.439->~ 28 Out in the Mountains January 2000 xfiom RAINBOW CONN?/7 04/ THE T.V. SHOW BY. FOR AND ABOUT VERi'lONT'S L/G/B/T COMMUNITY ANDOUR SUPPORTERSI Sit back and enjoy our January program filled with news, resources and an informative interview by co-anchors Sharon Randall and Michael James FOCUS ON SEGMENT: Heather Geoffrey, Education & Outreach Coordinator, Outright Vermont \Adelphia (CH. 13) (Ludlow, Plymouth, Woodstock) Fri 9pm—— Adelphia (CH. 15) (Greater Burlington area) Fri 9pm Adelphia (CH. 15) (Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph) 2nd & 4th Fri 7:30pm _ Lake Champlain (CH. 2) lst & 2nd Mon 11pm and 1st & 2nd Wed. 10pm Helicon (CH. 7) (Barre) 2nd & 4th Mon 8:30pm BCTV (CH. 8) (Brattleboro) call 257-0888 for air days/time MCTV (Middlebury, E. Middlebury, Weybridge) 388-3062 for airtimes MMCTV (CH. 3)(Richmond, Jericho, Underhill) call 434-2550 for air days/time . WENO (CH.15) (Enosburg, Berkshire, Richford) 1st & 3rd Sun at 8pm CA-TV (Bennington, Pownal, Shaftsbury, Woodford, Hoosick Falls) call 442-8868 for air days/time Before you trust just any agency to represent you, check out... E THE TECHNICAL CONNECTION, INC. Staffing for the New Milenniumi because: 0 No fee to you! 0 You can tap the hidden job market. V 0 You can use our confidential search techniques. 0 You can use our skills to find interesting, cutting edge employment opportunities. 0 You can become eligible for lucrative consulting opportunities through our contracting division. B 0 You can make use of our established rela- tionships with leading Vermont employers. 0 You can use our 12 plus years in _ Burlington, Vermont to assist in your job search. 0 We specialize in permanent long—term placements. 0 We are Vermont's Technical Specialists! Confidential inquiries can be directed to Chris Johnson and Kathie Taft via email: vtjobs@aol.com or call 8D2.B58.TECH. Check out our new website at www.vttechjobs.com BY ROLAND F. PALMER have seen Michael Feinstein perform live at the Flynn Theatre in Burlington, Vermont in September, 1998. I was also lucky enough to see Maynard Ferguson and his Big Bop Nouveau Band per- form at Champlain Valley lconsider myself lucky to Union High School in Hinesburg, Vermont, on his birthday this past May. As a fan of both artists, I was thrilled to discover that these two musical talents have recently collaborated and released a new CD called Big City Rhythms on the Concord Records label. This is Feinstein’s 18th album, but it’s his first record- ing in this context — as a croon- er backed by a big band. Best known for working as Ira- Gershwin’s assistant and later recording and performing many of the Gershwin songs, Feinstein has stepped into a whole new dimension with this recording. There’ve been a lot of other firsts for him this past year; in October, he opened a nightclub called Feinstein’s at The Regency in New York City. He also wrote the musical score and appeared ‘in the recent Miramax film "Get Darling, there's T a coffeehouse this month and I don ’t have a thing to wear! emmunl vain homepages iogelher net -lerpod ru singing dancing mayhem saturday, january 22 zabby’s stone soup college street burlington V 7:30-11300 $5 (suggested) open to all 86 44 - ru ' ccenter@bigheovyworld com index html sponsored by R.U.1.2? Community Center and Outright Vermont with cl grant from the Samara Foundation of Vermont Bruce." Maynard Ferguson and his Big Band have been touring this year promoting their own new recording Brass Attitude. Maynard is known, of course, for his robust and powerful trumpet and flugelhorn play- ing. At 71, he can still blow a horn with fury, and it’s as amazing to watch as it is to lis- ten to. With sixteen tracks and a total playing time of just over 64 minutes, this new recording is fantastic. Big City Rhythms has a wonderful mix of upbeat swing tunes, including "Swing Is Back In Style" and "Close Your Eyes"; romantic pieces such as "The Very Thought Of You" and “How Little We Know"; and heartstring-tug- ging ballads like "The One I Love Belongs To Somebody Else" and "When Your Lover Has Gone/ The Gal That Got Away." Feinstein and Ferguson seem to have been meant to play together, and it is definite- ly a performance I would love to see live. Failing concert opportuni- ' ties, perhaps the second-best way to enjoy these tunes is with a quiet evening at home with a special someone. Light the candles and the fire, roll up the rug, pull out the tuxes, gowns, or whatever you con- sider snappy attire, and let the music make the evening. V