www.mountainpridemedia.org/events alendar.a r r SATURDAY 1 MIDDLEBURY - Open Queer Alliance and the Gender Studies House - Fetish Ball. 9:00pm at Middlebury College. Contact Amanda Perla 443-6801. MORRISVILLE - Fried Green Tomatoes Planning Session at Hilary's. Call MaryAnn to RSVP at 888-8806. Sunday -2 BURLINGTON - BiNet Brunch at Borders (look for us upstairs in the Balcony) 12:00 - 2:00 FMI: Nancy Ellen 864-4957 BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal - a Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. 5:00- 7:00pm at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are welcome! FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327. BURLINGTON - DignityNT - Celebration of the Eucharist and meeting. 4:00-6:00pm in the Chapel at the Bishop Booth Conference Center at Rock Point, Burlington. FMI: 658-4436 or 655-6706 or email Dignityverrnont@ao|.com. BURLINGTON - Unitarian Universalist Circle - Pagan Potluck Fellowship and Film Night. Fellowship at 5:30pm; potluck at 6pm; film “KruII" at 6:30pm. Wheel chair accessible. Donations. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St (top of Church Steel, side door entrance). into - 655-4378 Monday 3 BURLINGTON - VGSA - Movie Night. showing of "Priest". At the McClure Multigenerational Center. Contact Thom @ 655-6706 for more details. MIDDLEBURY - Sexual Violence Awareness Month - Basic Self-Defense for Women at Middlebury High, 6:30pm. Wear comfortable clothing and learn some great safetyskills from a state policewoman trained in self-defense. FMI: Call ACWIC 388-4205 RICHMOND - OITM Staff Meeting in our office above the Daily Bread Bakery. Everyone wel- come to join in the working meeting. If you want to get involved, this is a great place to start. 6:30-8:00pm. TUESDAY 4 STOWE — Community Forum on the Civil Union Bill. Sto'we Reps. Kathy Voyer. Dick Marron and Sen. Susan Bartlett will present. Also scheduled to speak are Rep. Tom Little and Sen. Dick Sears. 7:00 PM Memorial auditorium in Town Hall WEDNESDAY 5 BURLINGTON - Queer Visibility Week at UVM - “Pinknic" sponsored by Free to Be: GLBTA. Bring your own lunch, we'll serve sherbert. On the Bailey Howe Library Green on UVM's main campus. 11:30am-1:30pm. Questions? Call Free to Be at 656-0699. BURLINGTON - Peace and Justice Center - Telling the Truth: Our Stories as Politics. Mary Pottenger leads a community discussion on the role of storytelling and the user of theater as a tool for political change. Free. 7:00 -8:30pm BURLINGTON - Queer Visibility Week at UVM - Leslie Feinberg, author of Stone Butch Blues speaking at the Ira Allen Chapel at UVM, 7:30pm. The event is free and open to every- one. Questions? Call Free to Be at 656-0699 JEFFERSONVILLE - Vermont Gay Men's Chorus at the Cambridge Coffee House in the Smugg|er's Notch Inn at 8pm. THURSDAY 5 BURLINGTON - Queer Visibility Week at UVM - Coffeehouse and Queer Folk and Art night, featuring Kara Tondort and her fabulous music. Fireplace Lounge in the Living and Learning Center on UVM's east campus, 8:00-10:00pm. FMI Call Free to Be at 656-0699. HARDWICK - AWARE Sexual Violence Survivor's Group meeting. 7:00pm at the AWARE office. Call 472-6463 for directions and more information. Reimbursement for childcare is available. MIDDLEBURY - “orienting” Plays — a night of four student-written and -directed one-act plays about sex, politics and religion. 8:00pm at the Mitchell Green Lounge, Middlebury College. Free. Tickets required. Contact Lenna Cumberbatch 443-7358. MIDDLEBURY - Social Gathering at Mr. Ups. Everyone welcome. 8:00pm until we all go home. FMI: Barb - beegevt@aol.com or 388- 8298. MIDDLEBURY - Open Workshop by Vermont Poet, Susan Holahan, offering peer feedback, optional writing assignments. and a chance to meet other writers. llsley Public Library, 75 Main St. For more information, call David Weinstock at 802-388-7523 FRIDAY 7 BETHLEHEM, NH - Highlands Inn Spring Concert Series featuring Backflipannie, Lilith Fair finalists from Philadelphia. 1-877-LES-B- INN BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Meeting from 7:30-6:45pm at XandO (Outright Vermont's Youth Space) 109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. Entrance BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer Sociavsupport Meeting Friday Night Group, 7:00-8:30pm at XandO (Outright Vermont's Youth Space)109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Use Center St. Entrance BURLINGTON - VGSA - Dinner Out. Contact Randy or Travis by Thurs. 04-06 at 863-3669 for details and more info. HARDWICK - AWARE - Clothesline Project Workshop AWARE is sponsoring a Clothesline Project Workshop at the PATCH office in Flardwick at rprn. CaIl472-‘6463«for information. MONTPELIER" ’—' Northern New England Tradeswomen’s Conference April 7-9. For more intomtation, please call Northern New England Tradeswomen at 1-800-639-1472. 4 ST JOHNSBURY - VTCARES - Men's Health Project First Friday Happy Hour. 5:30pm. Contact Rick at 748-5849 or rwold@together.net _ SATURDAY 8 BARRE - Vermont Gay Men's Chorus - Habitat for Humanity Benefit at the Barre Opera House at 8:00pm. BURLINGTON - Flynn Theatre - Marty Pottenger: “City Water Tunnel #3". Obie Awared-winning theatrical tour-de-force about New York City's 64-mile long, 800 foot deep water tunnel. 8:00pm. Call box office on 863 5966 for ticket info. $20 and $16.50. SOUTH BURLINGTON - CRONES Poker Night at Al's. Bring your pennies, snacks and what you want to drink. You don't have to know how to play, just how to have fun. Call 863-4822 for time. SOUTH ROYALTON - Out in the Valley - Bar Night at the Crossroads bar, 8:00pm.. SUNDAY 9 BURLINGTON - Interweave Potluck for GLBT and friends. 12:30pm at the First Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl Street. Services are from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. FMI: John Byer at (802)644-2080 or http://homepages.togeth- er.net/~firstuul. BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal - a Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends 8. Members of the GLBT Community. 5:00- 7:00pm at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327. MIDDLEBURY - Sexual Violence Awareness Month - Clothesline Project at 1:00pm. See entry for 4/4 for more details. MONTPELIER - WOW Brunch and a Movie Matinee. Meet for brunch at J. Morgans (across from the Capitol Theater) at 11:00am, then take in the Sunday matinee of your choice. ST JOHNSBURY - Men's Health Project — Potluck. 5:30pm at the Unitarian Church, comer of Eastern Ave & Cherry St. Bring a dish to share; every second Sunday after Gay Men's Chorus rehearsal. Contact Rick 748-9061 or Rob 229-5754. MONDAY 10 HANOVER, NH ,- PFLAG - Workshop "Confronting Homophobia - Internal and External" by L. Levinger, Clinical Social Worker. Meet in Auditorium A at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, 7:00-9:00pm. WEDNESDAY 12 HARDIWCK - AWARE - “What Can I Do?" dis- cussion group for partners and loved ones of the victims of sexual violence. 7:00pm at the PATCH office. Call 472-6463 for more informa- tion. MIDDLEBURY - Sexual Violence Awareness Month - Take Back the Night Rally. Meet at Middlebury Green at 5:30pm. All community members who want to support the event are welcome. FMI: Call 388-4205 THURSDAY 13 BURLINGTON - Flynn Theatre - David Sedaris reads from a selection of his works and shares his marvelously skewed impression of our life and times. Time: 7:30pm Tickets $20 and $17. Call Flynn box office at 863 5966 for more infor- mation. HARDWICK - AWARE - Sexual Violence Survivor's Group Meeting, 7:00pm. Call 472- 6463 for directions and/or information. Reimbursement for childcare is available.-— KEENE, NH - Gay and Lesbian Issues for K-12 Counselors and Teachers: A Conversation with Kevin Jennings. 12:30-2:00pm at Keene State College Young Student Center, Madison Street Lounge. Please RSVP @ 358-2578 or e-mail kcangiaI@keene.edu. KEENE, NH - Workshop:Gay and Lesbian Issues for Prospective Teachers at the Keene State College Young Student Center, Mabel Brown Room from 3:00-4:30pm KEENE, NH - Presentation “Teaching Tolerance: Gay and Lesbian Issues in the K-12' School Community" by Kevin Jennings, Executive Director of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network (GLSEN). 7:00- 8:30pm at Keene State College, Young Student Center, Mabel Brown Room. For more informa- tion contact: Karen Cangialosi 358-2578, Patrice Strifert 358-2664 or Nancy Lory 358- 2310. MIDDLEBURY - Social Gathering at Mr. Ups. Everyone welcome. 8:00pm until we all go home. FMI: Barb - beegevt@aol.com or 388- 8298. MIDDLEBURY — Open Workshop with Vennont poet, Ian Pounds. llsley Public Library, 75 Main St. For more information, call David Weinstock at 802-388-7523 FRIDAY 14 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Meeting front 7:30-6:45pm at XandO 109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. Entrance BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer SociaVSupport Meeting Friday Night Group, 7:00-8:30pm at .XandO 109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. Entrance BURLINGTON - VGSA - Friday Sip&Dine Meet . up with VGSA members and friends at 135 Pearl for a drink or beverage, decide where to dine out, then leave around 7:30 for dinner. LYNDONVILLE - Dragapalooza 2000 hosted by Lyndon State College Gay Straight Alliance. Stannard Gym at Lyndon State College at 8:00pm. $2.00/$1.00 with a canned good .FMI: Iscgsa@hotma||.com April 2000 ) Out in the Mountains ',| 29 SATURDAY 15 BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2 Community-Supper at the Radisson Hotel. For information on, or to get tickets for, please contact RU12? co-chair Don Eggert at 860-1044, or email urbana@together.net. ELMORE - CRONES/Fried Green Tomatoes - Easter Eggstravaganze at Susan and Trina's at 1:00pm. Call 888-5196 for details. This is a potluck event. GRAFTON, NH - Out in the Valley Potluck and Discussion, 5:00pm at Kevin & Peter's. FMI call 603-523-7098. Middlebury - OITM Poetry Contest Winners’ Reading. 2 pm Chateau at Midlebury College. FMI: 434-6486 or editor@mountainprideme- dia.org SUNDAY 16 BURLINGTON - AIDS Ride Benefit Brunch at Pearl's, 11:00-2:00pm, hosted by girlfriends Max Stroud and Kendra Henson who will be rid- ing in the 2000 Boston to New York AIDS Ride. BURLINGTON - BiNet Brunch at 135 Pearl, 12- 2pm. FMI: Nancy Ellen 864-4957 BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal - a Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. 5:00- 7:00pm at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327. BURLINGTON - Unitarian Universalist Circle - Full Moon and Candlemas ritual, potluck and meeting Donations suggested. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl Street (top of Church Street, side door entrance). Info 655-4378 BURLINGTON - VGSA - Sunday Brunch (restaurant TBA). Contact Randy or Travis @ 863-3669. MONTPELIER - Men's Health Project Picnic. Join other men for a casual meal. 5:30pm.CalI _ Allison at 229-4560 for more information. ST ALBANS - 3rd Annual Pride Silent Auction to benefit Pride Vermont 2000 at JeIf’s Maine Seafood from 4-10 p.m. $10 at door. FMI:Robert Simpson - 985-3155 or Sarah Harrington - 482-2995. WEDNESDAY 19 BRISTOL - Sexual Violence Awareness Month - Basic Self Defense for Women at Howden Hall. 6:30pm. Call AWIC at 388-4205 FMI. BURLINGTON - BiNet Birthday Celebration 8pm at 135 Pearl in Burlington. FMI: call Max 863-3963 THURSDAY 20 Deadline for letters, classifieds, Community Compass, and calendar items for OITM May issue. MIDDLEBURY - Social Gathering at Mr. Ups. Everyone welcome. 8:00pm until we all go home. FMI: Barb - beegevt@aol.com or 388- 8298. MIDDLEBURY - Katherine Quinn Concert. 8:00pm in the Pearsons Lounge at Middlebury College. Contact Kpoene Koli-Bruce 443 6506. MIDDLEBURY — Open workshop with Vermont poet, Angela Patten. llsley Public Library, 75 Main St. For more information, caIl~David Weinstock at 802-388-7523 RUTLAND - Men's Health Project - Community Planning Meeting, 7:00pm. Contact David at 775-1546 or vtcares3@sover.net FRIDAY 21 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Meeting from 7:30-6:45pm at XandO (Outright Verrnont’s Youth Space) 109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Use Center St. Entrance BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer Social/Suppon Meeting Friday Night Group, 7:00-8:30pm at XandO (Outright Vermont's Youth Space)109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. To announce your event for 0ITM’s monthly calendar email [calendar@mountainpridemedia.or-g], or write [PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477] by the 20th of the month prior to publication. Use Center St. Entrance BURLINGTON - VGSA- Friday Sip&Dine. Meet up with VGSA members and friends at 135 Pearl for a drink ‘or beverage, decide where to dine out, then leave around 7:30 for dinner. SATURDAY 22 WALLINGFORD - April Showers Potluck for Men, 6pm. FMI 446-2607. SUNDAY 23 BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal - a Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. 5:00- 7:00pm at the Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327. THURSDAY 27 MIDDLEBURY - Social Gathering at Mr. Ups. Everyone welcome. 8:00pm until we all go home. FMI: Barb - beegevt@aol.com or 388- 8298. MIDDLEBURY - Screening of “Brandon Teena Story" at the Warner Hemicycle. Middlebury College. Contact Kevin Moss 443-5786. MIDDLEBURY — Open workshop with Vermont poet, Ted Scheu. llsley Public Library, 75 Main St. For more information, call David Weinstock at 802-388-7523. RICHMOND - OITM Stuffing at the OITM office above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Help get the paper ready for mailing out to our communi- ty while visiting with old friends or making new onesl The stuffing starts at-5:30 and lasts until we are finished (usually 2 to 3 hours). FMI: dis- tributionOmountainpridemediaorg or 434- 6486. VERGENNES - Sexual Violence Awareness Month - Basic Self Defense for Women at Vergennes High School, 6:30pm. Call AWIC at 388-4205 FMI. FRIDAY 28 BETHLEHEM,NH - Highlands Inn Spring Concert Series featuring Lynne Deeves from Maine, 1-877-LES-B-INN BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Meeting from 7:30-6:45pm at XandO 109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. Entrance BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. 7:00-8:30pm at XandO 109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Use Center St. Entrance BURLINGTON - VGSA - Friday Sip&Dine- meet up with VGSA members and friends at 135 Pearl for a drink or beverage, decide where to dine out, then leave around 7:30 for dinner. SATURDAY 29 MIDDLEBURY - Vermont State GSA Conference for high school and middle school students. 10:00am-4:00pm at Middlebury Union High School. FMI: Rebecca Reimers -382-1117 or syth2099@hotmail.com. NORWICH - Out in the Valley Spring Potluck and ACORN Fundraiser. 7:30pm at Dwight Sargent’s house. Suggested donation of $25 per person. FMI e-mail Daniel.G.Guertin @ Dartmouth.edu SUNDAY 30 BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal - a Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. 5:00- 7:00pm Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327. KILLINGTON - Men's Social Gathering at Toadstool Harry's front 3:00pm on into the evening. FMI: David 775-1546 or vtcares3@sover.net Due to space limitations some items have been edited or ommed. Please see au Web site calendar for full Information wwwmountainpridemedia. org