health source EALANA Health care lorganization POB 357. 179 s. Winooski St, Burlington VT 05401 ' 864-2631/864-2632 :Alcoholics Anonymous eImgmess4221'Poe5ea3 BuIngImvTo54c2-nuvpn StR!J'sGI'Ied‘ci.ChenyS oamumaoasuaoo Wii7130lrn. necmgegaiumloudl N.lVla'n&Vlb§1'ngmS. l-lI!IaIHM'tTlIu§rh;s,611xIn, oamumlacrmdwedcalcaner llvomenaty Keme,M-l.(6(X3)3574(I)0‘ saI7ssopnI.caIarIoaaIIxI. IlIflIdIesfiIlHSI.ndaye.71I)prn UUChuI:h,669U'Iicn& IIIasIuI;ArI,Irxxms.7:aqorn l\bstIuaLlr1taIia1CtIudI §The comprehensive Women’s :Program (CWP) : Poe524a,eumgIono54o2 - ao2~aw2437aeooe492437 gnawnlanrl center (Native ;American) POB1358,BaneSt,lVcrtpeIeI'VT(£6I)1 2290601 Eflepatitis Support Group vAHospIaIIA/nIaeI/erJI1.vT MaIyChaIl3eFlN‘&2-2965191 hepoanaIy@harmloorn Lesbian cancer Support group eeoeaee en’s Health Project PCX35248.Buhgo'I054CQ R2-333243‘/'or&)06492437 orth Star Holistic Health care RR2eo<3255,IrmsIIevro5esI - amass ;Tribal Remedies (ALANA community iorganizationj I BWfim,BIalIleboIoVT053(Tl : 254.2972 {Twin State Women’s.Network PQ33.CavmcHIVT(l5142O0(I3 22e7ao7*I/argocolmrmnet \IIIIIIIIIt‘laIImtxll1.etiI/—hiI/rlet/orgs/Imi _____.z____-..g_____-_____ April 2000 I Out in the Mountains I27 Same great site- Great new name- Change your bookmarks- Don't be left behind- BOB GREEN M.A. LICENSED CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR South Burlington (802) 658-2390 (800) 830-5025 Individuals and Couples VT Dept. ot Health, Dfliee Minority AIDS community Resource ammmsim Heath Network (AcoltN) Franklin/Iiranrl Isle AIDS Task Ioaamysteoememglm 578l-hlhd.lMieFiIa'.hVl'(H)01 Fm.“ VTIB-1(2‘$}7273 er22s5e777eI> Kaaamsmm . ‘é°";'°"‘ w‘"“‘'‘’5 "93"" A|g’;"s@e"d°’"ic'aes M the National Assoc. for People with en er c711ZI/(Tl'Y)&)t)-8501$/ hxza‘/-2013 VT Dept. of Health AIDS Program 1oeoIenys,I=oe7o,auIngmos4<2 eanz-15 Vermont People with AIDS coalition I=oe11,Irmpaavroaeo1-2295254 or&)0&9VTPWA'vpIIa:@soIeaIa wMIIIswerrIa’~I4weo’ Washington county AIDS Network m«a22945eo ST. ALDANS llelrert Ielalo, M.D. 524-3553 2 crest ltearl 8t. Alhans, VT 05478 ST. JIIHNSDIIRY comprehenslve care cllnlc 748-7478 Northeast Vermont Ilenlonal Hospltal Hosnltal Drlve st. Johnslrury, VT 05813 WINDSOR leahy Hltchcoek cllnlc 874-2133