22 Outiin the-Mo»untains. April 2000: — Forest Entomology These and still more—15 separate orders, and her professor wants them labeled, positioned taxonomically, winged insects pinned so that one wing folds up, one fans out, the bloodless veins like fissures on their tissue. She bends to her collection, commander of an army of corpses, Latin names typed in 4 point font, like paper stones beneath bodies that hover an inch from the board, suspended in a black vinyl case that says “Fragile———Insects—This side up.” On her dresser, the vials of glycerol mingle with a picture of her mother, 20 years younger and grinning. The glass tubes contain larvae, floating in the poison, unsmiling, motionless, bug eyes popping from their wet forrnless heads. Beneath them, her folded clothes, still moist from the dryer, breathe their dampness into the wood. ' ' I wake up at one am and she’s still at it, sticking those crispy specimans in place, a ghostly phalanx, their shadows thrown across the box by the light at the foot of our bed. Her eyes through her glasses are intent on those miniscule anatomies. I imagine she is mentally listing the parts—thorax, metathorax, mandible, tarsus, memorizing each joint and limb. The killing jar idles in her bag, buried beneath ziplocks, books, used hankies, loose change. This is too much like a dream. My foot breaks free of theblankets and rubs the skin at the small of her back. She raises her head, discovers my eyes, open, cloudy, sticky with sleep, She lowersa hardened beetle and closes the box. She puts it aside. She turns out the light. The room shrinks to a darkened corner. I take a breath, let my chest deflate; it settles into my ribs. She shifts her hips, and I sense her face drift into the space above me, ‘hear the faint high—pitched whistle of her breath as it circulates through her body, her lungs, the moist cartilagenous tubes in her chest. She lowers her head. Her eyelashes flutter against my cheeks. I slip my arms around her chest and drag her down. Cathy Resmer You’re Invited to the presentation of awards and winners’ readings. April 15 at 2 pm Chateau at Middlebury College editor@mountainpridemedia.arg or 434-6486 From Our Judges Sex is not sex alone, till friend or lover, wife, or sudden girl triggers the hammer always on a poise for love to gush and trigger the whole man sex is not love; or till a book or poem or music turns the key or class ' platonic surface rippling underneath with currents never spent except in violent spurtings of ideas sex is not love; or till the traveling pen knits on a notebook’s narrow page the weft of language from the unseen skein collected, stored in the complex machine sex is not love: inseparable pair unsatisfied with singleness sex feeds out love, requires a second base friend, lover, wife, girl class, book, poem, a means . twist by untwisting, wind unwinding, to bring the inside out, the outside in, liberate with chains, creating worlds in worlds, each centered in the center of the man whose epicenter travels naturally as wind or sunshine starlight or summer rain refreshing the parched landscape of his life , with lavish grants of love whose wonder is ~ the sooner given, sooner stored to give Lyle Glazier I Istanbul Hitit Pension Tues. Apr. 28, 1970 Outside the Key (for Clutch) The duller players dribble in and under the net, but not number 10, the thin wisp of glory who stands outside the key and shoots three—pointers as easy as kids spitting seeds from their watermelon. There,s that joy they share: heads tilted back to follow the long—arced trajectory, the satisfied grin on the hit. At his last basket the crowd stands and shouts “Swish,” both his trademark and nickname, not so much for the net, still shivering from the touch of the ball, but for a shyness he doesn’t explain in the showers and locker room, his avoidance of post»basket butt—slapping and courtside pats on the back. After the win, after the last stinging towel has unraveled in the changing room, I number 10 breaks away from the team to celebrate. In a rented room, his boyfriend watches him lift on his toes, left arm extended to mimic the clincher. The replay complete, he stands there all naked and smiles. His lover makes a hoop with his arms, an empty embrace his star player deftly steps forward to fill. Hugh Coyle