28 Out in the Mountains |April 2000 seounosau Alrunwwoo eeae auowuan 40 KJ01oaJID 9ATlTUI46D S.w1I0 8.'.‘iF°’...io.’.‘tt.'lz'i.'§..§i'i5-t‘i‘I'e.‘.‘rt'. Mike or Don ' eso-1044 ' PO Box 5883 Burlington. vi 0540241209 12 O ‘l. hamgilatlrii Matte hwtgfitunnefi gay n esb a running clu David Stelnberg (518) 5634307 Frank i-laddleton (802) 434-6062 _ _ t ' be 0 . in chiltern thnhtihtatii tfttitico \ Bob Bland, (888)831-3100, bl d6 . t Cihndy Cslirrvieelrifhg, (802) 429-2308 Gay/Bi Mwe’rt’°smh'3'a tmfnttroup Brattleboro. FMl:Jonatlian (802)258-2893 . or Mich ( ) 254 Green Mounta nafifeefilfil Band Attiliated wl Lesbian and Gay Bands oi America ' FM): Michelle "Mild" Thomas POB 5322, Burlington, VT 05402-5322 Ct 111 .net _ Lavendergfisiol MWUWUM, Inc. eoeaorsiiiensvrosrra-5492739 .t r.netl- Poetry Mdttrsttops - wlittitlebury Da‘ _lN igstock, 3ae752a The Samaithi Singers A Sacred Music Chorale tor the GLBT Commu ‘ ' Burl‘ on. 864-5327 Theatre on a '§'tioestr rig POB 1012, Burlington VT 05402 (888) 212-5884 ‘ ‘nlofltheatrestioeoom Vermont fi§ °0horus 1-800-750-8434 ' tax: (802)633-2389 Visible iii"il’é’i‘ntr‘i°r'i°i"Wi‘i°'s (VIVA) WomenIbPt§i1s30t%lt'i"%"o‘i(T ‘8'r‘5i'r'§m Putney. FMI: Tatiana, (802) 387-2781, or tmlanasfisovennet Pi!i§iEi§qlet|i'irork of Vermont POB 8124, Burlington, VT 05602 ' 229 0112 (Kim Ward). 865-2605 (lhricent), or 864-4957 (Nancy Ellen) ' _ Biwa ‘ rscaoicom Both Sides ow (sooiavdiscussion group) lItp1/wwwangeltire, crisis BatteredPWr‘i7m"0di't%M§Vrtr.i‘r7i£t:3e§s8,8't2it)0. POB 828, Montpelier VT 05601 _ 24 Hfiurijotline: 223-6855 urlingltqn 0 ice De flftllbellj omm nity Based Po ice fticer _ ieutenant Bill Law -5 {+7658 Clarina I-ltoward Nichahts enter Womensdorriestidsexiialviolericeshelter PO Box 517, Morrisville, VT 05661 Hotline: (802)888-5256 Business: (802 888-2584 ame-Sex_ Domestic Violence ubcommittee - 31 Elmwood Ave B rlin ton, VT05401 Take Bac the Trails Local Contact: Mel (603)543-1700 www. nr:eton.edri/-rcgrtis/aeetrail.html Vermont N thork Agahn t n Domestic iolence exual Assault www.vnadvsa.together.com 24-hour hotlines: Domestic Violence 1-8002287395 , Se ual Assa r1-300439-7273 Women s risis enter Poememmebomwoeariz-257-7354 4 Ho_ur Ho line: 254-69 Women ltelping attereirwomen 1535, rlingtopVl' '658-1996 Women’sP(EapeB0risis enter AWARE (Pri’i’3d”trBi"W3"n‘1ii°rt“l2ri e and Rape Emergencies) PO Box 307, Hardwick, VT 05843 24 Hotline: 802-472-6463 gee Healthsource >> Update your group’s listing at source@mountainpridemedia.org hit?-‘fign civil Liberties Union 110 E. State St, MontpelierVT 05602 223}6304 ' aclxflaolcom mm fig!/Lesbrtfl:‘i’rWits°esiruat tfegat ociation do Blackwood and Kraynak ' POB 875 ~ udington ' 2517 _ _ Vennorit fiuman 133 State St, Montpelier VT 056336301 (802) 828-2480 or (800) 416-2010 MIVS L10: Us (newsletter) do Bran Daugherty NH AIDS Foundation 1087 Elm St. #501, PCB 59 Manchester, NH 03105 91122 ' briannhatoaolcom Hear Us ml Mountaififimflmcém Publisher of Out in the Mountains POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477 www.mountainpridemedia.org (website) _ mpm mountaingridemediaorg(emaii) out in the oimlarns POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477 802-1340lTM (6486) tax 802-434-7046 editorflmountainpridemediaorg (email) “B _ wm.mountainpridfimedia.org(wwfie) POB 807, Potsdam, NY 13676 . _ 15 ' wiivw. t Reaching “mm vim fiipéi" POB 5235. 0urlington VT 05402 865-96 '_0 right @aol.com _ The Vennont ainttow onnection (TV program) do lavender visions piothctiors, POB 307 St Aliars VT 05178 lavenderétogettieitnet flriqiire Bears NewErUarI1a't1&nlxs&NewYor‘l( Gay and p Bennington County and area FMl: Daniel, 447-8007; amazurésovemet. Gay Fathers Support Group 50N|ec‘iarI'cSt. P1151001. W058!-R317 Gay Menqgb lttt&itti3l9 Group 13:52 Keene GayM4§n’s Support Group _( )639-7903'Keene,NH Men Aliiigto POB 423, BurlingtonVT054021 _ MGM (M°a°iitt$7 Gay Men) 860-1810 Minotaurs Brotherhood club (Leather& Levis Club) ' F08 2141 Concord. NH 03302-2141 ' rBCO .oom - 9059 Monadnoctt ttay Wen POB 1124, Keene NH 03431 (603) 357-5544 ' MonadGayOaol.com h 1/ .aol.comlmonadga I one in Teh Wt etsit V goup. Claremont, NH _ rian. aooeaemos Radical Faeries Yolanda, POB 812. Burlington VT 05402 Gabriel, PCB 224, Brattleboro VT 05302 (figyzséhtttal Alternatives POB 237, Burlington VT 054020237 865-3734 ' vtvgsaflaolcom ' www.VGSAcom Asian, GIIVB merican ommunity rogram 8 \Mlliston St., Brattleboro VT 05301 254-2972 Kwanzaa - , Burlin ri VT 054020583 5 Women :13 Go or A iance POB 1534, Burlington VT 05402 (802) 6600606 HILA TH BOPIES amara oundation PO Box 541, Hinesburg, VT 05461 Bill Lippert. 8606236 samara@togethei.net POLlTI AL Brattleborg Area Gays & Lesbians POB 875, Brattleboro VT 05302 2 -5947 Gay Info l5.tne of NH 26 So. Main St, Box 18 Nashua NH 03301‘ (603) 224-1686 423-3 Amherst St. Suite 113 N hua, 03063'Gi|(603) 1-9522 fsigfitxhew Hamps ire POB 730, Concord NH 03302 (603)224-1686 ONE iNH@_ao|.co Peace and fiustice tlnenter 21 Church St, Burlington VT 05401 _ 863-8326 _ Pride Vermont committee POB 5113, Burlington VT 05402-5113 864-3455 ' vtpride@hotmaii.com ' http'l/www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/ Paradd9660lindex.htrnl Ii esbian L’.‘itt'ii’£‘i till; i§"illr!l3rEiii POB 1125, Montpelier VT 05602 8888254989 ‘ Uasore to the goverrment: Wginia Renlrew, 4964333 itti G lant, 4 xerpion Klgreefitom thqfiarry Gtloll ommittee Lobbying organization tor equal marriage rights ' PO Box 1038, Middlebury VT 05753 802-388-2633 into flvtrnarrlageactionorg ea Vermont 'li’l'e"ii"ri8i“i‘i ttiiotltgrry Task Force POB 1312, Middlebury VT 05753 coord@vt1reetomarry.org www.vtfreetomairy.org ' 802-388-2633 Regional coordinators: Bennington County Rosemarie Petletier, roeepdlflswernet Chittenden County cocoordinators: Erika Nestor, enester@zoo.uvm.adu Mark Larson, marid@together.net Katie Antos, kanios@smcvtedu Franklin County: Joy Griffith, joyDG@ao|.corn Grand Isle County: Sherry Corbin, outwoods@together.net Orleans Countyr. Mark Wolette, rnov@together.net Rutland Countyr. Jeanne Hand-Boniakowski, ieanneeflsovernet Vifindham County: Bari Sharnas, vtmttflsovennet Orange County Dee Rollins, vermontrc@ao|.com Vihndsor County: Diana Albanese, a|bandj@aol.com Washington County. Chuck Kletecka, chuckk@scver.net l’i'iP:’rFri°i§£‘.lil.li%esi Mary Alice Schatzle, 7634835. maschatz@us.ibm.com ‘ Jim Leaveris, 769-4413, Jleavens@us.ibm.oom eaglebtv@us.ibm.com y. ibrn. G|.E/eaglahtml ELEAM (Eay es I n mployees at idd e ury) contact: Carrie Rampp phone: 802-443-2451 email: ramppomiddleburyedu www.middlebury.edu/-gleam Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of a /Le hwy mi ht ducat fiehrroiir 15%; em_ V0550 ltainbowP8‘ti§ttlel‘s's°yAs§0t:4t5att5;ii , u ington %i35“‘a°‘,“"“”“t1“ti“5to2’ ' B 7' BA @aol.com lalfialljmleti-rtfgfiefisih ‘educators Bill Cavanaugh, 645-9630 ' POB 156 West Pawiet VT 05775 001 _ ~ iggggti ;;iiii.ii.i::r=i... lIlai