4 May 2000 I Out in the Mountains I19 ’ Cartoons by Leah Wlttemberg ,0 No HoT\¢Y. H35 h0+ ‘H19-\41'¢5+ 1 , - 3 Fvom 6.004 \[‘.br-¢d’|o\n5 *5 CL -.7 .1TE~BtQ(v cc) 3/3600 %- »—-— L T0‘ When 0 Dykes j Have Tykes Hone}/,Do you Hnink ‘the baby has Honey, I doh"r ‘mink was +0; Came for The baby L’ J c.Jl1*l'fI\)36K(>_@_£-loco in we old days n-‘pm confusion was when you had can-rzuauu. azggoof