Marriage continued from page four morality and allowing them enough rope to do themselves in.” Lippert said the “fair- minded” committee “is not going to be swayed by argu- ments based in prejudice and bigotry.” The House Judiciary Committee also has jurisdic- tion over the Definition of Marriage Bill introduced last session by Representative George Schiavone. Although its author has renewed efforts to see it passed, the bill, which would restrict same gender couples from marriage, has been stalled in committee since it was assigned there early last year. Opening Day Demonstration Early assumptions follow- ing the Court’s December 20 decision were that domestic partnership is the only real plan of action. Governor Howard Dean has said on sev- eral occasions that he would support domestic partnership legislation, but is" uncomfort- able with the idea of actual gay marriage. Dean has recently clarified his position, declaring in a radio interview, “I’m against gay marriage.” “Dean is out of touch with folks. I’m pretty sure that sep- arate but equal isn’t going to fly,” said Judy Sargent of Marshfield, VT. “We should save ourselves a lot of trouble and time and just make it mar- riage.” Sargent was among a group of about 30 people who waited in vain for Kansas-based hate group Westboro Baptist Church to appear for an announced protest in front of the Statehouse on the legisla- ture’s opening day. Although Fred Phelps and his followers did not show up as promised, two residents of Waterbury did offer some dis- traction, carrying signs that read “Pass the law and they‘ will come” and “Vermont’s too small to hold them all.” Chris Viens was there to voice his fear that an influx of marriage-minded homosexuals would crowd Vermonters out of theirjbbs and state. ‘‘If even five percent of the country’s homosexuals move in here, we’re going to be over-run, said Viens. “We’ll all lose our jobs.” Viens later admitted he was a contractor who would potentially benefit if such growth did occur. The two men stood their ground and engaged the gay rights supporters in lively con- versation for about an hour. SuppoittorMan1'age Grows On January 14, House Bill 694, “An act relating to the ability to marry,” was intro- duced by a tri-partisan group of representatives. Dean Corren of Burlington, lead sponsor of the bill, said the proposed legislation would make marriages between two people valid without regard to, the gender of either person, provided they meet the requirements prescribed in the rest of Vermont’s existing mar- riage statutes. Co-sponsors Republican Gordon Bristol of Brattleboro, reassess :2 912 RUTLAND-7 Clarendon, Ira, Proctor, West WASHINGTON-ADDISON-1 Fayston, WINDSOR COUNTY Senators Rulland Granville, Waitsfield, Warren McCormack, Richard J. (D) Baker, Joseph (R) Hyde, Bruce (R) 234-5497 438-9819 496-7012 Ptashnik, Ben Zion (D) Deuel, Danny (D) 649-1805 438-5577 WASHINGTON-CHlTl'ENDEN-1 Buel’s Gore, Rivers, Cheryl P. (D) Duxbury, Huntington, Waterbury 234-5803 crivers@| RUTLAND-BENNINGTON-1 Middletown Steele, Karen K. (R) Springs, Pawlet, Rupert, Wells 244-7557 Representatives Waite, Perry D. (D) Vincent, Val (D) WINDSOR-1 Windsor 325-3463 244-6313 Sweaney, Donna G. (D) RUTLAND-WINDSOR-1 Chittenden, Bridgewater, Mendon, Sherburne Pike, lra M. (R) 773-2668 WASHINGTON COUNTY Senators Cummings, Ann E. (D) 223-6043 acummings@| Doyle, William T. (R) 223-2851 Spaulding, Jeb (D) 223-7504' Representatives WASHINGTON-1 Moretown, Northfield, Roxbtlry Cleland, William H. (R) 485-8088 Weiss, Alan H. (D) 485-8081 WASHINGTON-2 Calais, East Montpelier, Marshfield, Plainlield, Woodbury Alfano, Elaine R. (D) 456-8758 Osman, Donny (D) 479-0819 Donnyo@ao|.com WASHINGTON-3Barre Town Gray, Henry L. (R) 476-7444 Koch, Thomas F. (R) 479-2688 lkoch @| WASHINGTON-4-1 Barre City Poirier, Paul N. (D) 476-7870 WASHINGTON-4-2 Barre City. Berlin Towne, Ruth H. (R) 223-2075 Valsangiacomo, Oreste V. (D) 476-7300 WASHINGTON-5 Montpelier Brooks, Francis K. (D) 223-3170 Kilzmiller, Karen B. (D) 229-0878 kkitzmiller@| WASHINGTON-LAMOILLE-1-1 Elmore, Middlesex, Montpelier, Worcester Jordan, Henrietta (D) 229-5939 WINDHAM COUNTY Senators Chard, Nancy I. (D) 254-6630 chardn Shumlin, Peter E. (D) 387-4447 Representatives WINDHAM-1 Athens, Dummerslon, Putney, Westminster Darrow, Steve (D) 254-7454 Deen, David L. (D) 869-3116 WINDHAM-2-1 Brattleboro Milkey, Virginia A. (D) 254-2040 WINDHAM-2-2 Brattleboro Bristol, Gordon E. (R) 257-5594 WINDHAM-2-3 Brattleboro Costello, Thomas W. (D) 254-4340 WINDHAM-3 Brookline, Marlboro, Newfane, Townshend Darrow, Dan K. (D) 348-661 4 WINDHAM-4 Dover, Jamaica, Londonderry, Stratton, Wardsboro Hube, Richard W. (R) \_ 824-5052 WINDHAM-5 Guilford, Vernon O'Donnell, Pat (R) 257-1149 WINDHAM-BENNINGTON-1 Halifax, Searsburg, Somerset, Whitingham, Wilmington Rusten, Robert (D) 368-7490 brusten @ 674-5175 WINDSOR-2-2 Hartford Kainen, Michael R. (R) 296-2100 Lehman, Ralph W. (D) 295-2858 WINDSOR-2-3 Reading, Woodstock Anderson, Jack (D) V 457-2398 WINDSOR-4 Cavendish, Weathersfield Richardson, Gary P. (R) 263-5409 WINDSOR-5 Andover, Baltimore, Chester, Weston Suchmann, William F. (R) 875-3676 wsuchmann WINDSOR-6 Springfield Emmons, Alice M. (D) 885-5893 Fo|lett,'John E. (R) 885-5312 jfo|| WINDSOR-ORANGE-1 Norwich, Roya/ton, Sharon, Slrafford Mackinnon, Bill (D) 763-7693 Seibert, Ann (D) 649-1282 WINDSOR-RUTLAND-1 Ludlom Plymouth, Shrewsbury Nitka, Alice W. (D) 228-8432 WINDSOR-RUTLAND-2 Bethel, Pittsfield, Rochester, Stockbridge Holmes, Henry L. (R) 234-9790 WINDSOR-WINDHAM-1 Grafton, Rockingham, Windham, Springfield Obuchowski, Michael J. (D) 463-3094 February 2000 Out in the Mountains 7 About 30 demonstrators turned out in Montpelier on opening day of the legislature prepared to counter members of the Westboro Baptist Church who never appeared. k _ R f(For the Benefit of Vermont‘ CARES Sc: nford "”SyIvcI n A Magical Evening of Song ' The internationally acclaimed baritone performs a major One of the World’s Greatest Singers Grammy and Emmy Award Winner Vermont’s Celebrated Composer J o r g e IVI cu rf in UVM Recital Hall Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 8 pm new song cycle by Vermont’s JORGE MARTiN, plus works by DEBUSSY and RAVEL Tickets $25 & $50* *lnc|udes post-concert champagne/dessert reception with the artists CALL 86-FLYNN FOR TICKETS TODAY! J Vitamin Sale Day every Wednesday 20% off all non-sale supplements every Wednesday!