April 2000 | ‘Out in the Mountains [7 March 22 was the annual Visibility Day at the Statehouse, spon- sored by the Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay rights. Organizations from the GLBT community set up displays in the Card Room at the Capitol. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Vermonters spent the day talking to legisla- tors about issues ' important to them. Four legislators were honored for their leadership on issues relating to people with AIDS and HiV. (top— left to right) Rep._Ann Seibert, D-Norwich, Rep. Ann Pugh, D-Burlington,Senator Elizabeth Ready, D-Lincoln and Senator Dick Mccormack D—Bethel (not pictured) accepted certificates from Chuck Kletecka and Rob Larabee of the Vermont People with AIDS Coalition. Several youth met with Governor Howard Dean (bottom) to talk about safe schools, tolerance, and, of course, same-sex marriage. Later they invited legislators to a panel discussion on GLBT youth issues. ' (Vermont’s Largest and Fastest Furniture Store \ 200 rooms Bczssett v Spring Air and v King Koil v 3 ‘floors Ber/eline V Lane of America’s Action v Ashley v Best Free Delivery : Fee Money with Coupon with Coupon 6 months $40 Value Q ‘ b No Payments — No Insterest . Bi}?-V888-L-3 ’}~’{5Ei 8§It(3--?K~&2§v-155.37’ o -aim» lmckkfurnizxxrc (f\£,é.l