April 2000: Out in--the=Mountains 37‘ lI2*Q:D OH, AND THIS AFTERNOON I FrrIALLy com/ntczo ANN NE)LT DOOK16 HAVE some or us FROM FRa=_r>oM-ro Mmzy come SPEAKTD -. ‘ er? nanny S'ROTAR‘/ CLUB" ARE LISTED IN THE 5ECTlDM ON "EXPANDING YOUR Elfin: For more information contact us at 802- 434-6486 (option 3) or intern@moun- tainpridemedia.org (04/00) V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out In the Mountains is looking for Regional Ad Sales Representatives to sell adver- tising in our paper and on our web site. We have immediate openings in Burlington, Montpelier, Rutland, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction, and more. if you are lookingfor flexible hours (min. 5 hours per week) and the ability to work from home this is a great opportunity for you. A monthly stipend plus commission is paid. For more infor- mation contact us at 802-434-6486 (option 3) or personnel@mountain- pridemedia.org (04/00) V Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out in The Mountains, has an immedi- ate opening for an Advertising Sales Manager. Manage our team of regional Ad Sales Reps and maintain our adver- tising database. Develop and imple- ment advertising campaigns and pro- motions. Coordinate and approve all contracts and ad copy materials. Excellent communication and organiza- tional skills needed as well as the ability to meet critical deadlines. This is a pan- time commissioned position. For more information contact us at 802-434-6486 (option 3) or personnel@mountain- pridemedia.org (04/00) V Are you stressed? Have no time for friends and family? Just making ends meet? Do you like_ to help others? Would you like to be healthier and hap- pier? Would you like to have more time and money? Be your own boss! Phenomenal growth industry needs you!,Don’t wait! This is a truly fantastic opportunity. Get involved now! You'll be glad you did. Info: Nancy 802-868-5015. E-mail nrh@together.net (05/00) Summer Jobs Available at Mountain Meadow Summer Camp (The kids com- munity with a feminist conscience) Mountain Meadow is a two-week sleep- over camp for children with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered parents as fiftfififif :- 5HlHl2‘!l'lfl|f\.llcEURT'£ETb "-57 r M, . .r \.,:.\'; l :- .. 7 "- . sueeesrl-:9 um», \ 5°”? MY 0Fr=rcrAr. DISCOUNT CARD. AND MY ‘rtcl<£1'1-o-me Mar .*l BR0oKscorv:erzr!Auo I fQf:_:"Dl2/>A|?'/;':l>D.S<1)4‘tz>PAT1Hc6Ay- _.__ EOOFH 'I' ‘ ' Ftzuue So EMF-oweaeg) M ' -. »:’ .:tl@'l’l"7.‘*.‘:;'~"-"'£ ,4. I _;-.a« °”-A55oLurer.y,I we ALREAD)’ ywow, >ourm~r< vouuzs sucu A BIG cAr., our ~/was T0 5TAGE’THlS DAMIWIHING WfTlI~ 7 THE COMMUNITY. Hay, 1745 Brown; MARCH ORGAN- MO, I'M Sotzky THE soot? OLD DA‘/S ARE GONE. WHEN EVERYONE SATAROUND PROC£S$lNG Fol: ‘/EARS BERJRE PU’FrrN6 UPA FLl£l'<‘. BUT DONT Ttzy. AND RUNTHIS Fol? ME! IIERS ARE «Hr»: ELI-rrsrf! -rl-rey'lu-: ‘THE orlss wHo DECIDED our Cousutrme We REST or-' Z / ' x ‘J is /, 1‘ If ' 1 C) I'M EXCITED ‘ ABOUTTHIS MARCH AND I'M GONG! \lt\ \\\ \\ \ -me USIJAL czruzrsr RESIME. our: GA‘//STRAIGHT ALLIANCE IS 1tz~/we're Ger ABUS1i>6o TOTHE MARCH AND t1’s LIKE we tfsmazruenrz -- I y., 9’ 14% ; -. ‘g \ =__. g a I §?.~‘..«fF”“Rrr§9i.. Bl/TMNSMARCH ON, wAsHruert>N?ARzm' - 2 >o0oonJ \ .nrt>N:y.' 1' ‘mover-tr ,-,.—_-, you WERE GONNA CI£AN ‘I74 emcucw ’