po -et -ry \'po-9-tre n. 1 a : a metrical writing: VERSE b 2 the productions‘ of a poet : POEMS 2 : writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound and rhythm ....... --MOUNTAlN PRIDE MEDIA ANNOUNCES rte I CASH PRIZES: 1st place — $125 2nd place — S75 3rd place - $50. The winning poems will be published in the April 2000 issue of Out in the Mountains, Vermont's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender newspaper.The winning poets will be invited to read their work at several events to be scheduled throughout the state of Vermont during 2000, participation in these readings is not mandatory. JUDGES: HUGH COYLE, an award-winning writer and previous editor of OITM, serves on the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference admissions board. CATHY RESMER, founder of Minimal Press, organizes the Burlington Poetry Slam, writes a column for Vermont Times, and is a frequent contributor to 0/TM. LYLE GLAZIER has published six books of poems, and has had poems in magazines inthe US and abroad. veamomrs F~{3RU.M eokseseaam, GAY, stsexosatg ms ?Ei§..§tr4ti'.£éé:~:$é lislsfiiféis UT IN THE MOUNTAINS ------------------ --/ooellry confezsf RULES: *Each entrant may submit up to three poems for no more than a total of 5 pages. *Entrants must reside full—time in Vermont for at least six months out of each calendar year. Currently enrolled college students are eligible to compete. Employees and board members of Mountain Pride Media are not eligible, although volunteers are welcome to enter. *Entries cannot be handwritten. *Fax and email entries are not acceptable. *Entrant must send 4 copies of each poem. — No identifying information on three copies - One copy should have name, address, phone, and email of entrant on each page *Entries must be received in the OITM office by 5pm 2/i5/00 *Winners are responsible for reporting prize income to the IRS. Entries should be sent to: OITM Poetry Contest PO Box 1078 Richmond, VT 05477-1078 the street address is: 23 Bridge Street Daily Bread Building Richmond, VT 05477