6 Out in the Mountains March 2000 Opponents of Same Sex Marriage Introduce Legislation Below are the texts of two resolutions and one proposed amendment to the Vermont Constitution introduced in the past month; all oppose the Baker decision or would severe- ly limit the rights of gay and les- bian families. House Resolutions 34 and 35 have been referred to the House Judiciary Committee where they are expected to die. The proposed constitutional amend- ment, lacks the support to move ‘forward. Nevertheless. the names of the legislators who sponsored them are significant. House Resolution 34 House Resolution relating to the Supreme Court Ruling in Baker v. State of Vermont Ofi°ered by: Representatives Schiavone of Shelbume, Starr of Troy, Allard of St. Albans Town, Angel] of Randolph, Atkins of Winooski, Baker of West Rutland, Barney of Highgate, Blanchard of Essex, Bourdeau of Hyde Park, Brown of Walden, Buckland of Newport Town, Clark of St. J ohnsbury, Cleland of Northfield, Crawford of Burke, DePoy of Rutland, Flory of Pittsford, Follett of Springfield, Freed of Dorset, Fyfe of Newport City, Gervais of Enosburg, Gray of Barre Town, Gretkowski of Burlington, Hathaway of Barton, Helm of Castleton, Hoag of Woodford, Holmes of Bethel, Houston of Ferrisburgh, Howrigan of Fairfield, Hube of Londonderry, Hudson of Lyndon, Johnson of Canaan, Kinsey of Craftsbury, Koch of Barre Town, Krawczyk of Bennington, LaBarge of Grand Isle, Larocque of Bamet, Larrabee of Danville, Lehman of Hartford, Marron of Stowe, Maslack of Poultney, Mazur of South Burlington, McGrath of Ferrisburgh, McNamara of Burlington, Metzger of Milton, Morrissey of Bennington, Mullin of Rutland Town, Neiman of Georgia, O’Donnell of Vernon, Palmer of Pownal, Peaslee of Guildhall, Pembroke of Bennington, Pike of Mendon, Quaid of Williston, Richardson of Weathersfield, Robb of Swanton, Rogers of Castleton, Schaefer of Colchester, Severance of Colchester, Sherman of St. Johnsbury, Smith of New Haven, Sweetser of Essex, Towne of Berlin, Valsangiacomo of Barre City, Willett of St. Albans City, Winters of Williamstown, Wisell of Bristol, Wood of Brandon and Young of Orwell Whereas, the Supreme Court stated that, “the evidence demonstrates a clear legislative assumption that marriage under our statutory scheme consists of a union between a man and a woman" and “that there is no doubt that the plain and ordi- nary meaning of ‘marriage’ is the union of one man and one woman as husband and wife,” and Whereas, the Supreme Court found that statutes that exclude anyone who wishes to marry someone of the same sex does not contravene Chapter 1, Article 7th of the Vermont Constitution, and that inclusion of same sex couples in marriage law is not necessary for the con- tinued constitutionality of our current law, provided an analo- gous statutory alternative exists, and Whereas, the legislature rec- ognizes the need to unify the electorate on this most difficult issue, and is appreciative of the Supreme Court’s recognition of the primacy of the legislature in deciding how their rulings shall be carried out, now therefore be it Resolved by the House of Representatives: That the legislature will direct its efforts toward address- ing the Supreme Court’s opin- ion while reaffirming and sus- taining the definition and posi- tive values of traditional mar- riage and protecting them from alteration by actions taken in other states. House Resolution 35 Reps. Sheltra of Derby, Randall of Bradford, Baker of West Rutland, Hathaway of Barton, Hoag of Woodford, Hudson of Lyndon, Maslack of Poultney, McGrath of Ferrisburgh, Mullin of Rutland Town, Pike of Mendon, Robb of Swanton and Valsangiacomo of Barre City offered a House resolution, enti- tled House resolution relating to the constitutional authority of the Vermont Supreme Court; Whereas, the government of Vermont organized into three separate divisions of power, each exercising the exclusive powers constitutionally granted to it, is fundamental to the establishment and maintenance of our democratic republic and is a paramount necessity for a people to remain free and self- goveming, and Whereas, Chapter II § 5 of the Vermont State Constitution clearly states, “The Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary departments, shall be separate and distinct, so that neither exercise the powers properly belonging to the others” and clearly states in Chapter II § 2, “That Supreme Legislative power shall be exercised by a Senate and a House of Representatives”, and Whereas, the Vermont Supreme Court itself acknowl- edged this fimdamental truth in re: D.L. 164 VT. 223 (1995), an opinion written by Justice Dooley and joined by Justices Morse and Johnson which held that “The Legislative power is the power that formulates and enacts the laws; the executive power enforces them; and the judicial power interprets ‘and applies them”, the division of power “serves to create a struc- ture resistant to forces of tyran- ny”, and Whereas, the Vermont Supreme Court with this clear understanding of these liberty- protecting constraints and its authority did, after holding as a matter of law, that Vermont’s marriage -statute did not include same-sex couples and ‘held explicitly and unequivocally that the marriage law, in restricting marriage to the union of one man and one woman, did not violate the Vermont Constitution, then ordered the passage of hundreds of new laws requiring the creation of so-called domestic partnerships, a legal relationship which has never existed in this state or any other state of the union, in clear violation of its constitutional authority, the separation of powers, and it is thus without legal effect, and Whereas, such an Order is a deliberate and willful attempt to usurp powers of the legislature and the people, and if not resist- ed, aids and abets the court in establishing itself as an all pow- erful oligarchy, in violation of our constitution, laws, history and the Constitution of the United States, and Whereas, succumbing to the _unconstitutional Order of the court, severely undermines and mocks the Judeo-Christian moral foundation of our society; fLlI'th6I‘1TlOI'e, forcing laws on an unwilling populace constitutes a dereliction of duty on the part of the legislature by not protecting the people and their exclusive right, through their legislators, to determine what shall be enactediinto law, within consti- tutional restraints, now there- fore be it Resolved by the House of Representatives: That this legislative body ignore the Supreme Court’s usurpation of legislative author—_ ity and that no change in law occur concerning marriage or domestic partnership as a result of the Baker vs. State of Vermont opinion, and be it fur- ther Resolved: That the House of Representatives immediately hold hearings to consider the impeachment of all Justices of the Vermont Supreme Court complicit in the Baker vs. State opinion, on the basis of uncon- stitutional usuipation of author- ity in violation of their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the State of Vermont. Which was read, and referred to the committee on Judiciary. Proposed Amendment To The Constitution Of The State Of Vermont Offered by: Senator Canns of Caledonia County. Senator Bahre of Addison County, Senator Costes of Franklin County, Senator Crowley of Rutland -County, Senator Greenwood of Essex-Orleans County, Senator Ide of Caledonia County, Senator Illuzzi ‘of Essex-Orleans County, Senator Maynard of Rutland County and Senator Morrissey of Bennington County Subject: Marriage; definition PROPOSAL6 Sec. 1. PURPOSE This proposal would clarify the definition of marriage. Sec. 2. 22nd of the Vermont Constitution is added to read: ARTICLE 22ND. [DEFINI- TION OF MARRIAGE] That marriage is a special label for a partnership between a man and a woman. V Vitamin Sale Day every Wednesday 20% off Chapter 1, Article « DESIGN WORKS '17'lc§tt%your éwincrt connect to the world," T. 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