1 WEDNESDAY BURLINGTON — The Rhombus Literary Series - Open Poetry Readings at 8pm hosted by Cathy Resmer $3-$6 sliding scale. At the Rhombus Gallery 186 College Street (2nd floor) Burlington, VT. Contact: Cathy Resmer, 865-0569, cresmer@juno.com PLAINFIELD - Janice Perry aka Gal - Out From Underground Janice Perry aka Gal: Out From Underground. Haybarn Theater. Goddard College, Plainfield, VT 7:00 PM 802- 454-8311 X320 2 THURSDAY AMHERST, MA - LBGT Studies Lecture Series - “Wheres the Sex: An Exploration of the Desexualization of LBGT Culture and Resexualization of Queer Culture” lecture by Kate Bornstein. 12:30pm in the UMASS Campus Center, Room 903. FMI call Heather King at the Stonewall Center 413-545-4824 HARDWICK - AWARE presents “Defending Our Lives at the Patch office in Hardwick at 7:00pm. A discussion with AWARE staff about the causes and effects of female violence will follow. This film is not appropriate for children. Free and open to the public, a snack will be provided. FMI: 472-6463 MONTPELIER - Women's Visibility Day at the State House, 8:30am-4:00pm.'Sponsored by The Governor's Commission on Women at the State House in Montpelier. Highlights of the free event include: a panel discussion featur- ing women activists and a ‘table talk lunch" with legislators and advocates. Representatives from more than thirty women‘s organizations will be on-hand to talk about issues affecting Vermont women. Show your support for women's rights by wearing purple. FMI: 828-2851 or 800-881-156, info@women.state.vt.us 3 FRIDAY BRATTLEBORO - Vermont Freedom To Marry Task Force - Panel Discussion: Religion, Marriage And The Law - an open panel for exploration. Panel of area clergy and state representatives from different perspectives, moderated by Tim Johnson. Gibson Aiken Center Main Street- Co- sponsored by Vermont Freedom to Marry and the Committee for Social Responsibility - All Souls Church. Everybody welcome, free and accessible. FMI Bari Shamas vfmtf@sover.net BURLINGTON - Live and Silent Auction during Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball to benefit Vermont CARES in conjunction with Magic Hat Brewery Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball at the Radisson Hotel. Auction begins at 7:00 pm, Ball with live music from Louisiana creole band Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie begins at 8:30pm. Tickets are $18 in advance available through Flynn Box Office and at www.magichat.net. $20 at the door. FMI: Thomas at 800-649-2437. BURLINGTON - “The Lost Dances of Ted Shawn“ Flynn Theater presents the Vermont dance critic and former dancer Sharry Underwood and her company, Dansane, in a reconstruction of the “lost" dances of Ted . Shawn - the founder of Jacob's. 8pm at the Flynn. Tickets are $12. FMI: 86-FLYNN. BURLINGTON - The Rhombus Literary Series — The Burlington Slam. Feature poet TBA. Readers arrive at 7:30pm to sign up for a poetry slam hosted by Kim Jordan and Seth Jarvis. $5. At the Rhombus Gallery 186 College Street (2nd floor). FMI:‘ Cathy Resmer, 865-0569, cresmer@juno. 4 SATURDAY "Process the Hate” Freedom to Marry Task Force/Action Committee Afternoon Retreat Location to be decided. Facilitated by John Calvi. Contact Chuck Kletecka by e-mail (chuckk@sover.net) as soon as possible with their name, # of attendees, and town they would be coming from. With that we can gauge the "need" and where in the state it might be best to locate it. Assuming we can find a donated site, we anticipate no fee for the day, but we may ask folks consider making a free-will offering to compensate John for his time and work with us, and/or to Vermont Freedom to Marry Action Committee. BURLINGTON - A Magical Evening of Song to benefit Vermont CARES. Baritone Sanford Sylvan will be performing song cycles of Debussy, Ravel, and Vermont composer Jorge Martin at 8:00 pm at the UVM Recital Hall. Tickets are $25 for the concert, $50 for concert and post-concert champagne 8 dessen recep- tion with the artists. Tickets available through Flynn Box Office. FMI: Thomas at 1-800-649- 2437. 5 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - Cooperative Christian Ministry - Lunch and Learn Series Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus and Cooperative Christian Ministry @ UVM are co sponsoring the 5th session in a Lunch & Learn Series. Participants will share a light lunch provided by CCP and view the video, “Liberation” from "The Erotic Contemplative: Reflections on the Spiritual Journey of GLBT Christians." Free and open to the public, 12:30pm-2:00pm. Call Rev. Christine Leslie @ 656-3882 or email revcIes@toegther.net to register. BURLINGTON - BiNet Brunch at Borders (look for us upstairs in the balcony) in Burlington 12:00 - 2:00 FMI: call Vincent at 865-2605 BURLINGTON - Celebration of the Eucharist and potluck dinner with DignityN'|', a safe and supportive group for I/g/b/I FMI: 658-4436 or 655-6706. BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal from 5pm-7pm. A Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsals at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are welcome! Love of singing only require- ment for membership! 6 MDNDAY RICHMOND - OITM Staff Meeting. OITM office above the Daily Bread Bakery in Richmond 6:30-8:00pm. Everyone welcome to join in the working meeting. If you want to get involved. this is a great place to start. FMI: editor@mountainpridemedia.org, 434-6486 8 WEDNESDAY BENNINGTON - Vermont Freedom To Marry Action Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Bennington Free Library. New mem- bers are welcome. FMI: Rose-Marie Pelletier 823-0257 BURLINGTON - Support Group for people liv- ing with HIV/AIDS. Not necessary to be a CARES client, on-going 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00 pm at 361 Pearl Street. Assistance with transportation and childcare are available with advance notice. FMI: Kara at 800-649-2437 BURLINGTON - The Rhombus Literary Series — Short Fiction Reading with Eric Rickstad (author of “Leap") and Christoper Tebbetts at 8pm. $3-$6 sliding scale. At the Rhombus 5 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 \ [calendar@mountainpridemedia.org], March 2000 | Out in the Mountains (25 1 2 7 8 9 3 4 10 11 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Gallery 186 College Street (2nd floor) Burlington, VT. Contact: Cathy Resmer, 865- 0569, cresmer@juno. 9 THURSDAY_ AMHERST, MA - LBGT Studies Lecture Series - “Making Schools Safe for LBGT Students: A look at what schools are doing" Lecture by Pat Griffin, Professor of Social Justice Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Matt Ouellett, Associate Director of the Center for Teaching at UMASS Amherst. ‘Lecture at 12:30pm in the UMASS Campus Center, Room 903. FMI contact Heather King at the Stonewall Center 413-545-4824 MONTPELIER - State Auditor Ed Flanagan, candidate fdor US Senate, speaks at the Woodbury College Candidates’ Series. 12:10- 1:00 p.m. at Woodbury College, 660 Elm Street. All welcome. FMI: 229-0516 or 800- 639-6039. NORTHFIELD - W.O.W. Patch & Sew, 7pm. Bring your sewing/mending, and your pre- ferred drinks/snacks. FMI: 485-8588. PUTNEY - Gender-Role-Free Ballroom Dance Lessons Lessons offered at Putney Community Center, March 10, 17 8. 24_.‘Cost is $25 per person for three-session program, or $10 for one evening. Pre-registration with pay- ment is required. FMI: Alex at 257-8571. 11 SATURDAY BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2? - Coffee House. Guest host, The Youth Planning Committee of Outright Vermont, presents an evening of local entertainment at Zabby's Stone Soup on College Street in Burlington during Outright’s Transgender Awareness Month. Trans per- formers are encouraged to call ahead and get on the list to perform for this open-mic night. For $5 (more if you can, less if you can't) refreshments will be provided. FMI: Mike at ru12ccenter@bigheavywor|d.com or 860-1044. BURLINGTON — Outright VT — Transgender Panel Presentation and Discussion. Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, 235 College Street, Burlington, 3-5pm. Panel members will discuss contemporary transgender issues with a focus on youth. People of all ages are encouraged to attend and bring questions. This event is part of Outright Vermont's Transgender Awareness Month. MILTON - CRONES/Fried Green Tomatoes - Lesbian Video Slumber Party. Begin at 4pm with potluck dinner and chat, then we’ll pass the popcorn at the Ravenswood triplex cine- ma. We have lots of movies but also bring any favorites you might want to share. Those who stay overnight will be sewed breakfast by your hostesses. FMI: 893-1745. 12 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - Cooperative Christian Ministry - Lunch and Learn Series, 12:30- 2:00pm Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus and Cooperative Christian Ministry @ UVM are co sponsoring the 6th session in a Lunch & Learn Series. Participants will share a light lunch provided by CCP and view the video, “The Road From Emmaus" from "The Erotic Contemplative: Reflections on the Spiritual Journey of GLBT Christians.” Free and open to the public. Call Rev. Christine Leslie @ 656-3882 or email revcles@toegther.net to register BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal from 5-7pm. A Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsals at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are welcome! Love of singing only require- ment for membership! Next concert is Sunday, June 11th @ 4:30PM in Burlington. FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327. 15 WEDNESDAY BURLINGTON - Vermont Freedom to Marry Taskforce Chittenden County Volunteer Meeting, Fletcher Free Library Pickering Room at 7pm. Planning meeting for events and activ- ities. New volunteers welcome. FMI: Erika Nestor 656-7892 (w), 863-4256 (h), enestor@zoo.uvm.edu. 16 THURSDAY BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2? - Good Cookin‘ Community Potluck. Thursday, March 16, 6- 8pm at the Rhombus Gallery (corner of College and Church, Burlington). All are wet- come, all ages bring your friends and food or drink. FMI: Mike at ru12ccenter@bigheavy- world.com, 860-1044, or web at http://home- pages.together.net/~lerpad/ru12.html 17 FRIDAY BURLINGTON - The Rhombus Literary Series — Political Slam. Readers arrive at 7:30pm to sign up for a poetry slam hosted by Kim Jordan and Seth Jarvis. $5. At the Rhombus Gallery 186 College Street (2nd floor) Burlington, VT. Contact: Cathy Resmer, 865- 0569, cresmer@juno. PUTNEY - Gender-Role-Free Ballroom Dance Lessons offered at Putney Community Center, March 10, 17 & 24. Cost is $25 per person for three-session program, or $10 for one evening. Pre-registration with payment is required. FMI: Alex at 802-257-8571. 19 SUNDAY Vermont Public Television — “In the Life" at 11:30pm- Profiles the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center, a multi-issue grassroots organi- zation providing services mostly to the under- sen/ed Latino community of San Antonio, Tex. but also provides funds to the organizer of the local gay and lesbian film festival in San Antonio. BURLINGTON - BiNet Brunch at 135 Pearl in Burlington (look for the big purple triangle) 12:00-2:00 FMI: call Nancy Ellen 864-4957 BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal from 5-7pm. A Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsals at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are welcome! Love of singing only require- ment for membership! Next concert is Sunday, June 11th @ 4:30PM in Burlington. FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327. BURLINGTON — Outright VT — Transgender Film Festival. Rhombus Gallery & Theater, 2nd Floor, 186 College Street, Burlington, 1-7pm. Transgender theme movies will be shown throughout the afternoon and evening as a part of Outright Vermont's Transgender Awareness Month. Please join us for one or morefilms. Discussion may follow each movie. Refreshments will be available. FMI: Outright Vermont, 865-9677. 22 WEDNESDAY BURLINGTON - Support Group for people liv- ing with HIV/AIDS. Not necessary to be a CARES client, on-going 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00 pm at 361 Pearl Street. Assistance with transportation and childcare are available with advance notice. FMI: Kara at 800-649-2437 To announce your event for 0ITM’s monthly calendar email or write [PO Box 1078, VT 05477] by the 20th of the month prior to publication. Richmond, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MONTPELIER - VCLGR Visibility Day at the State House. All are welcome. Contact Virginia Renfrew if your organization wants a place at the table in the cardroom. 496-4333 or ren- frew@sover.net 23 THURSDAY Deadline for letters, classifieds, Community Compass, and calendar items for OITM April issue. See each section for submission guide- lines and addresses. AMHERST, MA - LBGT Studies Lecture Series - "Working with Gender Atypical Youth: Issues of Diagnosis, Treatment and Ethics" Lecture by Richard Pleak, MD Director of Education in Child and Adolescent Psychology. Long island Jewish Medical Center. Lecture at 12:30 in the UMASS Campus Center, Room 903. FM! con- tact Heather King at the Stonewall Center 413- 545-4824 24 FRIDAY PUTNEY - Gender-Role-Free Ballroom Dance Lessons offered at Putney Community Center, March 10, 17 & 24. Cost is $25 per person for three-session program, or $10 for one evening. Pre-registration with payment is required. FMI Alex at 257-8571. 25 SATURDAY BRATTLEBORO - Lesbian Dance open to all women on March 25th from 8:00 PM - 1:00 AM at the Brattleboro Studio of Dance located at 17 Elliott St. A DJ will be providing diverse music. Please bring soft-soled shoes. The sug- gested donation is $4-$8 which will be used to cover costs. A committee of women recently formed to organize this event because it was felt that there are not enough women only dance opportunities in the area. If you agree then show your support by attending so that we can continue to offer women only dances on a regular basis. FMI: Ashli 387-2004 MONTPELIER - BiNet - Screening of “Bedrooms and Holidays" at the Savoy Theatre in Montpelier. FMI: Chris at 229-0800 26 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal from 5-7pm. A Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends 8 Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsals at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are welcome! Love of singing only require- ment for membership. FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327 MORRISVILLE - Fried Green Tomatoes - It's back, Alice: Mad Hatter Tea Party at Paulette’s in Morrisville from 1pm. Come in suitable cos- tume for high tea and low jinks for the March Hare. Bring dinner-time tea food items to share. Call 888-7118 for details. 30 THURSDAY RICHMOND - Come join OITM/MPM board members and other volunteers at the monthly Out In The Mountains Stuffing at the OITM office above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Help get the paper ready for mailing out to our community while visiting with old friends or making new ones. The stuffing starts at 5:30 and last until we are finished (usually 2 to 3 hours). FMI: distribution@mountainprideme- dia.org, 434-6486