36 I Out in theMeuntains |Apri| 2000 Mixed Messages from Rogue Amazons Rogue Amazon CD Single Rogue Amazon Productions REVIEWED BY MAX STROUD The first impression of the CD Rogue Amazon comes from the cover art — strong beauti- ful black women. The muscular images of Juliet and Pamela Jones are images of women to be respected and reckoned with. In the liner notes, Pamela Jones describes how the idea for “rogue amazon” started with the dream of a ten-year-old Juliet who wanted to create an a capella jazz ensemble titled “Rogue Amazons Zealously Zinging.” This seed thought grew through collaboration and began to include the idea of combining formidable roles for peo- ple of color through art, raising social awareness and money for at—risk youth — culminating in their theme song “Rogue Amazon.” Rogue Amazon seems like it could become a perfect club hit for places where the Gay -and Lesbian crowds mingle. The words are empowering women, while the dance beat is strong and exciting. Unfortunately, a decision was made to put a second song on the CD single release. The sec- ond song is apt to turn ofi‘ both of the crowds that might be attracted to the first. The song is titled “I Need a Man” and has such empowering lines, such as “I need aiman. . .all of my cook- ing is going to waste.” The dance beats are monotonous and there are long stretches of this monotonous beat standing alone. The only redeeming quality of the second song is that Pamela Jones and Juliet did not write it. In the future, these women should work on creating their own music and sing songs that “rogue amazons” would be proud to sing. V On Saturday, June 10, cyclists from around New England and New York will get together in Vermont for Champ Ride 2000. This is Vermont CARES’ 2nd Annual Bike Ride to raise critically needed funds to continue prevention education and direct services for people living with, or at high risk of, HIV/AIDS. 4 - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -—-> The ride is a 10/25/50/100—mile ride. Everyone can participate, no matter what your cycling ability. This is a great event for both the novice and avid s‘ . bicyclists alike and a wonderful opportunity to get out V E R M O N T there and test yourself, while marveling at some of. Vermont's beautiful country landscape. 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---) "I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..I We hope you will help us make this annual ride a Send me more Information about tremendous success — either by participating in the ride Vermont CARES’ Champ Ride 2000 800.649.2437 itself, making a generous donation in support of other cyclists, or volunteering on the day of the event. I am interested in: CI Riding CI Building a team El Volunteering ‘' """""""""""""""""""""""" "" Name Help Vermont CARES celebrate its community and Address continue its commitment to stop the spread of H|V/AlDS. 0” BE A CHAMP DO THE RIDEI State - I '°“°“e E-Mail “‘ Clip and return to: Vermont CARES, PO Box 5248, Burlington, VT 05402 L..-_______.____._._________..________‘_I