8 Out in the Mountains ‘May 2000 Ode on 0 poetry contest Editor: I would like to congratulate Mountain Pride Media, Out in the Mountains, and the donors who made the April Poetry Contest possible. What a won- derful way to affirm and cele- brate the creativity of our com- munities. Congratulations as well to the winners, most of whom I had the pleasure of hearing read their poetry at the April 15 reading in Middlebury. This event was a perfect culmina- tion to the contest. The casual but classy setting and the deeply personal sharing ‘of the poets could only have been rivaled by the fabulous spring weather we were blessed with that day. Thanks to all who were a part, from a satisfied audience member (who is determined to get off her duff and be an active participant next year!). Carolyn Ashby Burlington Conspiracy rooted in power Editor: , I am a recovering religious "fundamentalist. ‘The recent I flurry of letters regarding civil unions‘ for non-heterosexual peoples-and the resulting edu- cation for. . many Vermonters exemplifies how far we can advance and desire toiend our love _affair with a conspiracy created early last century Treatment of peoples by methods that are in stark ‘con- trast with Christianity pre-date the twentieth century, but the IIIM, Pl In rm, ltlclinonl, Ill B5477-1078 or Ellltor@mnuntIlniirlilenIaIlII.ni-u out in the Mountains welcomes your letters. Although we will withhold names from printing upon request, the letter must be accompanied by a verifiable name and address in order to be considered for publication. space and clarity. policy stated in the masthead. efforts to sustain the sub-class- ing and cruelty against females and non-white Anglo Saxon males for the sake of domina- tion and greed might have been curtailed had it not been for the creation some 90 years ago of American religious fundamen- talism, the antithesis of Christianity and a mockery of Christians. This perversion operates much like the abuse of Scripture by slave owners to scare slaves into staying with their masters and convincing them they were slaves because their ancestors had sinned. Evangelicals were thoroughly infected “to keep them on the straight and narrow.” It is doubtful that many laypersons were aware of the program- ming. Judgmentalism is a common trait among the cult leaders. American fundamentalism is linked with big money, was designed to keep the wealth in the control of white Anglo Saxon males, and encourages harsh judgments against any perceived threats. Inductees are indoctrinated to view the world in only black-and-white; shades of gray only confuse matters. Non-members are controlled by Satanj adver- saries include secularists, Marxists, even members in,'the. pews‘ on the other side ofthe same church! ._~Followers are not encouraged to pursue intel- lectual inquiry or challenge rigidity. , A _ Freedom of religion? Or a social problem? How do they compare with the Afghan Taliban? Myth or fact: They induce charlatanism through- June through August, R.U.1.2? Community Center will be _., For six weeks this sponsoring a semester of classes, skill trainings and activities for the l/g/b/t and ally communities. We need volunteer instructors to donate up to 2 hours once a week to lead small groups in an activity of their choosing. We also are looking for donat- 2‘ ed space for these classes and activities to meet. Tuition for Summer Semester @ R.U.1.2? will be based on the participant's ability to pay, with all proceeds benefiting the community center project. Deadline 2)::-2' ;3rt»g+:ss:>wtas or idem: May 15 IIIIHNOTOK eousutnuy visitor‘ . I am interested in teaching or leading a class! I have an idea of a class I'd like to take or a skill I'd like to learn! 5 Ali iil2_<§§;-f3s$'¥'é0?§$ €fC=?’i5i£§€5t"§£§ rmoi eg:sm*e4séaé‘e4€.° www.rul2.orq .s is thecenter@rul2.orq. don at 860-1044 out the masses, even inside political circles, at the expense of Christian benefits. Matters to ponder, but this Easter sea- son let’s remember this: “Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they have done.” May Americans move forward with educating the indoctrinated by teaching them how to distinguish religious fundamentalism from Christianity, that they may be freed from the chains that bind, that the sins of the father need no be protected in the cloak of ignorance. Rev. William J. Tucker Rutland Right on ‘men Editor: Leah Wittenberg’s cartoon in your April 2000 edition was great. I cut it out of the paper and gave it to my parents who have it up on their refrigerator. Of course, my Mom thought it was much funnier than my Dad but we won’t get into that. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Leah’s work in future issues. Roland F. Palmer Hinesburg, Vermont Toke another look at ’focts’ Editor: I ' ~ 1 Vermont is currently facing a crisis and world damnation because of something called the civil union bill — a bill that would allow gays to “marry.” This is what people opposed to this idea are spreading around without clearly investigating the facts. The Catholic church has we reserve the right to edit for Letters are also subject to the editorial vocalized their “facts” with the Bible, stating that it’s ungodly to be homosexual. However, they are quick to change the subject when confronted with the fact that more and more Catholic priests are being accused of sexually molesting young boys and are inthe top percentage of people contract- ing AIDS. People state gays can change and it’s not like African Americans and women who can’t change who they are.‘ Actually, African Americans could bleach their skin and women could change their sex to obtain better payingjobs and less discrimination. But why should they become someone they’re not just to obtain equal- ity? People state that allowing this to pass will destroy tradi- tional marriage as we now know it. With a 50% divorce rate amongst heterosexual cou- ples, I would think they would welcome a non-traditional cou- ple who could change that sta- tistic for the better. People state that gays only want to force society to live their lifestyle. Isn’t that what the heterosexuals are doing to gays? , , . Tolerance and acceptance of diversity is taught at home. If those who are close-minded teach their kids to be close- minded, they’ll teach their kids,and so on, keeping hatred and discrimination alive for centuries to come. Is that what America is all about? Dean Pratt Burlington, VT A Most Health Conscious Food In Burlington... M-iv. Ive 4):. .2 'i.?u-:.rl»l-w'r;u;r.'1irv'' ; wiininir mun l;AT__ Yet People Insist that We Some the Best Food Too ll Giteat fctasts 'i.1‘o.1_n Tltail."-mrl, >Viet1ta.rn., Bt1rr1'ia, China, llnclonesia Five Space Cafe 175 Church St. Burlington 864-4045 Delivery through Mantis on the lvlovc - 863~I‘«ll3AL