4 FRIDAY BURLINGTON - VGSA - Dining Out. Join VGSA members and friends at Leunigs Restaurant for good food and good times. Contact Randy 863-3669 or Tyce 879-1946 for more info. 5 SATURDAY MT MOOSILAUKE, NH - A Towanda week- end. At the Dartmouth Outing Club cabin. Susan will organize. $15 each per night. FMI: towanda@together.net. PUTNEY - Gender Role-Free Contra Dance at the Putney Community Center in Putney, Vermont, 8-11pm. Gender-role-free contra dancing for lesbians, gay men, and friends — all welcome! Linda Leslie calling, with live music by Wintergreen. Admission $6 - $8, sliding scale. Beginners’ introduction at 8PM. No partner or experience necessary. For more information call Howie at 603-256-6995 or Alex at 802-257-8571. 6 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - Bi-Net Brunch at Borders, upstairs at the cafe’, 12pm. FMI: call Nancy Ellen 864-4957 BURLINGTON - Cooperative Christian Ministry - Lunch and Learn Series at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus and Cooperative Christian Ministry @ UVM are co sponsoring the 1st session in a Lunch & Learn Series, 12:00 -2:30pm. Participants will share a light lunch provided by CCP and view the video, ‘The Truth of Our Experience" from “The Erotic Contemplative: Reflections on the Spiritual Journey of GLBT Christians." Free and open to the public. Call Rev. Christine Leslie at 656-3882 or email revcles@toegther.net to register. BURLINGTON - Dignity VT -Celebration of the Eucharist and Discussion. DignityNT, a safe and supportive group for I/g/b/t Catholics and friends, will meet for a Celebration of the Eucharist and discussion on gay-positive topics from a spiritual per- spective from 5-7 p.m. at the Chapel at the Bishop Booth Conference Center at Rock Point, Burlington. For more information, please call 658-4436 or 655-6706. BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal. A Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsals from 5-7pm at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are welcome! Love of singing only require- ment for membership! Next concert is Sunday, June 11th @ 4:30PM in Burlington. FMI call Peter Frechette 864-5327. MONTPELIER - Live Art “Folk at the Wood" music series presents Ferron at the Unitarian Church in Montpelier, 7pm. Tickets are $18 and can be purchased through the Live Art box office at 802-229-4668. Opening for Ferron will be singer-songwriter Greg Douglass. For more information call Kristina at 802-883-9307, or visit our website at www.liveartvI.org. NORWICH - Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley Task Force on the Freedom to Marry is pleased to bring to the Upper Valley community ‘The Freedom to Marry: An Educational Forum". To be held at the Marion Cross School, on the Green in Norwich, Vermont. Panelists will discuss what is happening in Montpelier and what the issues are surrounding this topic. Questions from the audience will then be taken. Panelists include: Rep. Bill Mackinnon, Windsor-Orange-1 and Member of House Judiciary Committee; Rep. Ann Seibert, Windsor-Orange-1; Prof. Gregory Johnson, Vermont Law School; Prof. David Chambers, University of Michigan Law School. This educational forum will be facili- tated by the Reverend Dr. Nancy Jay Crumbine, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley. This pub- lic education forum is free and open to the public. All interested parties are invited to attend. SMUGGLER’S NOTCH — CRONES - Cross- country skiing with Val at Smuggs, foam. Call 8496185. 7 MDNDAY BURLINGTON - VGSA Video Night. Join VGSA members and friends at the McClure Multi-Generational Center, 241 N. Winooski Ave. (Next door to Dairy Queen). This month’s film is “No Ordinary Love", about five people living together and the dynamics which change when love starts to bloom. Refreshments will be served, and donations to cover the center's rental fees will be accepted. For more information, please call Thom at 655-6706. RICHMOND - OITM Staff Meeting from 6:30- 8:00pm in the OITM office above the Daily Bread Bakery in Richmond. Everyone wel- come to join in the working meeting. If you. want to get involved, this is a great place to start. 9 WEDNESDAY BURLINGTON - Vermont Freedom to Marry Taskforce Chittenden County Volunteer Meeting at 7pm in the Fletcher Free Library Pickering Room. Planning meeting for events and activities. New volunteers wel- come, Please join us! FMI Erika Nestor, Co- Coordinator of Chittenden County Regional Group, 656-7892 (w), 863-4256 (h), enestor@zoo.uvm.edu. 10 THURSDAY MIDDLEBURY - Public Forum - Same-Sex Marriage at 7:30pm in the Dana Auditorium, Middlebury. College Prof. Murray Dry (Political Science) Dean David Edleson (Cook Commons) Beth Robinson (Atty) Plaintiff couple Moderator: Kevin Moss. Sponsored by the Political Science Dept. of Middlebury College, Cook Commons and GLEAM. 6 7 11 FRIDAY BURLINGTON - VGSA - Sip and Dine. VGSA members and friends will meet at 135 Pearl for a cocktail then decide on a restau- rant to dine at for the remainder of the evening. 12 SATURDAY BURLINGTON — CRONES, Al's Valentine Girl Talk get-together and CRONES planning session. RSVP Al at 863-4822 HANOVER, NH - Upper Valley Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Group - Valentine's Dance. 9pm at the Tom Dent Cabin in Hanover, NH. Come dance the night away with your gay/Iesbian/bisexual/transgen- dered friends to the sounds of the Dr. Burma Band, playing a mix of rock & oll, rhythm & blues, funk and soul. BYOB, Munchies pro vided. A $10 per person minimum donation suggested. Please RSVP to Andreas.Bentz@dar1mouth.edu by Feb. 1, as there is currently a space limitation of 50 people. However, if we receive a very posi- tive response, we will look into reserving a larger dance hall. WINOOSKI - Winter is a Drag Ball. At Higher Ground in Winooski. A benefit for The Vermont People With AIDS Coalition. Presented by Constance Craving Productions. This year's theme is: The Search For Intelligent Drag In The Universe. Hosted by Tammy Fletcher, the event will feature the house band, the Plastic Family. Other performers include: Endora, James Kochalka, Katherine Quinn, Rebecca Simone, Cherie Tartt, Yolanda. More to be confirmed! The event will climax as always with the crowning of the Drag King And Queen 01 Vermont, over $1000 in prizes to be awarded. For more information email Hypros@aol.com or call 651-7621. 13 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - Cooperative Christian Ministry - Lunch and Learn Series. Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus and Cooperative Christian Ministry @ UVM are co sponsoring the 2nd session in a Lunch & Learn Series, 12:00-2:30pm. Participants will share a light lunch provided by CCP and view the video, “Revisioning Our Sexuality’ from ‘T he Erotic Contemplative: Reflections on the Spiritual Journey of GLBT Christians." Free and open to the public. Call Rev. Christine Leslie @ 656-3882 or email revcles@toegther. net to register. BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal. A Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsals from 5-7pm at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are welcome! Love of singing only requirement for membership! Next con- cert is Sunday, June 11th @ 4:30PM in Burlington. FMI call Peter Frechette 864- 5327. 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 February 2000 | Out in the Mountains |25 2 3 9 10 16 17 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 15 TUESDAY * Deadline for submissions to the OITM Poetry Contest. Email editor@mountain- pridemedia.org for submission rules or see back page of this issue. Vermont Public Television - Frontline “Assault on Gay America”, 10pm. Explores the roots of homophobia in America and probes the attitudes, beliefs and fears that have fueled anti-gay hate crimes in the 19905. 16 WEDNESDAY MONTPELIER - HIV/AIDS Awareness Day at the Vermont State House from 8am-1pm. FMI: Write to Vermont People with AIDS Coalition, P.O. Box 11, Montpelier, VT 05601 CaIl:(800)698-8792 or email. 17 THURSDAY Deadline for letters, classifieds, Community Compass, and calendar items for OITM March issue. See each section for submis- sion_ guidelines and addresses. 18 FRIDAY BURLINGTON - VGSA - Sip and Dine. VGSA members and friends will meet at 135 Pearl for a cocktail then decide on a restau- rant to Dine at for the remainder of the evening. 19 SATURDAY BURLINGTON - Champlain Valley Frontrunners - Fun Run Champlain Valley Frontrunners (the gay & lesbian running club) will be having a fun run on Saturday, February 19 at 11am. Meet at the Community Boathouse at the foot of College Street. Lunch afterwards. Call David Steinberg at (518) 563-4307 for more infor- mation. BURLINGTON - BiNet - Nields Show. Come see the Nields with us at 6pm. Call the Burlington Coffee House for your own reser- vations, meet us for coffee at Muddy Waters at 6:00 then see the show at 7. FMI: call Max 863-3963 BURLINGTON - Both Sides Now - Discussion/Social Group for Bisexual Men and Women. Both Sides Now will be meeting at 35 King Street, in Burlington at 6pm. For more information and regular updates check the Events link on our website: www.ange|fire.corn/vt/bothsidesnow. MONTPELIER — Fried Green Tomatoes Pool night. A pool party in winter - billiards that is - at Laura's in Montpelier. Pot luck dinner. Call 229 4810 for directions. NORTHFIELD - 6:30 p.m. W.0.W. Video Night at Tracy's. Be on time if you plan to attend this event - we won't want internip- tions after the video begins. We plan to view the acclaimed Indian film, "Fire". FMI or directions: 802-229-0109. To announce your event for 0ITM’s monthly calendar email [calendartamountainpridemedia.org], or write [PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477] by the 20th of the month prior to publication. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 20 SUNDAY Vermont Public Television - Frontline “Assault on Gay America" at 4:00am. BURLINGTON - BiNet Brunch at Pearl's, 12pm. FMI: call Nancy Ellen 864-4957 BURLINGTON - Cooperative Christian Ministry - Lunch and Learn Series. Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus and Cooperative Christian Ministry @ UVM are co sponsoring the 3rd session in a Lunch & Learn Series, from 12:00-2:30pm. Participants will share a light lunch provided by CCP and view the video, “Btodus and Awakening” from “The Erotic Contemplative: Reflections on the Spiritual Journey of GLBT Christians." Free and open to the public. Call Rev. Christine Leslie @ 656 3882 or email revcles@toegther.net to register. BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal. A Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsals from 5-7pm at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are welcome! Love of singing only requirement for membership! Next con- cert is Sunday, June 11th @ 4:30PM in Burlington. FMI call Peter Frechette 864- 5327. 25 FRIDAY BURLINGTON - VGSA Sip and Dine. VGSA members and friends will meet at 135 Pearl for a cocktail then decide on a restaurant to Dine at for the remainder of the evening. 26 SATURDAY PLAINFIELD BiNet Breakfast and Snowshoe. Meet at the River Run at 8:30 am for breakfast or come at 10:00 to join us on a hike/snowshoe. FMI: call Chris 229-0800. 27 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - Cooperative Christian Ministry - Lunch and Learn Series. Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus and Cooperative Christian Ministry @ UVM are co sponsoring the 4th session in a Lunch & Learn Series from 12-2:30pm. Participants will share a light lunch provided by CCP and view the video, “The Desert and the Dark" from "The Erotic Contemplative: Reflections on the Spiritual Journey of GLBT Christians." Free and open to the public. Call Rev. Christine Leslie @ 656-3882 or email revcles@toegther.net to register. BURLINGTON - Samadhi Singers rehearsal. A Spirited & Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsals from 5-7pm at Christ Church Presbyterian on the UVM Redstone Campus. All are welcome! Love of singing only requirement for membership! Next con- cert is Sunday, June 11th O 4:30PM in Burlington. FMI call Peter Frechette 864- 5327.