well as other alternatively structured families. The camp is run by a collective of volunteers, is located in Newfield, NJ (1 hr from Phila), and serves families all over the country. General Camp is for children 9-12 Teen camp: 13-16 yr olds ClT Program (new -this year): 16-17 yr olds. Positions available: Camp Director: experience in mnning a camp or other summer program for children & teens. Experience with the LGBT com- munity. Tent Circle Leaders: Experience in supervising people, being part of a team, working with children & teens. General Tent Counselors: Experience working with children and being part of a team. Kitchen Staff: Experience cook- ing for large groups Boating Instructor Life Guard (American Red Cross certi- fied) Arts& Crafts Counselor Salary: Summer staff are considered volunteers but do receive a stipend of between $400 and $500 to help cover their expenses. FMI Please call Karen Miller (313-843-6854) or send request for applications to: mountainmeadow@yahoo.com (04/00): BIIUHIHIIWHIIBII V l’m a Canadian looking to live and work in the great state of Vermont, but I need your help. I have a strong back- ground in management and finance. l am computer literate, creative, and out- going. I'm interested in any challenging job with an employer willing to sponsor The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green... ETHAN GREEN'S HOUSE JUST GOT DEMOLISHED IN A FREAK TIDAL WAVE-MONSOON-DEADLY-EARTHOUAKL AFTER-SHOCK-KILLER-BEE INFESTATIOH. THINK OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP AS A HOUSE. TRUST IS THE FOUND- ATION. LOVE, THE KNICKNACKS ON THE SHELVES. COMMITMENT, THE BIG BANG 38 Out in the Mountains April 2000 a visa —- it's easier than it sounds. Excellent references. Please e-mail Trish: patriciajgil|@hotmail.com (04/00) V The Women Meeting Women Educational Assistance Award. Selection based on involvement in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community. Two equal awards will be given up to $500 each. The first award will go for a undergraduate program or similar program for high school gradu- ates or comparative GED applicants. The second award will be for graduate or continuing education for applicants who have already completed some type of undergraduate program. Eligibility Criteria: Applicant must: 1) be a lesbian, a bisexual female, or a woman identi- fied member of the transgender com- munity. 2) be between the ages of 18 and infinity 3) live in New Hampshire or Northem Massachusetts. 4) not be a current Women Meeting Women Steering committee member. Requirementszl) be eligible. 2) com- plete and submit the WMW educational Assistance Award application. (75% of score). 3) submit with application a copy of most recent transcript. 4) submit with application proof of acceptance to an education program. 5) submit with application a letter of recommendation attesting to the applicant's level of involvement in the GLBT community (25% of score).Deadline for Applications is May 31, 2000. To request application or have questions, Contact: Deborah E. Burch, WMW Educational Assistance Award, 16 First Avenue, Methuen MA 01844 Phone: (978) 683-1033 (05/00) services offered V Ronald L Wanamaker — Restoration Preservation Conservation General Renovation and Rehabilitation. We are a small construction company that spe- cializes in period homes one hundred years old and older. Call 802-865-6056 for more information. (04/00) V Ready to take the step into a Civil Union? May I be of assistance? For more info, call Glo Daley — minister Universal l.ife Church 802 434-3953 or email wehow|@juno.oom or write P.O. Box 305 Richmond, VT 05477 (04/00) DOII's$OlIel'eII V The Women's Business Center is pleased to announce a new series of free networking roundtables for small business owners. Sessions run from 6- 8pm at Trinity College of Vermont in Burlington and City Hall in Montpelier. The events will feature an hour-long presentation by guest speakers, fol- lowed by a question and answer period and time for networking with other small business owners. Call toll-free at 877- 770-VWBC to register or to get more information. (04/00) V Would you like to polish your work skills and feel better about what you do? Try Workplace Success! Workplace Success is an 8-week course that com- bines workplace- and personal life skills training to assist you in retaining your job and getting ahead in your career. Topics include how to give and receive feedback, problem solving, stress man- agement, time management, dealing with co-workers and supervisors, and balancing work with personal needs. On-going support group will follow com- pletion of course. For further informa- tion call Gloria or Amanda to inquire at 846-7163. (04/00) GIDUDS V Infertility Group. A time limited thera- py group is fonning this spring for women who are experiencing infertility. The focus of the group will be on gain- ing support, clarity and empowerment through sharing with others this power- ful and difficult experience. The group will be composed of 6-8 women and will run for 8 sessions. At the end of this period the group will open up for new members. Contact Patricia Jenkins MSW, LICSW at 413-584-2590 for more information and. an initial interview. 16 Center Street, Suite #503, Northampton MA 01060. (06/00) V Are you a person of color and inter- ested in attending the Millenium March on Washington on April 30"‘ ? Would you like to address cultural agendas ? Let's organize our community within the LGBTQA community of Vermont to pro- mote awareness and address our cul- tural concerns. Our objective is grass- roots action. For more information, please call J. at 244-6843 (04/00) Iivilmsimalions Walltell V Professional, responsible womans looking to rent a place on my own in Charlotte/Hinesburg or nearby area. Excellent references. 425-5436, ask for Tammie. ‘ uvmn Sllllalllllls liffereil V One Room Schoolhouse for Sale. Built in 1880 and restored lovingly in 1984overlooks Connecticut river and only 2 doors down from rabbit hill inn in Lower Waterford, Vermont for more info write to taf|ocks@jps.net or call 1-800- 483-8626 (04/00) V Summer Rental on Cape Cod. Provincelown Summer Getaway for rent. Two bedroom ($1200/wk) and stu- dio ($900/wk) available weekly, Sat- ...by Eric Orner METAPHORICALLY nun‘ IS, air war or A son SPOKEN ANNOUNCEMENT mom nous, EE‘I'll'S SWEET, HUNKV, COMMITMENTALLV- THEORY OF RELATION- SHIPS‘ DON'T FEEL TOO BAD THOUGH, BECAUSE HE HAS OFFERED THIS DAGGER TO THE HEART, THE ROOF OVERHEAD. ER, EXPLANATION: I LOVE You But I'M NOT FEELING Pl>~ssiogiATE ABOUT US ric-:H'r Now... ‘ 9 - TIRED GUY zawwzrw FRESH GUY Ehem. IF ACERTAIN ktrrv WANT: To Show in LN’ wovmsus Mmo BEFORE BIG RAN HERE AT ETHAN GREEN COMIX, WE REFER TO THIS PHENOMENON AS THE BIG BANG THEORY OF RELATIONSHIPS. WE'VE ASKED A FAMOUS SCIENTIST TO HELP EXPLAIN: J2 AFTER 3|(-1 BANG: r . . . n .. HAVING TROUBLE COMPREHENDING? AH WELL, DON'T DESPAIR, THE MVSTERIES OF THE HUMAN HEART AREN'T NECESSARILV FOR US TO 0>ul1Leeze wnxrnr To vecope? HE wmrrs ATl'oPH‘I WIFE. :l'us'r LIKE EVEN o'rHEI~ Thir-1'Y- PLvs-5oMEjrmN6 Mm.emo_r s'rr-Anenr INI-IABITING The ...by Eric 01-net ' THINK I'll. HEAD Lo ‘ over To ‘rile “EL-’ ? Illa Iil'lllI Elly TIIII Frllsll litlv _ _ _ __wh| n 1 mg J m... 1... an mm 2, Tlljnlllillystllltlllnks ma"ds:t:m gay;_ rgglmnflg: his cnrlllass nlmnu msn any as .:"§:J2!'::-’e 's""m”""'" ""'““”'”"’- FI'II8|I Bur‘: IIl'llII lluy knows something that WIFE“ "ill fresh lluy |lnasn't however, 8 it's this: ‘ Frslinass ain't for-avar. l www.s1'oneu.uTm.com or eoi-I-1enpB£Lt.l£-riir-.u:1’