tg-~._ 30 Out in the Mountains HELP WANTED V LOOKING TO MAKE EXTRA $$$ - Out In The Mountains is cur- rently looking for part time volun- teers for our Advertising Sales Team. This is an ideal opportunity for someone looking for: flexible hours, the ability to work from home, and a way to earn extra money. We provide you with. media kits, sales leads and training. You must be organized, able to meet deadlines, like to talk on the phone, and have the necessary equipment to perform this work (computer with Internet access, email, etc.). Commissions are paid on every sale you close and maintain. With our paper steadily growing and our latest addition of advertising on our web site, this is the perfect time to January 2000 join our team. You probably know of several businesses that should be advertising with us - why not help bring them on board. Interested? Please give us a call at 802-434-5237 or email us at for more details. (01/00) V Administrative Assistant/ Executive Assistant at Samara Foundation of Vermont. Half-time position, which could develop into more time. Samara Foundation is a statewide, non-profit charitable foundation whose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans- gendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. We are seeking a sell-motivated individual who can work as a team with the Executive Director and independently with supervision. Skills in data entry and data base management, use of Word, knowl- edge of FileMaker Pro, and book- keeping skills desired. Ability to work with board committees and handle confidential information. Minimum 2 - 5 years experience. Flexible schedule, including some evening meetings, to be negotiat- ed. Burlington office. Anticipated start date in mid January. Please fonivard your resume, cover letter and list of references by January 14 to Bill Lippert, Executive Director, Samara Foundation of Vermont, P.O. Box 1263, 90 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05402-1263. (01/00) V Gay & Lesbian Advocates & The Mostly Unfabulous Social Lire of Ethan Green coll I I'll 1. p i M You’:-e introduced to the mutants, ex- cons and misfits paired up with your eagues in private life... ......m.~.... Y! h...EvAN‘...HeY. 1'4 Like You To Meet M1 LADY,_SQ\1EEl1 R . " whv N9T .. MoNTreAL"? Pi'rcHED Dove IN SEPTEN-BER.. " For NEW Ysixrls PME You cri_x1v? -_~ DEMANDEDMY B°YFrI£NP- "IT"I.l. as Ho‘BEi.°w _ ,, "AND Al_.l. Thur bi: ' $M°km€v..Y"K--” www. ’} __ PALIA spniuc-is"? 1 ASKED LAST FEBRVAW1 3 Whirl-I aiztues us To TONi(:HT2 NEW YEN-’5 ; eve. 113 1o'.H8PM,wE’VE BEEN srrnwsv AT 1_'hs_ Frieeiuo A_iRPo|"l'SlNCE Arfsruoou WMTING Fay A FLIGHT THAT'S crux :l’us‘\’ ; Now BoArzn:NG,To TAKE us To |.ouISvf|.|.E, 5 or ALI. PLME5. so WE (M SPEND The Next 2 In newts AT 11:29 "v2|<-aoaza-an-mzg/it HOW Alana‘! -nuuhflac 402 \ .5,“ I I‘ \_p§&,"\ ' ‘W c._‘ 1: 'HoWABou'r LOllDOI"‘?W Propo5ED AS FM‘ BACK AS LAST Ann’ L. I DON"'|' mow’; sun E'ruAN."wE ONLY Know 8 FEW PEOPLE . Therefx Don’,TWkN"_T To SPeuD1‘he MiLLeNNIuM5Ul‘- roimvsv BY STRANGEYS. ’ ."‘afi -7.?‘ _* 2 5 A '- €,l:&l1i‘l'‘%m;ii1 adY 9 we 6oT'rA 6009 Price psi The FLIGI-IT.. You get your annual opportunity to come-on to the ldd who works for the company that takes care of the office’s plants... “*‘ E}lE.$fl@fEs Yowvfi 6 BoYFriEuD.I’VE SEEN ms PIn'ur£ on Your DESK . K av? H ME N HE MEN'S Room. or, rm FLA-rrsrsv ' BUT You Know 17* , $'|'RAK:‘|’.. __ _. E “°““” 9.. Eric 0:-ner (I " Hoyt A|,o.UT MIAMI”? Moon sucessrsv A Few WEEKS INTO 3'uLY.' ,L "on C;-Al-|p"7 Ee‘l’h’: L'il