10 Out in the Mountains April 2000 Letters continued from page 8 whom can proudly say that OutRight help mold me into a proud adult. My partner and I will be making the trek to Washington DC to march for equal rights in April. Like many others, marriage is of importance to us. I hope to find and see friends and former neighbors when we get there. I’ll be a constant reader now. Jerimie J Monahan Chicago, IL Raise the Minimum Wage Editor: Fair-minded Vermonters (and legislators) should sup- port the Livable Wage‘ Bill (H.837). Nobody who works full time should live in poverty. A ‘livable wage’ is simply nec- essary for basic needs. Twice now I’ve listened to struggling workers testify at the state- house, like a mom whose teenager makes more at McDonald’s than she does as a teacher’s aide. When employ- ers won’t pay livable wages, taxpayers then foot the bill for food stamps, health care, heat- ing assistance, child care, etc. Many businesses claim they can’t pay more and still oper- ate. But are jobs really worth- while if profit comes from impoverishing workers? The Legislature’s Livable Wage Study found that minimum could easily be increased to $7.00, but business interests lobby, arguing that minimum is for entry-level workers. Two thirds of those earning under $6.50 are over 30 years old. They’re not teenagers living at home. 60,000 Vermont families do not earn enough to get by. H.837 would increase the minimum to $6.25 (still not enough), and increase the Vermont Earned Income Tax Credit from 25% to 32%. Please‘, let your legislators know you support this bill, and urge them to go further. lt’s an economic boom, remember? If not now, when? Dawn Stanger Teamsters Local 597 Underhill, VT Towns continued from page 6 Although two dozen or more pink stickers were scattered throughout the crowd, there was no discussion of the issue and no votes. The only mention of same- gender marriage came when one selectman encouraged the crowd to complete the Doyle poll the following day, as it might be the only opportunity for most folks to air their views on the matter. He announced 8 that the Middlebury results of the poll would be tabulated before sending the surveys back to Sen. Doyle. (Those taking the survey the next day opposed same-gender marriage by a small margin, extra day to not miss anything! or email: GOLDENTFlED@aol.com opposed a constitutional amendment banning it, opposed inaction, on the issue and supported domestic part- nership.) Newport area Rep. Forest Buckland dis- tributed a flyer at all meetings. It suggested all constituents contact their representatives and ask whether they thought supporting the bill was “worth losing his job this November.” It also asked voters to inquire whether reps thought the Supreme Court should be impeached for separation of powers and whether they.sup- ported a constitutional amend- ment defining marriage as het- GOLDEN THREADS’ 814th Annual Celebration at the Provincetown lnn, Provincetown, Massachusetts is: .lIIII-E Z2-Z5tII, ZIIIIII esbiansfrom around the world converge at the Inn to focus on the Joy of being Lesbia We make friends. play, dance, laugh and share who we are.This is our weekend of empo -errnent. Thurs: Jamie Anderson (our very own oddes withlhumor&oompassion. Friday: Bring your drum foran Ubaka Hill performance supreme! Sal: Robin Tyler presents Comedy, Comedian & Comics for your education! Workshops: Belly dancing, lesbian lawyer, Hypnotist: Past Lives, writer/writing, spiritual director, the sex-toy lady & more, Plus Line Dancing with Mickie! Crafts tables are availabl for vendors. Singles are “honored” with special activities to meet singles BEFORE" the banquet on Sat. Nite! The Great Banquet, Saturday Night is led by our favorite: DJ Mary V. (This year’s closing ritual will be a surprise event that will make an indelible mark in the herstory of GOLDEN THREADS ll) So you might want to stay an SASE to: GOLDEN THREADS P. O. Box 65 Richford, VT 05476-0065 (phone: (802) 848-8002 http://members.aol.comigoldentred/index.htm All lesbians are invited...one need not be a Golden Threader to attend! ab lesbian )singsher music erosexual and forbidding same- sex couples from attaining marital rights, benefits, and privileges. Sudbury (Mar. 6) An opponent of same-gen- der unions moved for a floor vote on the Doyle poll ques- tions related to the issue. Several people directed heated questions at Rep. Pat Smith. One woman then stood and said “I ask that if there is to be a discussion of this issue here tonight that it be respectful. I ask you to remember that H847 directly effects the lives of sev- eral of us in this room. Remember that you are talking about the lives of people here Bill Desautels Realtor, CRS Serving the real estate needs of our community 4 05%;, RE//MPX North Professionals Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 553 Roosevelt Highway, Ste 201 Colchester, Vermont 05446 Office: 802-655-3333 X17 Toll Free: 800-639-4520 X17 E-Mail: bil1yvt@aol.com Condoguy.com in Sudbury, one of whom is me.” The vote on the motion to hold the votes was conducted by a show of hands; approxi- mately 10 people _supported it and 50 people opposed it. Worcester Rep. Henrietta Jordan dis- cussed the same-sex civil union bill before the House, indicat- ing strong support for it. She referred constituents to a sever- al-page pamphlet she had writ- ten on the subject and which could be found in the back of the room. Jordan reminded folks about the important roles played by gays in the Worcester commu- nity in public service and said that when people considered the same-sex civil union bill, they should consider it in light of how they feel about their gay neighbors. There was no response, pos- itive or negative, to her remarks, and the meeting con- tinued without further discus- sion of the issue. Thanks to CK in Huntington, JE in the Northeast Kingdom, JW in Leicester, P0 in Colchester, JL in Sudbury, DG and BL in Hinesburg, and read- ers in Worcester, Bennington, and Middlebury. V A Community Owned Natural Foods M arlzet & Deli specializing in Organic Choices! BRATTLEBORO FOOD @”C0°0P Open to {/12 Public MONDAY-SATURDAY 9-9 SUNDAY 9-8 ' 2 MAIN ST ' BRKITLEBORO, VERMONT Elizabeth C. Campbell, CPA, PC Certified Public Accountants 15 East Washington Street, Rutland 05701 802-773-4030 / liz@rallyCPA.com Tax specialists serving individuals and small businesses 802-453-6677 fax 802-453-6685 dlescoe@together.net PO Box 42 42 Trillium Lane Starksboro, VT 05487 Investment Adviser Representative 7 of, and securities offered through Tower Square Securities, Inc.‘ Member NASD/SIPC ‘Not affiliated with Choice Financial Services JACQUELINE MARINO Senior Associate ' REALTOR® - (8 2) 878-0095 EXT 23 BUS., (802) 8780288 FAX ( 0) 488-5609 TOLL FREE ]ackie@togelher.n_et E-M_AlL End: Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. COLDIIIGLL BANKER D REALTY MART 2aa WILLISTON RD WILLISTON. VT 05495 %