Alternative 101: HOMEOPATHY BY HEATHER PEAKE Here’s some Latin you can pull out to amaze your family and friends: simila similibus curentur. Or in English, “let likes cure likes.” In either language, this is the guiding principal of homeopa- thy, a 200—year-old system of medicine that treats symptoms by prescribing tiny amounts of animal, plant, or mineral sub- stances that, taken in large enough doses, would cause the same symptoms in a healthy body, thus stimulating the body to put up a defense. What happens when you chop an onion? Your eyes water and your nose runs. Maybe you develop a sore throat or a cough. When the same symptoms occur and there’s no onion in sight, it’s probably an allergy. To treat an allergy homeopathically, you might take allium cepa, a derivative of red onion. In the- ory, at least, your symptoms will stop. Around --l 800, upon noting that the popular malaria reme- dy cinchona caused malaria- like symptoms when ingested by a healthy man, Samuel Hahnemann decided that the Greek physician Hippocrates’ 1,200-year-old dictum “like cures like” had been correct. Collecting a group of will- ing volunteers, the German physician began testing, or “proving,” a variety of com- pounds and making careful observations of the symptoms. These provings became the basis for the book that would Mara Vijups, MD Erin Rhoades, MD NMC RURAL HEALTH SERVICES Specializing in Family Practice Caring for patients of all ages 5 WA NT 0 N 868-2454 A L B U R G 797-4414 EN 0 S B U R G 933-5831 eventually become the bible of homeopathy, the Materia Medica. Much to his surprise, when Hahnemann began trying these substances on the sick, he found that the more diluted the substance, the more powerful thing put sugar pills. Because the dilutions retain no trace of the original substance, there is almost no way it could possi- bly have any effect on the human body. Most traditional- ists chalk homeopathy’s suc- cesses up to the placebo effect ed the 18th century. By mid- century, one in five American doctors were homeopathic practitioners, and dozens of schools were training physi- cians. h With the growing profes- sionalization of medicine and Homeopathy sees health as a state of freedom, where a person is physically mentally able to pursue his or her life as they choose. the healing results. He termed this “the Law of Potency.” Is Less More? When you look at a Vial of a homeopathic remedy, you will often see a notation like 6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, 30C or so on. This is an indication of its dilutionifactor. For instance, to begin" making a remedy, pro- ducers mix one drop of, say, a plant substance with 99 drops of alcohol and shaken vigor- ously. This makes a 1:100 ratio of 1C. But it doesn’t end there. If something at 1C is then mixed with another 99 drop of alcohol and shaken, this makes it 2C. By the time the product reach- es 3C, the dilution has reached one part in one million. To form pills, globules made of sugar and starches are coated withthe dilution and dried. Traditional doctofs scoff at the notion that these are any- or the illness simply having run its short, coinci- dence. Homeopathic practitioners point to studies that show their remedies to have a better rate of cure than placebos. Nor does the placebo effect explain the efficacy of remedies on infants or the unconscious. They claim 8 that their compounds retain a up “trace, memory” of the sub- stance, and that this faint imprint touches off a cure. It really isn’t as far—fetched as it sounds. What is vaccination, after all, but a highly diluted “strain of virus or bacteria that stimulates the body’s immune response? Hahnemann lived long enough to see his work become one of the most popular forms of medicine in Europe and the United States. People wel- comed the change from the harsh practices of bloodletting and purgatives that so dominat- the shift to a more mechanical and pharmacological view of the treatment of disease, home- opathy began to lose its footing in America. By the middle of the 1950s, all the schools were closed, and practitioners were hard_to come by. But within the last decade, Americans have begun to reex- amine Hahnemanr_i’s philoso- phies. According to the National - Center for Homeopathy, sales of homeo- pathic products surged from $170 million in 1995 to $400 million last year. Between the 1997 and 1998 flu seasons alone, sales of Oscillococ- cinum, remedy made from the liver of Barbary ducks, grew 40 percent. Good and Good For You 8 The attraction of homeopa- thy lies not only in its use of safe, gentle, natural remedies, but in its philosophy of healthy 8” Maayzooio Out’ in the Mountainsi. 25 health & wellbeing living. Traditional medicine looks to suppress or mask symptoms. To . the homeopath, symptoms represent the body’s attempt to cure itself. Remedies lean towards stimulating the body to heal itself more quickly. Conventional medicine often looks at heath as the absence of disease. Homeopathy sees health as a state of freedom, where a person is physically and mentally able to pursue his or her life as they chose. Homeopathic medicines are available without prescription, and can be found in almost any natural foods store. (They are also one of the few such prod- ucts that do not fall under‘FDA regulation, thanks to" a 1938 bill sponsored by a homeopath- ic physician—tumed-senator.) There are dozens of books and Web sites that can show you the proper way to choose your medicines. This can be tricky, as medicines have to be carefully matched to symp- toms; to the homeopath, all coughs are not the same. If you don’t want to go the do-it-your- self route, practitioners can be found through the National Center for Homeopathy’s Web site at The usual caveat: homeo- pathic medicine is safe for minor illnesses, but if you are suffering from injury or a potentially serious medical condition, you need to see a traditional doctor, and use homeopathy for supportive care. V