22 | Out in the Mountains |May 2000 I: ll 0 W continued from pg.21 destroy the earth and all its inhabitants. I have made a choice in my life not to devote my emotional and sexual life to a male partner. That’s what makes me a lesbian. That’s what has helped me to be self- loving in the midst of all this women—hatred. I am making the choice to let down some of those defenses against males I have had to develop in order to survive in a rampantly sexist world. What choice do I have, boys, except to do the very best I can to love you deeply, albeit imperfectly? You are brand new souls born at a time in my life when I felt intensely vulnerable. You will help to heal me since one of those tools I have learned (and it has taken 56 years to sink in) is that one heals quicker by help- ing others. It helps to feel needed. And when you’re old enough to read this, how close- ly we bond will be partly up to you. For sure you are going to hear messages from your eccentric grandmother that will contradict the messages you will be inundated with by the rest of society. For exam- ple, you will hear that you are of more worth than girls are. You are worth quite a lot, but not more than. You will be expected to feel smarter, stronger and way cooler than you may feel inside and will be advised not to admit you feel weak, scared and sad. You have my permission to admit to all your feelings - just ask for help when you go and act on them. I will also say things I shouldn’t - like, are you sure you want to go out for foot- ball? Why not try sewing? And undoubtedly you’ll be frustrated at Grandma’s house because she doesn’t have TV. As for the African- American side of you, we’ll be learning together on that one. I’m afraid I’m a rank beginner since I’ve never had a person of color in my family before. You’ll have a triple whammy to deal with — being Jewish, Black, and having a lesbian grandmother. How can I ever prepare you for that, except to teach you to detect the bullshit — providing I stay open to picking it up myself‘? So what would I want from you if I had my druthers, knowing full well I have no control over your journeys? That you would somehow be among those rare guys who “get it” - who get that domi- nating women is a drag and will prevent you from experi- encing your full humanity. Who get that being soft, nur- turing, ‘kind and gentle are huge blessings. If you do get it, I would hope more than anything you will teach your brothers any way you can through art, politics or just by being powers of example. And if you don’t‘ get it, then know I’ll be in the background rootin’ for you. I have much more patience than I had in the seventies, kids. Why, here it is 25 years later and men still rule the world, yet I’m com- mitting myself to two males. Twenty-five years ago I struggled to break a commit- ment to a man I loved at the .time because I knew I had to devote my life to women and couldn’t do that within the context of a heterosexual mar- riage. You may choose to be straight, gay, bi or trans. I can- not presume to know what will keep your hearts and minds aligned years from now, but I’m looking forward to hiking, biking, hanging out at the cabin with you, building huts and cooking. I’m game if you are. And when you’re old enough to talk, let’s get down. That’s the only way we’ll stay connected. I love you both with all my heart. Grandma Crow V RAINBOW CATTLE C0. BRITTLEBORO, VT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT DANCE TO LATEST CLUB MUSIC FRIDAY & SATURDAY LEVI-LEATHER LAST SATURDAY or EACH MONTH OPEN AT 8PM WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY * 940 Us RT. 5, BETWEEN EXITS 38.4 or? 1-91 subscribe HOW. 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