April 2000 | Out in the Mountains I31 Kick Mp the Dust A Review of "Boys Don’t Cry" Directed by Kimberly Peirce Screenplay by Kimberly Peirce and /lndy Bienen. Starring Hilary Swank, Ghlo Sevigny, Peter Sarsgaard, and 3rendan Sexton In. 116 minutes, distributed by 30x Home Entertainment on ‘VHS and DVD. Available April 8 REVIEWED BY HUGH COYLE Is it an oxymoron to say that you loved a movie but didn’t like watching it? In the case of “Boys Don’t Cry,” audience members squirm and jerk about throughout the film; some even turn. away from the screen and shield their eyes. Yet nearly everyone leav- ing the theater offers up glowing reviews: Compelling. Amazing. Riveting. Masterful. Heart—wrenching. Gut- wrenching. , “Boys Don’t Cry” is based on the true—life story of Brandon Teena, a young transgendered person who was brutally murdered in Nebraska back in 1993. As audi- ence members, we follow the female Teena. Brandon as she becomes Brandon Teena, the handsome boy aching to have a shot at a new life in the world. In co-writing the script, director Kimberly Peirce undertook extensive research and interviewed many of the people who had known Brandon Teena. Much to her credit, “Boys Don’t Cry” doesn’t seek to analyze or explain Brandon’s transgendered nature. There are no transformational montage sequences culled from the family photo album, no home movies spliced together to document peculiar tendencies. Peirce intended to honor the “emotional truth” of Brandon’s life, which itself was constantly being fictionalized. “I think people are always emotionally truthful, even when they lie,” Peirce wrote in the film’s production notes. “The lies add texture to your understanding of the person telling them.” \‘.’ 5:: t-’‘:.I .r’.:: l/‘./ P‘ ,’//;/1 Qt £1: .34-:’