Orientation of the Species continued from page twenty-one course. But it would have been a tactical disaster to forward such an individual to symbol- ize that cause. Similarly, a sixty-something leather daddy and his 19-year- old boy/slave ultimately deserve the rights of civil mar- riage. They would, however, make uniquely unconvincing symbols, at least in the minds of most Vermonters. This is because when people are at all open to influence — when they have at least a bit of indecision on a subject — they are more persuaded by others more similar to themselves. Emotion-laden appeals get the biggest initial reaction, but it usually fades. Rational argu- ments presented by credible sources tend to have the most durable effect. (Credibility depends on who’s listening: plenty of folks find, for instance, psychologists to be uniquely lacking in trustwor- thiness.) Think back to the Phelps gang’s visit. I know of no evi- dence that they could have changed many Vermonters’ minds. For all their supposed savvy, the Kansas contingent HEALTH VT 05401 ' 864-2631/864-2632 Alcoholics Anonymous Burlington, 658-4221 ' POB 5653 Burlington VT 05402 ' Thur, 7pm St. Paul's Cathedral, Cherry St Concord, NH, 603-357-4300 N. Main & Washington St. Hanover, NH. Thursdays, 6:30pm, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Women only. Keene, NH, (603) 357-4300 ‘ Sat, 7-8:30pm. Call for location. Manchester, NH, Sundays, 7:30pm UU Church, 669 Union St. Nashua, NH, Mondays, 7:30pm Nashua Unitarian Church The Comprehensive Women’s Program (CWP) F08 5248, Burlington 05402 802-863-2437 or 800 649-2437 229-0601 Hepatitis Support Group POB 3, Cavendish VT 05142-0003 226-7807 ' Margoc@mai|.tds.net Health 108 Cherry St, POB 70, Burlington VT 05402 ' 8637273 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ALANA Health Care Organization POB 357, 179 S. Winooski St, Burlington Wed, 7:30pm, First Congregational Church Dawnland Center (Native American) POB 1358, Barre St., Montpelier VT 05601 www.danmouth.edu/-hivnei/orgswsnl .html VT Dept. of Health, Office of Minority seems to get caught up in act- ing — in their minds, at least — in a “prophetic” way, to the detriment of their message. This would comfort me, but for every Phelps, there are three in the Gary Bauer mold: cool, seemingly rational, and anned with allegedly scientific evidence to justify his subtle hate. In a better world, we could effectively counter such mes- sages with a chorus line of sassy, dirty-talking drag queens; wouldn’t that be great? But satisfying though it might be, it would not be very per- suasive. So we’re somewhat stuck with a choice. By focusing attention on how same-sex couples are, mostly, just like “normal” people, we are, in a little way, telling a lie. What about those leather daddies, boy toys, diesel dykes, and the rest of our community’s “diversity?” Downplaying their existence does, in fact, misrepresent who and what we are. This poses an ethical dilemma, one that psychologi- cal research doesn’t really inform. Vermont Women’s Health Center 336 North Ave, Burlington VT 05401 863-1386 HIV/AIDS SERVICES Hotlines Vermont (800) 882-2437 NH (800) 752-2437 NY State (800) 541-2437 MA (617) 522-4090 ME (800) 851-2437 National: (800) 342-2437 National TTY: (800) 243-7889 Teen Hotline: (800) 234-TEEN AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) POB 606, St. Johnsbury VT 05819 748-1149 Brattlelioro, III D5301 BIIIILIIIIIITIIH community Health center 334-3303 317 Riverside Ave., suite zoo Burlington, ill 35431 However, to the degree that equity may flow from same- sex marriage, the research does suggest a means to that end. First, determine which deci- sion-makers are either on our side or open to persuasion. Rely on rational evidence, for- warded by credible sources. Present a unified front. And resist the urge to counter outra- geousness of one kind — remembering that it doesn’t have much influence, anyway — with our own kind. We may not win points for style, but we may achieve something much greater. V Februar 2000 Out in the Mountains 23 www-vtpride-org? nope try mountain prlde med1a . -org Faith Matters and identity Matters continued from page twenty that I write this column every month, because we who are GLBT have too few resources in our lives that affirm and cel- ebrate the complimentary nature of sexual and spiritual identity development. We believe a lie to think that our GLBT sexual identities are contrary to having a healthy spiritual identity. But too few voices in our culture say this to us. Too few of us seem to know that becoming a happy, healthy GLBT person of faith can be like learning to ride a bicycle. AIDS Community Resource Network (ACoRN) 578 Hartford, White River Jct VT 05001 802-295-8777/800816-2220 acom@va|ley.net AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region (800) 639-7903 AlDServices of Southwestern VT 108 Union St. #3, Bennington VT 05201 Alice Mazur 447-8007 Bennington Area AIDS Project POB 1066, Bennington VT 05201 442-4481 or (800) 345-2437 Brattleboro Area AIDS Project POB 1486. 67 Main St., 4th fl, Brattleboro VT 05302 ' 254-8263 or 254-4444 sbell@sover.net Comprehensive Care Clinics Hotlinez (800) 763-2460 Brattleboro: 257-8860 Illrllililltzl, VT 05843 ISLIIIIIII Pliliill Health center 723-4303 Middle street Islanil Ponil, ill 05843 I‘ I I I VA Hospital White River Jct, VT i _ culcflfgjfn Mary Chaflee RN - 802-296-5191 1 Hm", "um, hepccmary@hotmail.com 1 371.4342 B55-Z055 Lesbian Cancer Support group : Ill) #4, Box 1370 311 Malletts llail IVIIIIIB 660-8386 : Montpelier, ill 05302 P-IL BOX 35 Menis Health Project 1 colchester, in‘ 05443 - I BEIIIIIIIIIIETIIIII POB 5248. Burlington 05402 , E 302_853_2437 0, 80115494437 1 Bennington Family Practice Assoc. DIIIIVILL I , , . 447.1191 Health Banter, Inc. North Star Holistic Health Care 1 _ . . 1 1 140 Hspltal Drive 884 2275 RR2 Box 3255, Mornsville VT 0566 1 unnlngmn VI "5201 B“ 185' 1"" 8","! _ 3332553 _ 1 1 ' llanvllle, VT oseze Tribal Remedies (ALANA Community : 11”]-1-1511111111 Organization) : comprehensive care clinic HAIIDIIIIIIIII e Vlfillision, Brattleboro VT 05301 1 257-3330 Health IIIIIIBI‘ 254-2972 1 Brattlelioro Memorial Hospital 472-3333 Twin State Women’s Network 1 3 ltelmont Avenue High street, P.ii. Box 535 I I I I I I I I I I I I It’s a matter of owning our natural envy of those who have become happy, healthy GLBT people for whom faith matters. After that, it’s a matter of giv- ing ourselves permission to mingle with and learn from those who have attained this, what ever “this” is for us. This is not a risk-free process, any more than learn- ing to ride a bicycle is. However, becoming indepen- dent, self-loving, two-wheeling spiritual and sexual beings is worth the risk. Like my nieces, Burlington: 847-4594 Fluilandz 747-1831 St. Johnsbury: 751-7603 FranklinlGrand Isle AIDS Task Force Kara at 800-649-2437 National Assoc. for People with AIDS (202) 898-0414 NHIVT HIV Information Network on WWW httpzl/www.dartmouth.edu/-hivneil Rutiand County AIDS Network Mary Kathryn 775-5884 Vermont CARES Vermont.CARES @vtcares.org Web: www.vtcares.org POB 5248, Burlington VT 05402 863-2437 or (300) 649-2437 PO Box 6033, Rutland VT 05601 775-5884 PO Box 275, Montpelier VT 05601 229-4560 PO Box 503, St. Johnsbury VT 05819 MlIlillE3IIliY tlpen lloor clinic 333-11137 Pll Box 35 Mliiilleiiury, VT 85753 IIIEWPIIRT Hrtheast lllnpilom Health center 334-51108 33 iloventry street Newport, III 05355 PIITHEY Thomas Hoslilns, M.Il. 337-5531 Main St., r.o. Box 247 Putney, III 05343 RIITLIIHII comprehensive care clinic Rutlanil Regional Medical center 747-1331 I would rather risk the pain of the learning process than die never having experienced the exhilaration of riding freely through life. V Rev. Christine Leslie, founder and director of Triangle .Ministries, A Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Spiritual Identity, lives near Burlington. For more information, call 802-860-76106 or email reve- sl@aol.com. 748-9061 Living wlHlV AIDS support groups: - Washington County, Rick 229-4560 - Flutland County, Mary Kathryn 775-5884 - Burlington, Kara B63-2437 - St. Johnsbury, Rick 748-9601 Vermont Deaf AIDS Project POB 172, Brattleboro VT 05302 800-257-1123/ (TTY) 800-253-0195/ ' lax 257-2013 VT Dept. of Health AIDS Program 108 Cherry St, P08 70, Burlington 05402 863-7245 Vermont People With AIDS Coalition POB 11, Montpelier VT 05601 ' 2295754 or 800-69VTPWA ' vtpwac@sover.net www.sover.nei/-vtpwac/ Washington County AIDS Network Rick at 229-4560 ST. lIl3IIlIl3 lloiiert Zelazo, M.lJ. 524-3553 2 crest Roail st. llliians. ill 115473 ST. JIIHHIIBIIRV comprehensive care clinic 743-7473 Northeast Ilermont llenlonal Hospital Hospital Drive St. Joilnsllury, VT 05313 WIIIIIISIIR leshy Hitchcock clinic 374-2133