24 Out in the Mountains | March 2000 SGOJTIOSSJ AJ.'_Eul'luIl1lOO BGJB ZtUOul.Ja‘A 40 440109410 9ATlTUT43D s.wtIo ARTS AND RECREATION Burlington R.U.1.2? Community Center 860-1044 - PO Box 5883 Burlington, VT 05402-5883 rul2ocenler@bigheavyworld.c0m homepages.together.net/-lerpadlru12/ index.htmI Champlain Valley Frontrunners (gay and lesbian running club) David Steinberg (518) 563-4307 Frank Haddleton (802)434-6062 d_m_steinberg@yahoo.oom Chiltern Mountain Club 800 Bland, (888) 831-3100, bland@s0ver.net Cindy Clemence. (802) 429-2308 www.chiItem.orgIchi|tem/ .GaylBi Men’s Reading Group Brattleboro. FMl:Jonathan (802)258-2693 or Michael (802) 254-6239 Green Mountain Freedom Band Affiliated wl Lesbian and Gay Bands of America - FMI: Michelle “Mikt"‘ Thomas POB 5322, Burlington, VT 05402-5322 gossamerétogethennet Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. POB 307- St. Albans VT 05478 - 849 2739 www.together.net/-lavender Nudists/Naturists Group Tonic Waters - POB 6111 Brattleboro, VT 05302 Poetry Workshops - Middlebury David Weinstock, 388-7523 The Samadhi Singers A Sacred Music Chorale lor the GLBT Community 0 Burlington, 864-5327 Theatre on a Shoestring POB 1012, Burlington VT 05402 (888) 212-5884 - info@theatreshoe.com www.theatreshoe.0om Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus 1-800-750-8434 - tax: (802) 633-2389 robnyvesfltogethernet Visible in Vermont Arts (VIVA) POB 812, Burlington VT 05402 9 865-0385 WomenlLesbian Book Group Putney. FMI: Tatiana. (802)387-2781 or tatianasesovemet BISEXIIAL Bisexual Network of Vermont POB 8124, Burlington. VT 05602 ' 229-0112 . (Kim Ward). 865-2605 (lfincent), or 864-4957 (Nancy Ellen) - Biwarriors@aoI.oom Both Sides Now (socialldiscussion group) httpJIwww.ange|fire.0orn/vI/bothsidesnow/ ENDING VIOLENCE Addison County Women In Crisis P08 67, Middlebury VT 05753 - 388-4205 Battered Women’s Services, Inc. POB 828, Montpelier VT 05601 24 Hour Hotline: 223-6855 Burlington Police Department Community Based Police Officer Lieutenant Bill LaWare - 658-7658 Clarina Howard Nichols Center Women's domestidsexual violence shelter PO Box 517, Morrisville, VT 05661 Hotline: (602) 888-5256 Business: (802) 888-2584 Same-Sex Domestic Violence Subcommittee (Chlttenden County Dornestlc lfiolenoe Task Force) - 31 Elmwood Ave Burlington, VT 05401 Take Back the Trails Local Contact: Mel (603) 5431700 www.princeton.edul-rcurtisIaeetrail.htrnl Vermont Network Against Domestic >> Update your group’s listing at source@mountainpridemedia.org Violence and Sexual Assault www.vnadvsa.t0gether.c0m 24-hour hotlinesz Domestic Violence 1-800-228-7395 Sexual Assault 1-800-489-7273 Women’s Crisis Center POB 933, Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-7364 24 Hour Hotline: 254-6954 Women Helping Battered Women POB 1535, Burlington VT 05402 - 658-1996 Women’s Rape Crisis Center POB 92, Burlington VT 05402 - 864-0555 HEALTH See Healthsource LEGAL American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) 110 E. State St., Montpelier VT 05602 223-6304 - ac|uvt@ao|.com http1/members.aol.corrtIacluvt/home.htrn| Gay/LesbianIBisexuaI Legal Association clo Blackwood and Kraynak - POB 875 Burlington 05402 - 863-2517 Vermont Human Rights Commission 133 State St., Montpelier VT 05633-6301 (802) 828-2480 or (800) 416-2010 MEDIA Guys Like Us (newsletter) c/0 Brian Dougherty NH AIDS Foundation 1067 Elm St. #501, POB 59 Manchester, NH 03105 800-639-1122 - briannhat@ao|.com Hear Us OUT POB 285, Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-0332 Mountain Pride Media, Inc. POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477 Out in the Mountains POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477 0 434-OITM oilm@together.neI 0 www.vtpride.org The Prism Newsletter (Northern NY) POB 807, Potsdam, NY 13676 (315) 265-3605 - www.northnet.org/prism Reaching Out (Outright Youth Zine) POB 5235, Burlington VT 05402 865-9677 - OutrightVT@aol.com The Vermont Rainbow Connection (TV program) do lavender visions productions. POB 307 St. Albans VT 05478 lavender@together.net MEN Berkshire Bears New England and Eastern Upstate New York httpi/geocitiesoom/westhollywood/2081 Gay and Bisexual Men's Group Bennington County and area. FMI: Daniel, 447-8007; amazur@sover.net. Gay Fathers Support Group 50 Mechanic St., Pittslord, VT 05763-9317 Bob, 483-6739 Gay Men’s Ritual Group 862-8646 Keene Gay Men’s Support Group (800) 639-7903 - Keene, NH Men Alive! POB 423, Burlington VT 054021 865-2247 ‘ MGM (Mature Gay Men) 860-1810 Minotaurs Brotherhood Club (Leather & Levi's Club) - POB 2141 Concord, NH 03302-2141 MinotaurBC@ao|.0om - (603) 753-9059 Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) POB 1124, Keene NH 03431 (603) 357-5544 - MonadGay@aol.oom http1Imembers.aol.c0mlmonadgay/ One in Ten Project Discussionlsocial group. Claremont, NH Brian. 800-639-7903 Radical Faeries Yolanda, POB 812, Burlington VT 05402 Gabriel, POB 224, Brattleboro VT 05302 (802) 257-4871 Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) POB 237, Burlington VT 05402-0237 865-3734 - vtvgsa@a0l.oom - www.VGSA.com MIILTICULTII RAL ALANA (African, Latino, Asian, Native American) Community Program 8 Williston St, Brattleboro VT 05301 254-2972 Kwanzaa POB 583, Burlington VT 05402-0583 Women of Color Alliance POB 1534, Burlington VT 05402 (802) 660-0606 PHILANTHROPIES Samara Foundation PO Box 541, Hinesburg, VT 05461 Bill Lippert, 860-6236 samara@together.net POLITICAL Brattleboro Area Gays and Lesbians POB 875, Brattleboro VT 05302 254-5947 Gay Into Line of NH 26 30. Main St, Box 18 Concord, NH 03301- (603) 224-1686 Nashua Pride 423-3 Amherst St. Suite 113 Nashua, NH 03063 - Gil (803) 881-9522 Out and EquaIlNew Hampshire (ONElNH)Rights POB 730. Concord NH 03302 (603) 224-1686 ONEolNH@ao|.com Peace and Justice Center 21 Church St., Burlington VT 05401 863-8326 Pride Vermont Committee POB 5113. Burlington VT 05402-5113 864-3455 - v1pride@hotmai|.c0m - http://www.geocities.com/WestHoI|ywood/ Parade/9660Ilndex.htm| Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights (VCLGR) POB 1125, Montpelier VT 05602 888-825-4989 - Liaisons to the government: Virginia Rentrew, 496-4333 Keith Goslant, 454-8552 Vermont Freedom to Marry Action Committee Lobbying org. for equal marriage rights PO Box 1038, Middlebury VT 05753 802-388-2633 info@vtmarriageaction.org www.vtmarriageaction.org ‘Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force F08 1312, Middlebury VT 05753 coord@vttreetomarry.org www.vtlreetomarry.org - 802-388-2633 - Regional coordinators: Bennington County: Rose-Marie Pelletier, rosepell@sover.net Chittenden County co-Coordinators: Erika Nestor, enester@zoo.uvm.edu Mark Larson, markl@t0gether.net Katie Antos, kantos@smcvt.edu Franklin County: Joy Griflith, ioyDG@aol.c0m Grand Isle County: Sherry Corbin, outwoods@together.net Orleans County: Mark Violette, m0v@together.net Rutland County: Jeanne Hand-Boniakowski, jeannee@sover.net Washington County: Chuck Kletecka, 802-244-8734 Windham County: Bari Shamas, vtmtf@sover.net Windsor". Ann Bumpus, Ann.E.Bumpus@Dartmouth.EDU PROFESSIONAL EAGLE (IBM employees) Mary Alice Schatzle 769 4835 maschatz@us.ibm.com - Jim Leavens, 769 4413, JIeavens@us.ibm.com eag|ebtv@us.ibm.com pdcarey.pok.ibm.com/EAGLE/eagIe.html GaylLesbianlStraight Educators Network (GLSEN) Southern Vermont POB 942, Putney VT 05346 - 254-5150 Rainbow Business Association GBLT businesses & professionals organization POB 8335. Burlington VT 05402 878-7037 0 RBAvt@ao|.com Vermont—NEA GLB Educators and Their Allies Bill Cavanaugh, 6459630 - POB 156 West Pawlet VT 05775 SOCIAL Upper Valley LGBTO Social Group (WRJ VT, Hanover and Lebanon NH) Daniel Guertin Danie|.G.Guertin@Dartrrlouth.Edu www.sover.netl-matIbucy/uvglbl/ SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS All Souls Church Unitarian Universalist 29 South Street Brattleboro - 259-9377 Central Vermont Sangha (Tibetan Buddhist) 0 POB 517, Montpelier 05601 - 426-4111 or 533-2527 Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society An official welcoming congregation POB 857, Middlebury. VT 05753 - 388-6060 Christ Church Presbyterian-More Light Church UVM - Burlington VT 05401 - 862-1898 College Street Congregational Church Across from the YMCA in Burlington Open and affirming - 864-7704 Dignity Vermont PO BOX 61 Winooski VT 05404 - 655 6706 Dignity New Hampshire P08 7, Manchester NH 03105-0007 603647-0206 - DignityNH@ao|.0om Faerie Camp Destiny POB 1492, Brattleboro, VT 05302 453-5760 - lcd@popstar.com www.soVer.net/~mattbucy/lcd/ First Universalist Parish (UU) Derby Line, VT 673-3563 or 754-8780 Interweave (Unitarian Universalist) 152 Pearl St, Burlington VT 05401 John Byer, 802-863-1818 Unitarian Church of Montpelier 130 Main St, Montpelier VT 05602 223-7861 Vermont Gay Men’s Spiritual Support Brotherhood ‘ 5 Raymond Pl., Burlington VT 05401 Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce c/0 Drew, POB 942, Middlebury VT 05753 388-6457 - VTOpenCircle@hotmai|.com www.geocities.con1/rainlorest/1258 Vermont Organization for Weddings of the Same Gender (VOWS) Rev. Brendan Hadash, RR 3, Box 134B . West Glover VT 05875 - 525-3875 www.geocities.com/WestHo||ywood/Heights/ 3936 Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley Nancy Crumbine - 649-8828 - Box 1110 Nonlvich VT 05055 - uucuv@danmouth.edu STUDENT LSC-GSA (Lyndon State College Gay-Straight Alliance) clo Office 01 Student Activities Lyndon State College, Lyndonville VT 05851 626-6200 (ask for Student Activities Office) LSCGSA@ h0tmail.com http'J/wwweangellire.con1/V1/Iscgsa DRA (Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance) Hanover NH 03755 - (603) 646-3636 Free to Be: GLBTA at UVM B-163 Billings, UVM Campus University Place, Burlington VT 05405 Faculty Advisor: (802).656.2058 E-mail: lree2b@zoo.uvm.edu Social meetings: Thursdays. 6:30pm Goddard GaylLesbianlBisexuaI Alliance Goddard College. Plaintield VT 05667 Keene State College LBG Alliance Keene State College, Keene NH 03431 Johnson State College GSA GLBOAA, clo Student Association, Johnson. VT 05656 - thompsoa@badger.isc.vsc.edu Landmark Gay/LesbianlBisexua| Alliance Landmark College, Putney VT 05346 387-6752 moqa (Middlebury Open Queer Alliance) Drawer 8, Middlebury College Middlebury, VT 05753-6033 moqa@panther.midd|ebury.edu www.midd|ebury.edu/~moqa One in Ten (castleton State College) Castleton VT 05735 Stacie Rose (secretary) 468-1826 Adviser: Becky.Eno@castleton.edu St Michael's College ALLY Group Student Resource Center, Winooski Park, Colchester 05446 - Linda Hollingdale, 654-2546 - or Laura Crain 654-2388 Trinity College GLBA Mercy Hall, Burlington VT 05401 - 864-7528 kslora@charity.trinityvt.edu The Alliance at VT Law School South Royalton VT 05068 - Michael Mercer, 763-8498 - www.vermontlaw.edu/~alliance Vermont Technical College - Lambda Mary Mulhern, VTC Randolph Center, VT 05061 http1lwww.vtc.vsc.eduIclubs/lambda SUPPORT Gay & Bisexual Men’s Support Group Guys Like Us - Brian Dougherty, NH AIDS Foundation, 1087 Elm St. #501, P08 59, Manchester, NH 03105 - 800639-1122 briannhat@ao|.com Gay & Bisexual Men’s Support Group Keene, NH 0 Shawn, 800-639-7903 Connections - Support group for GLBQT Adults Beth El Congregation Synagogue 225 North St, Bennington, VT * Free at Last Suppon/Counseling tor ex-cultlcult members POB 6111, Brattleboro VT 05302 Friends in Adoption 44 South St, POB 1228, Middletown Springs, VT 05757 - 235-2373 VT Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) Brattleboro Area. J. Cram - 409 Hillsinds, Brattleboro 05301, 257-5409 Central VT, 3rd Sundays, 1pm - UU Church, Montpelier (School St. entrance) Lake Champlain, Lil Venner - 23 Birchwood Burlington VT 05401 - 863-4285 Manchester Area, Mae and Jay Morrow P08 92, Manchester VT 05254 - 362-4400 Rutland Area, Julie and Peter Cooper - 11 North St., Rutland VT 05701 - 773-7601 Southwest VTArea 2nd Sundays, 2pm - First Congregational Church UCC, Williamstown, MA (side entrance) - (802) 442-5557 NH Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) North Country Chapter- POB 3 Jefferson NH 03583 ° 603-536-5522 in NH 800-750-2524 Straight Spouses of GLB Partners Support Network Shelburne Falls, MA - Jane Harris 413- 625-6033 - aharris@valinet.com Keene, NH - Lucinda Nightingale 603-352-9337 Vermont Lesbian and Gay Parents Meeting info: 802-658-6045 TRANSGENDER TRANS (Transgender Radical Action, Networking, & Support) POB 5687, Burlington VT 05402 - 472-8115 transvt2 @aol.com WOMEN Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area (ALMA) POB 6345, Keene NH 03431 603-363-4961 Amelia Earhart POB 746, Lebanon NH 03766 Brattleboro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) 254-7721 Burlington Women’s Council POB 0583, Burlington VT 05402-0583 CRONES (For women over 40) 143 Rollin Irish Rd. Milton VT 05468 DYKE TALK Women's discussion group Wendy, 802-877-3653 Fried Green Tomatoes (Northern VT Wimmin’s Social Group) RR 1, Box 6845, Morrisville VT 05661 888-7118 Golden Threads (Lesbian Contact Publication) - POB 65 Richlord VT 05476-0065 - 646-6002 goldentred @a0|.com Huntington Open Women’s Land (HOWL) ~ Camping, events, day hikes. Intentional community. - 434-3953 Lesbian Social/Support group for women 40 and older Brattleboro - 254-7345 New Beginnings Women’s Support 5 Main St, Springfield VT 05156 - 885-2368 24 Hr. Hotline: 885-2050 Umbrella Women’s Center 16 Main St, St. Johnsbury VT 05819 746-6645 Woman Center 5 School Ave, Montpelier VT 05602 229-6202 Women’s Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St, Lebanon NH 03766 603-448-5922 a 24 hr. hotlinez 603-446-5525 Women of the Woods (WOW) RFD 1 Box 5260, Worcester VT 05682 229-0109 YOUTH Central Vermont OUTRIGHT Weekly meetings in Montpelier (800) GLB-CHAT or 452-2428 Creating change St Johnsbury, VT Lore Caldwell 748 8645 Gay/Straight Alliance for High School students Mt. Anthony Union High School, Bennington Lisa Moore 447-7511 GAIGHT — Middlebury Union High School Gay-Straight Alliance Susan Webb, Faculty sponsor Rebecca Fleimers, Faculty sponsor Middlebury Union High School Charles Street, Middlebury, VT 05753 (802) 382-1117 - (802) 382-1115 GILearn (GayILesbian Education and Resource Network) clo Upper Valley Outright Vermont POB 27, Norwich VT - 649-5297 or 802-296-3858 - newvic@aol.com North Country GLBTS Alliance Littleton, NH FMI: xcountry.a||en@usa.net. LB@ (603)444-0418 Outright Vermont (youth 22 and under) POB 5235, Burlington VT 05402 865-9677 - OutrightVT@aol.com httpJ/members.aoI.comIoutrightvt/ Youth Hotline: 800-GLB-CHAT (452-2428) Prism, at Brattleboro U.H.S. Andrea Carlson, Youth Services. 257-0361 Tracy Binet, 257-0356 Woodstock Area "Gay/Straight Youth Alliance FMI: Outright Vermont at 800-GLB-CHAT Youth Aware of Addison County clo POB 646, Middlebury VT 05753 800-452-2428 (Outright VT) www.angellire.con1/Vt/youthaware YouthAware@usa.net