6 Out in the Mountains February 2000 Who Are the Legislators in Your Neighborhood? TO REACH LAWMAKERS AT THE STATE- HOUSE: Call or fax the Sergeant at Arms office - (800) 322-5616 or 828-2228; FAX 828-2424. They will deliver your message to your rep- resentative where ever they may be in the building. You may send letters to your Senators and Representatives at the Statehouse: The Vermont Statehouse 115 State St, Drawer 33 Montpelier, Vt. 05633-5301 It's often a good idea to send copies of your letters, taxes, or emails to the leader- ship at the Statehouse: GOV. HOWARD DEAN: 109 State Street Montpelier, VT 05609 FAX 828-3339 (800)6-196825 or 828-3333 LT. GOV. DOUGLAS RACINE: do The Vennont Statehouse 115 State St., Drawer 33 Montpelier, Vt. 05633-5301 828-2226; FAX 828-3198 email: Itgov@|eg.state.vt.us HOUSE SPEAKER MICHAEL OBUCHOWSKII 4‘ c/o The Vermont Statehouse 115 State St., Drawer 33 Montpelier, Vt. 05633-5301 828-2245; FAX 828-2220 email:speaker@Ieg.state.vt.us PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE PETER SHUMLIN: do The Vermont Statehouse 115 State St., Drawer 33 Montpelier, Vt. 05633-5301 828-3806; FAX 828-1040 Depending on the subject of your message, you might also want to send copies to the chairperson of the committee that is or might be considering legislation about it: All Senators and Representatives listed by the county and district they represent. ADDISON COUNTY Senators Bahre, Tom (R) 759-2301 Ready, Elizabeth M. (D) 453-2899 eready@leg.state.vt.us Representatives: ADDISON-1 Addison, Bridpoit, Ferrisburg,Panton, Vergennes, Waltham Houston, Connie T. (R) 475-2359 chouston @ |eg.state.vt.us ' McGrath, Thomas L. (D) 877-2559 tmcgrath@|eg.state.vl.us ADDISON-2 Lincoln, Monklon, Starksboro Dominick, Anthony (I) 453-2473 adominick@ leg.stale.vt.us ADDISON-3 Bristol Wisell, William C. (D) 453-2557 bwisel|@Ieg.state.vt.us ADDISON-4-1 Cornwall, Middlebury, New Haven, Weybridge Smith, Harvey T. (R) 877-2712 hsmith@leg.state.vt.us ADDISON-4-2 Middlebury Ginevan, Anne V. (R) 388-6846 aginevan@leg.state.vt.us Nuovo, Betty A. (D) 388-2024 bnuovo@|eg.state.vt.us ADDISON-RUTLAND-1 Orwell, Shoreham, Benson, Hubbardton Young, Mark S. (R) 948-2813 ' ADDISON-RUTLAND-2 Goshen, Hancock, Leicester, Riplon, Salisbury, Whiting, Sudbury Smith, Patricia (D) 623-6551 psmith@Ieg.state.vt.us BENNINGTON COUNTY Senators Morrissey, Gerald P. (R) 447-2674 Sears, Richard W. (D) 442-9139 rsears@Ieg.state.vt.us Representatives BENNINGTON-1 Arlington, Sandgate, Sunderland Molloy, Lawrence E. (D) 375-2300 BENNINGTON-2-1 Benninglon Colvin, James H. (D) 442-3157 acutec@sover.net Pembroke, Richard C. (D) 442-4854 BENNINGTON-2-2 Benninglon, Stamford, Readsboro, Woodford Hoag, Neil M. (D) 442-8850 BENNINGTON-2-3 Benninglon Krawczyk, Albert C. (D) 442-2769 aljoank@sover.net Morrissey. Mary A. (R) 442-2092 mmorrissey@leg.state.vt.us BENNINGTON-2-4 Bennington, Glastenbury, Shaflsbury Miller, Alice (D) 442-9825 amil|er@|eg.state.vt.us BENNINGTON-3 Pownal Palmer, Allen C. (R) 823-5270 apa|mer@leg.state.vt.us eenumcron-4 Manchester Livingston, Judith (R) 362-1949 jlivingston @|eg.state.vt.us BENNINGTON-RUTLAND-1 Dorset, Peru, Mnhall, Danby and Landgrove Freed, Walter E. (R) 362-2775 CALEDONIA COUNTY Senators Canns, Julius D. (R) 748-4871 lde, Robert D. (R) 592-3995 ide @together.net Representatives CALEDONIA-1 Hardwick, Slannard, Walden Brown, David A. (R) 563-2508 dbrown@Ieg.state.vt.us CALEDONIA-2 St. Johnsbury Clark, David T. (R) 748-3208 Sherman, Joseph M. (R) 748-9107 CALEDONIA-3 Barnet, Ryegate, Waterford Larocque, Leigh (R) CALEDONIA-4 Burke, Lyndon, Sutton Crawford, Howard T. (R) 626-3842 Hudson, Cola H. (R) 626-9428 CALEDONIA-WASHINGTON-1 Cabot, Danville, Peacham Larrabee, Steve (R) 684-2247 s|arrabee@|eg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN COUNTY Senators Ankeney. Jean B. (D) 482-3178 jankeney@leg.state.vt.us Backus, Jan (D) 655-7455 jbackus@Ieg.stale.vt.us Brownell, Peter C. (R) 434-3923 pbrownel|@|eg.state.vt.us Leddy, James P. (D) 863-6613 Munt, Janet (D) 862-9342 Janetmunt@hoImaiI.com Riehle, Helen S. (R) 864-5460 hriehle@Ieg.state.vt.us Representatives CHITTENDEN-1-1 Colchester Severance, Malcolm F. (R) 878-2067 Severance@bsadpa.emba.uvm.edu Vinton, Michael C. (D) 655-1396 mvinton@leg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN-1-2 Colchester Dakin, Maureen P. (D) 862-3879 thedakins@compuserve.com Schaefer, Hank (R) 658-4776 hschaefer@|eg.state.vl.us CHITTENDEN-1-3 Colchester, Winooski Atkins, Kenneth W. (D) 655-1280 katkins@|eg.state.vt.us Cross, George C. (D) 655-4611 geocro@cwinooski.k12.vt.us CHITTENDEN-2-1 Essex Fox, Sally G. (D) 879-6420 sfox@|eg.state.vt.us Sweetser, Gene (R) , 879-4838 gsweetser@|eg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN-2-2 Milton Metzger, Doran (R) 893-6095 Rivero, Marilyn Keith (D) 893-4643 mrivero@Ieg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN-2-3 Essex Town, Milton, Westford Heath, Martha P. (D) 893-1291 barryheath @aol.comm CHITTENDEN-2-4 Essex Blanchard, Rene L. (D) 878-4310 Parizo, Mary-Ann (D) 878-3859 CHl'l'TENDEN-3 Bolton, Jericho, Underhill Hummel, Margaret P. (D) 899-3346 mhumme|@leg.state.vl.us Symington, Gaye R. (D) 899-3324 gsymington@Ieg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN-4 Richmond Doyle, Patricia R. (D) 434-2369 pdo|yIe@leg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN-5-1 St. George, Shelbume, Williston Schiavone, George (R) 985-2886 CHITTENDEN-5-2 Wrlliston Quaid, Michael H. (R) 878-6675 CHITTENDEN-5-3 Charlotte, Shelbume Krasnow, Alysia D. (D) 425-2364 akraz@ao|.com CHITTENDEN-5-4 Shelbume Little, Thomas A. (R) 985-2701 CHITTENDEN-6 Hinesburg Lippert, William J. (D) 482-3528 CHITTENDEN-7-1 Burlington Lafayette, Karen M. (D) 863-5397 Sullivan, Mary M. (D) 862-6632 msullivan@Ieg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN-7-10 South Burlington Flaherty, Michael D. (D) 864-5251 CHITTENDEN-7-2 Burlington Hingtgen, Steve (P) 864-8204 shingtgen @Ieg.state.vt.us Tracy, John Patrick (D) 863-4135 jtracy@Ieg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN-7-3 Burlington Corren, Dean R. (P) 864-9916 dcorren@leg.state.vt.us Zuckerman, David (P) 863-2199 dzuckerman @ leg.stale.vt.us CHITTENDEN-7-4 Burlington Bouricius, Terrill G. (P) 864-8382 CHITTENDEN-7-5 Burlington McNamara, James J. (D) 862-7116 CHITTENDEN-7-6 Burlington Aswad, William N. (D) 862-2067 Gretkowski, Henry J. (D) 863-5352 CHITTENDEN-7-7 Burlington, South Burlington Wheeler, Susan (D) 864-6776 swhee|er@|eg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN-7-8 South Burlington Mazur, Frank M. (R) 658-3975 frnazur@|eg.state.vt.us CHITTENDEN-7-9 South Burlington Pugh, Ann D. (D) 863-6705 ESSEX-ORLEANS COUNTY Senators Greenwood, James H. (R) 754-6357 llluzzi, Vincent (R) 754-2100 vi|luzzi@leg.state.vt,us Representatives ESSEX-CALEDONIA-1 Bloomfield, Brunswick, Concord, Granby, Guildhall, Kirby, Lemington, Lunenburg (Gilman), Maidstone, Victory Peaslee, Janice L. (R) 328-4452 jpeas|ee@|eg.state.vt.us ESSEX-CALEDONIA-2 Averill, Avery's Gore, Brighton (island Pond), Canaan, Ferdinand, East Haven, Lewis, Newark, Norton, Warren's Gore, Warner's Grant Johnson, William F. (R) 277-8329 FRANKLIN COUNTY Senators Costes, George T. (R) 524-4814 Kittell, Sara Branon (D) 827-3274 skittell@|eg.state.vt.us Representatives FRANKLIN-1 Franklin, Highgate Barney, Jason (R) 868-3657 jbamey@Ieg.state.vt.us FRANKLIN-2 Bakersfield, Berkshire, Enosburg, Richford Gervais, Avis L. (D) 933-4794 agervais@leg.state.vt.us Perry, Albert J. (D) 848-7618 aperry@leg.state.vt.us FRANKLIN-3-1 St. Albans City, St. Albans Town Keenan, Kathleen C. (D) 524-5013 Willett, James W. (D) 524-5265 FRANKLIN-3-2 St. Albans Town Allard, George R. (D) 527-7105 FRANKLIN-4 Fairfleld, Sheldon Howrigan, Richard J. (D) 827-6513 rhowrigan@Ieg.state.vt.us FRAN KLIN-5-1 Georgia Neiman, Thomas (R) 893-2342 tneiman @leg.state.vt.us FRANKLIN-5-2 Fairfax, Fletcher Paquin, Edward H. (D) 849-6535 epaquin @|eg.state.vt.us FRANKLIN-GRAND ISLE-1 Alburg, Swanton Edwards, John R. (R) 868-2824 Robb, John E. (R) 668-4357 GRAND ISLE COUNTY Senator Mazza, Richard T. (D) 863-1067 Representative _ GRAND ISLE-1 Grand Isle, Isle La Motte, North Hero, South Hero LaBarge, John V. (R) 372-4017 jlabarge@leg.state.vt.us LAMOILLE COUNTY Senator Banlett, Susan (D) 888-5591 sbartlett@|eg.state.vi.us Representatives LAMOILLE-1 Belvidere, Cambridge, Waterville Westman, Richard A. (R) 644-2297 LAMOILLE-2-1 Hyde Park, Wolcotl Bourdeau, Stephanie A. (R) 888-4344 LAMOILLE-2-2 Morristown (Morrisville), Stowe Marron, Richard C. (R) 253-9011 rmarron@|eg.stale.vt.us Voyer, Cathy (R) 888-7011 cvoyer@|eg.state.vt.us LAMOILLE-3 Eden, Johnson Woodward, Mark (D) 635-7166 ORANGE COUNTY Senator MacDonald, Mark A. (D) 433-5867 mmacdonald@|eg.state.vt.us ORANGE-1 Braintree, Brookfield, Randolph Angeli, Philip A. (R) 728-9757 pange|l@|eg.state.vt.us Mallary, Richard W. (R) 276-3416 Richard.ma||ary@quesl.net.com ORANGE-2 Chelsea, Orange, Tunbridge, Vershire, Washington, Williamstown Milne, Marion C. (R) 439-5404 Winters, Philip C. (R) 433-5590 ORANGE-3 Bradford, Corinth Randall, Neil (L) 222-5952 ORANGE-4 Fairlee (Ely), Thefford, West Fairlee Masland, Jim W. (D) 785-4146 Jmasland@vaIley.net ORANGE-CALEDONIA-1 Groton, Newbury, Topsham Stevens, Albert D. (D) 757-2138 astevens@leg.state.vt.us ORLEANS-1 Brownington, Charleston, Derby, Holland, Morgan Postman, Barbara (D) Shellra, Nancy J. (R) 766-5437 ORLEANS-2 Coventry, lrasburg, Newpon City, Newpon Town Buckland, Forest A. (R) 334-2918 Fyte, William A. (R) 334-2172 ORLEANS-CALEDONIA-1 Albany, Barton, Craflsbury, Glover, Greensboro, Sheffield, Westmore, Wheelock Hathaway, David C. (R) 525-3084 dhalhaway@Ieg.state.vt.us Kinsey, Robert E. (R) 755-6134 ORLEANS-FRANKLIN-1 Jay, Lowell, Montgomery, Troy, Westfield Starr, Robert A. (D) 988-2877 RUTLAND COUNTY Senators Bloomer, John H. (R) 773-3002 jbIoomer@leg.state.vt.us Crowley, John P. (R) 438-5500 jcrow|ey@|eg.state.vt.us Maynard, Hull P. (R) 773-3000 Hu||@sover.nel Representatives RUTLAND COUNTY Benson, Castlefon, Chiitenden, Clarendon, Danby, Fair Haven, Hubbardton, Ira, Mendon, Middletown Springs, Mt. Holly, Mt. Tabor, Pawlel, Piltslleld, Piitsford, Poultney, Proctor, Rutland City, Rutland Town, Sherburne, Shrewsbury, Sudbury, Tinmouth, Wallingiord, Wells, West Haven, West Rutland Hooker, Cheryl M. (D) 775-5462 RUTLAND-1 Castlefon, Fair Haven, West Haven Helm, Robert (R) 265-2145 Rogers, David (R) 468-0083 drogers@|eg.state.vt.us RUTLAND-2 Brandon, Pittslord Flory, Margaret (R) 483-6854 pf|ory@leg.state.vt.us Wood, Robert H. (R) 247-6267 RUTLAND-3 Poullney Maslack, Fred A. (R) 287-9298 fmas|ack@leg.state.vt.us RUTLAND-4 Mt. Holly, Mt. Tabor, Tinmouth, Wallingford Barbieri, Joyce (D) 446-2614 ibarbieri@|eg.state.vt.us RUTLAND-5 Rutland Town Mullin, Kevin J. (R) 775-7631 Kjmbjm@ao|.com RUTLAND-6-1 Rutland Cily Mazzariello, Mary C. (D) 775-4672 RUTLAND-6-2 Rutland City DePoy, Thomas S. (R) 773-5466 RUTLAND-6-3 Rutland City Kreitzer, Jerry (D) 775-4426 RUTLAND-6-4 Rutland City Carmolli, Diane M. (D) 773-6972