March 2000 Out in the Mountains 33 0lTM’s classified ads are offered free of charge to individuals, although donations are happily accepted. Businesses and com- mercial interests are asked to pay $10 per ad per month for up to 100 words. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Ads must be received, with payment if appropriate, by the 15th of the month prior to its intended publication. Please indicate the number of months " you want us to run the ad. Submit your ad online at, email it to classifieds@moun-, or mail it to DITM, PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477, or fax it to 802-434- 7046. We cannot take classified ads over the phone. Make checks payable to Mountain Pride Media. We must have your full name, address, and phone num- ber to run ads, however informa- tion will be kept confidential. V Out In The Mountains has an imme- diate opening for Art Director. The pre- ferred candidate will: have demonstrat- ed skills in Graphic Art Layout and Design, have a working knowledge of QuarkXPress or similar page layoutl Desktop publishing software, be able to communicate with OITM customers regarding Ad Design, be able to meet OITM production schedule require- ments, be able to work efficiently with minimal supervision, be committed to the mission of Mountain Pride Media and Out In The Mountains, both of which aim to strengthen and maintain the communication within the LGBT community in Vermont. This part-time salaried position requires approximately 20 to 30 hours per month. The majority of this time will be spent in our Richmond office during production week (the seven days prior to the last Thursday of each month). For more information, contact Mountain . for-profit Pride Media at 802-434-6486 (option 3) or send an e-mail to personnel@ moun- V Executive Director sought by National Gay And Lesbian Task Force, America’s oldest national progressive organization advocating on behalf of equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people. Executive Director will manage growing organiza- tion with budget in excess of $4 million and 36 employees. Candidates should have commitment to working with state and local organizations, share NGLTF view of its role in the broader social jus- tice movement. They should have experience in leadership role in a not- organization, successful experience raising funds, political awareness, demonstrated ability to lead, superior representational skills and excellent strategic skills. Minority and female candidates are encouraged to apply. Resumes should be forward- ed to Tom Goodwin, Goodwin & Company, 1150 Connecticut Avenue, Dykcs Towatch Out for byA1ison Bechdzl Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20036. (03/00) Looking To Make Extra $$$ - Out In The Mountains is currently looking for part time volunteers for our Advertising Sales Team. This is an ideal opportuni- ty for someone looking for: flexible hours, the ability to work from home, and a way to earn extra money. We provide you with media kits, sales leads and training. You must be orga- nized, able to meet deadlines, like to talk on the phone, and have the neces- sary equipment to perform this work (computer with Internet access, email, etc.). Commissions are paid on every sale you close and maintain. With our paper steadily growing and our latest addition of advertising on our web site, this is the perfect time to join our team. You probably know of several busi- nesses that should be advertising with us ~ why not help bring them on board. interested? Please give us a call at 802-434-5237 or email us at for more details. (03/oo) Summer Camp Counselor Position Available. Mountain Meadow Summer Camp — a feminist community for kids, August 13-26, 2000 in Glassboro, NJ. Two-week long sleepover camp run by a volunteer collective based in Philadelphia for girls and boys, 9-12 years old, and teens 13-16 with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender par- ents. New this year, a ClT program 15- 17 by application. There will be approx- imately 60 campers and 28 staff peo- ple. Sleep in tents, swim in a pool, boat in the lake, hike in the woods, eat deli- cious food, participate in and lead activities according to your interests. Positions available: Boating Instructor; Life Guard (American Red Cross certi- fied); Arts and Crafts Counselor; Team- Building Counselor (Need to be well- versed in group dynamics and have repertoire of team-building games); l".’i€lt1‘E > i".3.‘I tyirfrm ygm, WATWNG Excmuc. LIKE DH,CoMEON. IT} :13 Nor TECHNOIAGY r HAVE A ‘IN-DEPT1-I REPORTS SPARE t’€1l1E Przoenersive wig, TH; ,N-.-E,wE-,- His-rorzy Uurowwo. pmstzn wrrn. IT'S THESE META- Aisoufrmg WEB i>ARIiNoIA. A Mamet: BE- «\' 6)“ TRANSFORM LJFE >ou00 c/w Nor, 'CAU5£ Hisroky u~F>u>i~e. , Iszfiomg WE Glyn :,°,”5§LZf,EL° SToNE cow I'M comm MARK)’ em. you can WHINE 5 wug 531 EA gvgz)/ONE 51,55 ‘ WHEN THEY COVERED STEVE AUSTIN _ HlM, AND WE'RE GOMM AM) DRAG YOUR FEET, . ’}3",}ETTJ,o M59, §,,,,,,o WOMEN ’ -5E,.A,z,m,; M EQUAL‘ VHEN I oreow UP! * — ‘ KICK your: Bur-r! BUTITS GoMlA HA GETTING MARRIED l5 BEING IJNCONSTITUTIONAL. JUST SILLY- : THHJK 11'} THE FLU. GO wi1‘HoU1' ME. YOU'LL BE FINE. GoD,THis Fouizfli ‘/EAR S(RUTIrd)' , IS l00 I‘ ' couw HELP ME SCORE SUME Forms wnfi 1HE DEAN ’l'DNlGHT. =1 BECAUSE MY PRESSED, STARCHED, LATIN PUN-SPEVJING ARCHRIVAL BETSY GILHOOLY WILL BEERE OH,Rl5H'r THE ONE YOU'RE -_ conrzrim vufir LOOK, I KNOW you HATE THESE ~. THINGS, BUTI HPRDL)’ EVER AS_K you To come, AND THIS ONE} How wouuv your: LESBO GIRL- . FRlEND Rxsisw Scorzs You Pom-rs ? 3 ,g/,;§;u/ilmlm-J\\‘\;\\\ ///2 Mo,wHA1' ARE you DolNG ?.' rue DE4N's nsceeriori is AT EIGHT.’ z’/4 TUSTGONMA CHANGE MY CLOfil£S. THEN NE 7 , ’ ‘I " J’)? - /)5“v.w- .__¥~ WELL, DEAN, 1E. Bur)-ou KNOW WHAT ‘IHEY SA‘)- ITTAKES AVILMGE ‘W '1’; VI V W mi’ HARRIET, Mo's A Mass. 7bu'LL ‘“° T°7°" '7 °FF» "°WTHE "l“LF“'€“"'5 HAVE ‘lb FtNl> ANOTHER NANN)’. PREGNANT. THE DEAN‘; VERY BIG ON CHILDREN. EVEN BIOENGINEERED ONES. Have THE nu 0t1SoME- THING. I CAN'T 521' or: - ERIMGS ARE. DEAN. oRAs I ALWAYS say, sic TRANSIT Glam TUESDAY! AH HA HAH HA! CEP’l‘I0f~J.>l0U'RE ‘Ibo , ~,_ SICKTO so PM? Houss. '//._