26 Out in the Mountains A ril 2000 moms; 802/5249595 FAX: 802/524-2867 NORTHEAST DIVISION Carol Thayer, MD Kerri Ashling, MD 9- , PO Box 1160, RD2 - Fairfax, vr 05454 Alternative 101: REFLEXDLDGY BY HEATHER PEAKE t sounds kind of kinky — sitting around playing with your feet — but that is what the massage therapy known as reflexology amounts to. In fact, reflexologists say that happy feet may be the key to lifelong health. In the zone Here’s the theory: the body is divided into 10 zones run- ning the length of the body, five zones on each half of the body, exiting through the fin- gers and toes. Certain points on the hands and feet are sup- posed to correspond to organs, muscles and nerves within each zone. The therapeutic‘ effect comes with pressure is put on these points. Even practitioners aren’t sure exactly how it works. Some think it follows the same principle as acupressure, breaking up blockages in the vital “life force” the body needs to keep in balance. Others think it may have a‘[ detoxifying effect, breaking up crystals of uric acid that settle in the. feet. Still_ others think it may simply :release ‘endor- phins, * the body’s natural painkiller. . ‘ V _‘ While, forms of reflexology have been .practi_ced for_ many centuries, the modern science ' "got its start in the-'early"1-900s. Dr. William Fitzgerald devel- oped the ,concepts. of 10 “zones.” ' I A 2:7 _ In the l,930s_',_”nurse Euriice Ingharn refined. Fitzg',erald’s theories into- a system of “reflex points.” At first, she used it only to relieve pain, but later found that it had even more therapeutic uses. Ingram was the first to “map” the feet, and she published the first reflexology book in 1938. Today, it is one of the more popular forms of alternative medicine, with more than 25,000 practitioners world- wide, it’s and used by reflexol- ogists, podiatrists, massage therapists and chiropractors in their treatment programs. Proponents believe this therapy can alleviate a wide variety of stress-related illness- es, including headaches, irrita- ble bowel syndrome, asthma and PMS, as well as chronic conditions such as arthritis and sciatica. It is also sometimes used to relieve the symptoms of neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis. Love thee, love thy appendages g Some treatments you can do yourself. For example, _f1rmly_ ',mas_sa'gi'ng‘ the web/_' of ’ sl§'i'r1“"' ‘betwlceenl the :'thurnb and index-' 'i.t-‘i-iigierfoit “ ' time can help relieve a tension headache. _ , A M _ V Tor ’a11erg'ies' ‘oi §m_us,‘,_prfob- lems, ge_t.yourself a..,golf ball. Hold it between your‘ hands, locking ' your fingers "together. Roll the ball back andgforth, concentrating on the; area just below the thumbs. You can do this for-I15 ‘to’ 30 sec”onds,—"fol- lowed by 15 to 30 seconds rest, up to 5 minuteslat aftime, 3 to 4 times a day. You might also‘ want to check out the wide variety of foot massagers and therapeutic “ii (802) 586-7793 Maryanne Southam Doctor of Oriental Medecine Licensed Acupuncturist (NM #496) Chinese Herbalist Licensed Massage Therapist (NM #384) P.O. Box 52 Craftsbury, VT 05826 Op-:51‘; M«;>n- So? i 0- (5 Vitamin Connection , Offers the Best elections .vItamInConnocIlon.onm ...va§cular or magnetic shoe inserts now on the market. Most of these products work to relieve stress, and can be purchased for under $30. Treat your feet For more serious problems, you will want the services of a reflexologist. Sessions last from 30 minutes to an hour, once a week initially, then less frequently as your condition improves. Sessions generally begin with a foot massage. Then the practitioner will begin putting pressure on the area corre- sponding to your particular problem. No scary needles or I strange-looking instruments are involved, but sometimes pressure may be applied with a rubber ball. As with most alternative health care, there is no stan- dard certification for practi- tioners. Reflexology is considered safeflfor most people, but if yog have serious”, foot problems or €- before beginning‘ treatment. If you are p’regnari_t, Ltahlkwto both your obstetrician and reflexol- ogist;' stimulation of the feet could caus_e,,_uterine contrac- tions. ' T‘ Like all alternative thera- pies, reflexology is a supple- ment, not a substitute, for reg- ular medical care. See’ your doctor for initial diagnosis; of medical problems and for any new symptoms that develop. V healing touch hypnosis meditation interactive imagery JACKIE LEVIN, RN, MS clinical nurse specialist in holisitic nursing integrates mind-body modalities into your current plan of care enhancing health, healing and well-being. 802-660-8345 home, hospital, office visits STRESS REL