HELP WANTED V Mountain Pride Media and Out in the Mountains can help you put your spare time to good use. Help sell advertising for our paper and our Web site. You'll be doing a good thing for the community and I you'll make a little extra money while you're at it. Work from home and at your own pace. You'll need a phone, a comput- er with internet access, and an ability to meet deadlines. We are looking for sales- people all over the state. Email or call 802-434-6486 for a job description and more information. (Z00) 0ITM’s, classified, ads are oflered freéw of ehargetoglndividuals; although I . donationsare happily accepted. * »; [Businesses and commercial interests’. are asked topay $10.per,ad, per\»_ ' ' month forupto 100 words. We '4 V reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to angadat yourown ris,k.i;, ‘Ads musfhe received, with payment, If appropriate; by the I 1 5t_h;of_ the month prior to ,its_intende .»pub,lieaj§oir P|°a.3°,'|!IIi¢aféI!! . .. v.0"-wantué f°.!u.n'th¢..a¢- I -:1 ' ,sub_n1ityouVfadonline at Iwww.moun- A ,t'ainprirIe_me‘rI'i/ar.Vorg,i_i','IIi'ailItgto term,” 3 P‘0'Bo/x .1078; nicrrnrogirI,;vT o5411, or fax it to soz-434'-ms. We cannot 1 t_aI_(_e’eIassitied_ads over the phone. .. Make checks payable to Mountain ” Pride Media. We must have your full name‘,address, and ptrone’nun1h’er to A run ads,» however information will he; kept r;onfidential.- , V .- Dykcs Towatch o is THE 5£AsorJ! AT Mo A 5YDNEY'$ . .. MO, I DON'T!-IAVEITME FOR ‘ti-rrs. I HAVE A HUNDRED , PAPERS To GRADE. I'M JUST eoNNA BUY PRESENT)‘ LIKEA rIoRML Pemorl. VLooking for a Few Good Men or Women. Theatre on a Shoestring is cur- rently looking for individuals to fill two Board of Directors positions immediately! Individuals must be interested in moving TOAS forward as well as having a good understanding of non-profits. The two positions needed are Vice President and Treasurer. The individuals currently in these positions are moving. The Vice President's position involves planning upcoming seasons and assisting in fund raising. The Treasurer's position is to maintain the books for the group, keep receipts, and file reports with the IRS as needed. Both positions require minimal time commitment with the basic necessary skills to fulfill the duties of each job. If inter- ested in either position, please send your resume and background information to Board of Directions Search, c/o TOAS, PO Box 1012, Burlington VT 05402-1012. For more detailed information on each posi- tion, log onto our website at www.the- Positions need to be filled immediately, do don't delay I (0200) V Summer Camp Counselor Position Available. Mountain Meadow Summer Camp — a feminist community for kids, August 13-26, 2000 in Glassboro, NJ. Two-week long sleepover camp run by a volunteer collective based in Philadelphia for girls and boys, 9-12 years old, and teens 13-16 with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender parents. New this year, a CIT program 15-17 by application. There will be approximately 60 campers and 28 staff people. Sleep in tents, swim in a pool, boat in the lake, hike in the woods, eat delicious food, participate in and lead activities according to your interests. Positions available: Boating Instructor; Life Guard (American Red Cross certi- fled); Arts and Crafts Counselor; Team- Building Counselor (Need to be well- versed in group dynamics and have reper- toire of team-building games); Camping and Outdoor Skills Counselor; Teen Leadership Counselor (Teen program will offer classes related to leadership and be largely self-contained); General Test Counselors (men and women needed with experience working with young people. Lead activities as well); Kitchen staff (need experience cooking for a crowd). Salary: Summer staff are considered volunteers but do receive a stipend of between $400 and $500 to help cover expenses. Call (215) 848-7566 for more information I E- mail or web (03/00) EMPLOYMENT WANTED V Experienced innkeeper, Palm Beach, Florida relocating to Rutland area. Excellent references, management back- ground. Open to most opportunities with livable wages and reasonable hours. Please respond to: DTK, 1478-A Gorge Fid, E.Clarendon, VT 05759 or call (802) 747 7018. (03/00) GROUPS Addison County Women in Crisis announces New Support Groups! Are you feeling alone? Are you feeling like no one else is experiencing the same pain that you are? Are you feeling like your partner has isolated you from friends and family and limits your access to the family ucfor byA.IisonBec1tde1 February 2000 | Out in the'Mountains 33 I finances? Are you afraid of your partner? Has he/she been threatening to you? ACWIC support groups offer a chance for you to meet other women who may be experiencing these same issues. They take place in a relaxed, safe atmosphere with an emphasis on respect and support. New groups are forming now and are open to any woman looking for support around issues of physical and emotional violence in her life. All groups are free and confidential and childcare will be provid- ed. We are trying to find a time that fits into all participant's schedules, so please call to let us know what times are convenient for you. Addison County Women in Crisis aims to reduce domestic and sexual vio- Ience in Addison County by offering advo- cacy and support for survivors and educa- tion and awareness for the community. Please call 388-4205 for more information about ACWIC or the upcoming support groups. (02/00) GLASSES/COURSES OFFERED V Make 2000 the year you get your busi- ness in shape I Women's Small Business Program can help. Burlington: Start Up, offered by the Women's Small Business Program of Trinity College of Vermont, is a 15-week comprehensive entrepreneurial training for anyone who is starting, stabi- lizing, or expanding a small business. Our next Burlington class begins February 4. In Start Up you will: research and write a business plan; learn important marketing, financial, computer, and personal and pro- fessional development skills from instruc- tors who are also small business owners; and network with other current and future business owners in a supportive class- room envrionment. The class runs Friday evenings from 5:00pm-9:00pm and alter- nating Sundays from 8:30am-4:30pm. For more information or an application, please call (802) 846 7160. (02/00) V you’re ready to get serious about business ownership, Women's Small Business Program has a workshop for FINE. FEED THE 8 crorrsumz CAPI- IF >00 REALLY CARED Aequr FIGHTING CAPITALISM, you!) Trzy POLYAMQRX MoNo6AMy IS JUST A DEVICE ‘lb CONSOLIPATE LEGAL » l « _§; '+‘t:z_.. . -. How‘; TPIE mg W6 ‘lbwATclIouTFoR. coM, AND DEN- Tr$‘r5 F012 TRa\TM£NT WITHOUT «- r-7.uorzrr>i=. mm 25 MIL FOR , orwoncom. I x-.\. --1 - -I / _ ‘THE COUNCIL OF RIVER EMEANK- MENT MOJITOR5 IS USING DYI. 5HE SAYS ALL is mervrrl, SHE'S rforume PFLAG. ANDSI-IE wA~1s roo SH/we; :IU$TAi>vr~e D ATTRACT I'VE GOTA PLANTO ' MONETIZE THE SITE, IIEZ. SA‘/A READER LIKESTI-IE SWEATER WHAT HAPPEN)’ I-IHINK OFW P°§'B'“' mo IF 1’ arci< TIES,’ PEOPLE COULD T4'H£r.L new Mo rorz BRUNGH! WW 4500 The VIRT A C0 C5 PKoeizm I;Ar=Fr's emit on, “E N’- VHERE -ms ussa BECOMES A CAR- L05!‘ “K5 '£?0N Ct-IAPALTEI2 AND ENTEKS ‘me P°I‘é N5- usEu:56 Sun‘! I LIKE IT! Bur wt: CDULD SAVE DU»/NLOADING ourzsuves A Lor or 6PoT cAr2ros om!-IE my I1»; I Mubeg-ED EN ___ 5£NfH P5355}! HAVE , IM WEARING. THEY TWUBIE By GOING FIR‘ ‘ 7 H, BELIEFS AIIDTHE ‘WINGS SHE s1'R”> mp G 5 ,1 entry to sATAu.cSm HAS‘ToDoFoR’mI 3. ITH LOl$ ._,,__ . »