Vestrtfilirlisgtjer West and meeting at the Pinnacle parking H°UF3°°la'9a”‘e""9 °'93Y “"9” ‘ pm’ ’ ' ‘ rea at11am. Please call Kristie at (802)257-7008 for more contact Rick 748-5849 or E D N -I O ianfo. BURLINGTON - VT CARES - Support Group for People 5 6 Living with HIV/AIDS Confidential, on-going’2nd and 4th Wednesdays, at CARES office, 5:30pm -7:00pm. FMI or to _ H _ ,, arrange transportation/child-care,‘ call Kara 863-2437 or -I 4 BURLINGTON - Flynn Theatre - Promnse lot aFl‘.ove Slong 800_649_2437 T A”l°3“'Ame”°a”i Appalachia“ and “e 0 man We . . . BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal at Christ Stories through drama and music. Performed by Junebug BURLINGTON — VGSA Biking. _Join V$SABm|emtt>ersnand Cnnrnn Prennytennn on the UVM Redstone Campus, Productions, Roadside Theater and Pregones Theater, friends for almcuntain biking trip on e uring on I e _ moo m. A” are welcome! Love of sin in only ‘ t f II M tat the Waterfront Park at 5009'" p 9 9 8:00pm. Tickets $23.50 and $17.50. Call Flynn at 86- Path with apicnic o o ow. ee 4 rnnnnrmnntformembership! Next come” is Sunday’ June Fl—YNN- . mm‘ F°' de‘e"eS °a" "°h" @ 654775 ' 11th @ 4:30pm in Burlington. FMI call Peter Frechette 864- ~" - New :em:e“‘ii..: §"‘.‘*‘t-F°‘§".£iis’2L"§l?.}f.5?i"E.“..Xl.Z?iZ‘9rei‘M’;33i’h’2; Conferencei “Building 3”“ P.'°‘°°"”9 . “' am" “‘’.'°” ° . . . . MONTPELIER - Vermont Gay Men's Chorus spring 10:00am - 4:00pm. Conference to recognize the~way we You Like? Order from New Victoria Publishers FMI. Lynda Connen at the Unnnnnn Univnrnnnst Church’ Main St. at construct our families and experiencelfamily. Workshops 802-295-1569. 8pm. addressing the many facets of thislsubliect will be preser_it- , _ ed. ranging from legal and legislative issues to social and Thursday 11 31'. JQHNSBURY . Mens Health Project Potluck at the personal topics. Students $7, individuals $15, families $25. I . Umtanan church,‘ comer of Eastern Ave 3. Cherry .,t,, Registration begins at 9I30am- At ‘he F’a”k"“ P'er°e Law MIDDLEBURY - Queer Night. Purely social gathering every 5:30pm. Bring a dish to share; every second Sunday after Center. FMI: call Susi 603 543 5554 0’ Jam‘ 603 627 2785 Thursday night at Mr. Ups. Everyone welcome. 8:00pm until Gay Men’s Chorus rehearsal. Contact Rick 748-9061 or Club _ we all go home. FMI: Barb - Rob 229-5754. -1,