ApHl2O Volunteer opportunitiesjvgilable at Call 434-6486 or email editor@mountainpridemedia.org Sat. Quiet, very spacious, comfortable, sunny, breezy apartments, with all amenities including linens. Deck, patio, garden. Parking for one car. A short walk to town and the bike trails. Close to beaches. Laundry on premises. Two bedroom unit sleeps 4 and studio sleeps 2. Full kitchens in both units. See our website - members.aol.com/ptowngetaway/, or’ call 617-864-1487 for more details. Sorry, no pets or smoking (06/00) V I have a unique opportunity for the right person to own a lovely lakefront home with a fully licensed country store and cafe on Beebe Lake in Hubbardton VT. 1.3 acres , 310 ft. lakefront ( won- derful swimming and boating). The building has 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, 572sq. ft. retail space, 12 seat cafe, deck overlooking Lake Beebe for din- ing, a real estate office and conference room. Very affordably priced. Call Rick at 863-452-5753 or e-mail at ramarc@stratonet.com (04/00) V Secluded log cabin retreat in the foothills of Camel’s Hump. Hiking, wildlife, woodstove, gaslights, cozy. $50 per night, $250 a week. Call Crow 655- 3766 for more information. (04/00) Cape Cod Vacation Cottage — adorable, immaculate, newly renovated 2-bedroom cottage for rent. On 1 acre on private dirt road, this sweetheart is 1 mile from bay beaches, 2 miles from ocean beaches and a 1mile to the bike trails. There is a full bath with tiled shower and We outdoor shower with small deck and outdoor BBQ and ham- mock. Fully equipped new kitchen with microwave, a comfortable living room and VCR and stereo make this a per- fect spot. $800 per week (less if longer stay). Call (631) 689-9456 (leave mes- sage) or e-mail mammacita@juno.com or fivefeet@ gateway.net. (06/00) V “Gannymede” Ethan Allen, RU Out there ? Lost Green Mtn Boy searching way home. GWM 49 open—minded native son, home birthed, home schooled, homebody. Naturist, affable, eclectic, friendship/relationship orient- ed. Seeking human love always. intimacy desired. Ecstasy better ! George 2 603-286-4257. Call “24-7". (04/00) GWSF sensitive, caring, romantic, play- ful, athletic, fun loving professional, seeking a joyful GWSF capable of inti- macy for friendship and possible rela- tionship. Prefer non-smokers and under 50. Write: Sharon, 139 Sherylstreet, ; Hurley, M12443 (04/oo) Too MUM-\ EMPHASIS o~‘n-iee—- You sum: You t>o~'1' wANT ANY ?IT's DELl(.tOUS_’ \/\/\/\- Buf THEN AC-rAnN,1’I"\ PR.Out> or= TH€ r>9.oeRzss1've MP«I>e..BeiNc, HEALTI-nah AND ALL, You \Y/ $1>rrLur. ...THA1' TOTALITY , THAT’: MY c.UlLIou5LY ELUSNE GoAL.... BEKK-e Lev ? ‘LP I. 621' INTO GRAD SC\-\oO\— THERE You’ LL coMe VVITH ME, WONTCHA ? THINK oi= wt BY WELL, OKAY..- You 3051 GONNA S|T ‘rm-:52; AND Drawn seek Au. N\GHT Lone? How MANY HAVE You HAD ACREADY ? ‘(ou'R€ 6-o~~A €ND up WITH A BEER BELLY rF'You'RE Nor . CAlL£FuL I O,ut-intthe =M.ountains-=«- 39 93!" BY ROBERT KIRBY OF coutzse, You'll; THE ‘rvee WHO worst-1 Go To seep uNru. You’Re LIKE, HS , u= EVEN ‘men. I I-\Ave To wean 0u1' THREE Trmes A WEEK To KEEP MY Bor>Y up TD BA9.et.Y~AveQuATe L€V£L.... . _ 2 . . _ .. p “' V \ ~ ' 4-. ‘ - T ' 11¢ So You Decibev ‘(ET ABOUT How coon. Tl-tAT'LL BE Foal You ‘lb HAVE A BOYFRIEND wrr-H A PHD.’ .3’. oH,ANv 1'iv\ SUP-E ‘(ou'|.t. HAVE OPPo6LTUNlTrE$ our mane As ‘ WELL LIKE , ur\.... You Iusr NEED To EAT. C’MON, TRUST ME... . "fax: '5 M@w @2000 51 Roaerlr lo~'-r (Nit How ‘ MucPl MONEY Tr-rev PAY Me, I Mean To 651' our oF P6RMA~Aw1'- Posirrorsl TEMP- wo HELL AND START REALl‘1.'NG MY ’ PoT'ENT1Al... .__ / -‘ /, E WAY, GREAT YQQ ’ tree. on ALL _~ Knlow WHAT, THE FED-E35 DREW, WHY DON'T You TAKE THE REST or THE AFTEK— NOON OFF? No- TH we MUcH LEFTTO Do TODAY. ”/ /i www.comicazec.com BY ROBERT Kinny Ti-muss HAVEN'T €>u\c1 or TURN- ED ouT THE w/w I'D ENVIS|ON- ED THE/V\ Fwe YEARS A60-... I WAS suPPoSeD To Be DOING LABELING E.‘ MAIL. OUT '\ ...Goo,He'5 Been DEAD FOR LIKE, seven YEAILS NON...I woiuoek IF HE KNows 1-HA1 I'M STILL. wILi1'rN6 AND THAT I F,~Au,\{ Pugusngp SHORT STORIES AND srui=F? Does He KNOW AB0UT?ME AND NATHAN ? DOES HE APPROVE . MAYBE wt-\EN You one You JUST PISA 1’- PEAP. AND n-iA-r'5 Tl-iAT....wHo i<~ows... MNIBE \1"s ALL THE €>Lci1'EMEN'r or NATHAN THESE PAST coupes OF Yemzs THA-r'5 I-IELFCD Me eve-r oi=F TAAr.i<....s1-u.u., I'M BOUND To HEAK FROM (Lug. or THOSE GRAD SCH oo\.$ SOON... ‘I. MAY ‘(ET END UP A co_u.ec—»€ PRoFEs$oP. SOMEDAY, ITUST LAKE or..’Mi‘rcr| . . . . . . —‘— V‘ \. // . A.1-‘r - «an»- Nil :n~n.u- - —:-' tau munr '-THIS e « new \ ...Bu'r A~Yw/W, I Sr-1our.D Be _LooKINe FORWARD. Nor BACK’ wmlvs .. I'LL eve-r ACCEPTED AT SAY, BEKKELGY, /we NA - THAN AND ]Z\NH—l— DITLHTH I5 Built-,~ Foe. cA:.u=oizNrA.wu-rake IT'S Ar-wAvs WAILM AND 11-tEM we cAN.-.. we'n.i. -‘,< plllllmllllfnl \\ \\\\ fl, )\,r\\\ :\ 3F Y was" 11' FR, M www.comicazee.com