teer position for you ! Experience preferred, but not necessary. If you‘re sincere, dedicated and want to help out, we'll show you the ropes. To volunteer call 802- 849-2739 or lavender@together.net or you can write to us at PO box 307 St Albans, VT 05478 (01/00) GROUPS , V Addison County Women in Crisis announces New Support Groups! Are you feeling alone? 1 Are you feeling like no one else is experiencing the same pain that you are? Are you feeling like your 3 partner has isolated you from friends and family and limits your ( access to the family finances? Are ' you afraid of your partner? Has he/she been threatening to you? P ACWIC support groups offer a chance for you to meet other 2 women who may be experiencing these same issues. They take it place in a relaxed, sate atmos- phere with an emphasis on respect and support. New groups ' are forming now and are open to any woman looking for support around issues of physical and emotional violence in her life. All groups are free and confidential ‘ and childcare will be provided. We are trying to find a time that fits into , all participant’s schedules, so *5 .-please call to let us know what i— times are convenient for you. Addison County Women in Crisis l aims to reduce domestic and sex- E ual violence in Addison County by offering advocacy and support for survivors and education and awareness for the community. Please call 388-4205 for more 1 information about ACWIC or the , upcoming support groups. (02/00) ‘i OLASSES/ COURSES OFFERED V Gender-free Ballroom Dance 3 classes in Montpelier. Learn clas- , sic, popular dances you can use. ‘W No partner or experience required. f If you can walk, you can dance ! 1 Four classes to choose from: Swing — Tues 1/18-2/8 (6-7pm), Tango — Tues 1/18-2/8 (7-8pm), Waltz - Tues 2/15-3/14 (6-7pm) or Mambo — Tues 2/15-3/14 (7-8pm). $40 per person per 4-week class fl; ($10 off for each additional class). [To sign up or get more info, call j iinstructor Nancy Shulz (802) 223 E (7035. (01/00) LIVING SITUATIONS ‘OFFERED V Roommate Wanted GWM Westminster, VT. Available, Bedroom 10x15 with skylight. ‘(Shared bath and kitchen. Prefer Lprofessional male. $125.00 per . Week includes utilities (not phone). First week, last week and security Elequired. Email inquiries to .- _ Curbside STATEUIIION ©I‘H‘i EY «vvv- zuvv Roseflt xiksy REMEMBER WHEN You vseo To sTTAMo MAKE up $oNe5 Foe Me?1'o 5TrL\P You Down! NP\l<€D AND we'i7 HAVE THE YEAH, You’ 0 FUCK ME F0 HAVE THE ‘RMOANE G D FUCXME NATHAN... O ’ Rg’\/€R.... . January 2000 | Out in the M,u,n,ta,in,s 31» ’ I'LL Fuc\< You‘Tii. werze HEY,PRE\/J, we SHou GETGOING. "(oust Bogs YEAH, 1; JUST CoULDN‘T 5AiDYoo'o SPEND MY DAY MAHN9 CALLED IN ESPRESSO5 AND LATTES si<.K7, Fo/L PEOPLE... I w;wT— ED 5oM€ "ME" TIME,’ NoTHN' MUCH... WENT TDTHE Moi/TE5, 'n—\A'f’s NOT Nonm.i.,oRew! _ 3'usT CONFRONT l-\iM.'ASKHiM.’ 7/ ,7 I M; GoweTHAT, wAY ANYWAY ! ou sum: 1 ” ARE YOU C\-\EATIr~|G OM Me?"THAT'LL Go OVER P:’E&L B16,’ '. G ipe9. Fizo/vx PHILLY. HE wAS I"\‘("TP~AN$iT|0N C-:UY',’ wi—ucH \S To SAY THAT oust R€LAT|0NS\—\lP wAs DooMEt> HONEY, You've. GOT A LONG WAY To Go BEFoR€ You’RE EVEN AT THE La/at, OF D: i!'A7.'LY3'EFF AND H€wAsTHe ABSOLUTE woIL€T RAP- PER EVER, Bun‘ T. TRIED To 86 l. Besioes, HE HAD PLENTY OFTALENT5 ELSENHERE, IFYOU Knlow WHAT 1: MEAN... Y; 53301 po‘%!‘3P\:‘~Iri“‘i”HoUT THE 5°55: 7', \'MT“T\=iE mores oP€N'“’T"“5‘R J ' :3 0°‘ n 9uIL$ES A 3 LAND iii HEl\RT'S THE COAL“ ’ E HoTTES‘l' vER$Esr SOME!-\ov~J THE FACT THAT He HAD A GIRLFRIEND TUS1‘ ADDED TO HIS" AT.n.ukE, I THOUGHT rr wAs"SExY. BABY, I’/V\A HAVETO CALL You BACK» WOULD ' I’. STILL COULD. I. RAM B/\ciL‘ro Kt-tvuu THAT Mien-iT ‘Po/1 A LITTLE "C_oMF-oD.‘r" AND SE — Duct-ID His Ass, TVST L\\Tb TALKTO...YOU FEEL so goes... A3001‘ IT AND HA HAD BEEN A VERY ’ :— 5HiPTo ME. / //3'? ' 7 ’, * A..Ho1 Ilsrsiir-‘\'—",— V... moving to Burlington (yep, we read the Girlfriend’s survey). Your city seems to have everything we‘re looking for in a town. We plan to visit over spring break and begin looking for jobs and a house. Our plan is to move in May/June——or as soon as we can find a_ way to sup- port ourselves and sell our house in Ohio. Susan is an artist/photog- rapher/teacher and I am a free- lance writer/editor/proofreader. If you know of any jobs, please let us know. And if you have any advice, please share it. Also, if you are looking for house sitters during spring break, we'd be very interest- ed in volunteering our services free of charge. And we'd provide per- .NY 12443 (04/99) sonal references, of course. We’re excited about our move and can’t wait to meet all of you! E-mail Jennifer Wagley at wagley@main- net.com (02/00) PERSONALS V GWSF sensitive, caring, roman- tic, playful, athletic, fun loving pro- fessional, seeking a joyful GWSF capable of intimacy for friendship and possible relationship. Prefer non-smokers and under 50. Write: Sharon, 139 Sheryl Street, Hurley, ...AND THEN HE CALLED ME A.. ‘ I MAD: sum: DARRYL FOUND our v MY KE\/ENC:-E, BUT THAT WAS THE END oi: WHAT SPEQM. REL./\TioN— - D ‘"1