January 2000 | Out in the Mountains I23 www.vtpride.org/event To announce your event for 0ITM’s monthly calendar email [calendar@vtpride.org], or write [PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477] by the 20th of the month prior to publication. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - BiNet Brunch at Borders - 12:00pm Upstairs at the cafe, look for the purple triangle. FMI: contact Nancy Ellen at 864-4957 BURLINGTON - DignityNT, a safe and support- ive group for Vg/b/t/q Catholics and friends will meet for a Celebration of the Eucharist and dis- cussion on gay-positive topics from a spiritual perspective from 4:00pm -6:00pm at the Chapel at the Bishop Booth Conference Center at Rock Point, For more information please call Charles at 658-4436 or Thom at 655-6706 . 3 MONDAY ESSEX JUNCTION — Science Fiction Reading and Writing Workshops at Pyramid Books, Essex Junction starting Monday, January 3rd at 6pm. Classes are once a week for 1 _ hours and run for 8 weeks, but students may take individ- ual classes. The Fee is $10 a class, or $75 in advance. Register by calling Kim Ward (802)229-0112 or e-mailing her at (case sensitive e-mail) (Sliding fees available, books on tape available if requested at registration). If you've always wanted to be a Frank Herbert or an Ursula Le Guin, this is the class for you. RANDOLPH -- 4:00pm -6:00pm Public Hearing on Unique Identifier (Ul) Form of HIV Case Reporting. Come voice your opinion! Call Rob Larabee at VTCARES for more inforrnation,1- 800-649-2437 ‘ RICHMOND - OITM staff meeting 6:30pm - 8:00pm at the OITM office above the Daily Bread Bakery in Richmond. Everyone welcome to join in the working meeting. If you want to get involved, this is a great place to start. 4 TUESDAY BURLINGTON - 4:00pm -6:00pm Public Hearing on Unique Identifier (U!) Form of HIV Case Reporting. Come voice your opinion! Call Rob Larabee at VTCARES for more informa- tion,1- 800-649-2437 CONCORD, NH - Child and Family Services - Informational Seminar ~ Series for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered parents and prospective parents. A free informational seminar series at the UU Church, 274 Pleasant Street, Concord NH. 6:30pm -8:30pm. “Parenting Apart - Challenges of Divorce, Separation, and Shared Parenting" Participants may attend any seminar. Registration is encour- aged but not required. For additional informa- tion, please contact Rosemary Crowley at 224 7479 5 WEDNESDAY BURLINGTON - Pride Committee Meeting at Vermont Floral on Pine Street at 6:30pm. Anyone wanting to help plan our community’s celebration is welcome to attend and get involved. For more information, e-mail bar- tender@adelphia.net. MONTPELIER - Science Fiction Reading and Writing Workshops at Kellogg Hubbard Library in Montpelier, starting January 5th at 7pm. See 1/3 entry for details 7 FRIDAY BURLINGTON - BiNet Dinner and Dancing. Dinner at 6:00pm at Shalimar of India near the corner of Winooski and Pearl Sts. followed by the women's dance at 135 Pearl. Guys are we!- come to join us for dinner. Look for the purple tri- angle on the table. FMI: contact Max at 863- 3963 DERBY LINE - VT Freedom to Marry Taskforce Orleans County Meeting at 7:00pm. Volunteer meeting, viewing Green Mountain View and Oral Arguments videos, getting to know each other, planning, First Universalist Parish, Main Street. New volunteers welcome. FMI: Mark Violette, 802 8954101. 8 SATURDAY HYDE PARK ~ Fried Green Tomatoes - Karen's Winter Kamival at 1:00pm, featuring 3-legged snowshoe races, snow sculptures, ice-skating and other novelties. No snow? We'll do indoor games. All followed by pot luck. Call 888 6624 to RSVP and for directions. 9 SUNDAY NORTHAMPTON, MA - Fried Green Tomatoes - Dance Lesson and Tea Dance 2:30pm - 6:30pm. Travel to Northampton tor a one hour tree dance lesson followed by a three hour tea dance with DJ Mary V. at the the Gotta Dance! studiothe only Lesbian owned partner dancing school in the country. For more information and to set up carpooling, call Gloria at 893-1745. 10 MDNDAY ' BURL|NGTON- R.U.1.2? Community Potluck at the Rhombus Gallery in Burlington, 6-8pm (comer of Church and College, 2nd floor). Bring a tasty dish to pass and your gift of gab to this month's potluck. FMI call 860-1044 or email ru12ccenter@bigheavywor|d.com. PUTNEY - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force - Windham County Volunteer meeting, updates and planning of next activities- private Home, 6:30pm. New volunteers welcome. For directions and more information: Bari Shamas 802 387-5788 or email. 11 TUESDAY CONCORD, NH - Child and Family Services - Informational Seminar Series for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered parents and prospective parents. Free informational seminar series featuring speakers, panel pre- sentations and group discussion at the UU Church, 274 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH, 6:30pm -8:30pm. “Making Connections" - an open discussion and planning session for start- ing resource and support networks for area fam- ilies. Participants may attend any seminar. Registration is encouraged by not required. For additional information, please contact Rosemary Crowley at 244 7479 VERMONT PUBLIC TELEVISION - "In the Life" at 11:00pm. A wide range of profiles and stories that express the diversity of lesbians and gay men - diversity in both the individuals they are and in the work they do. 12 WEDNESDAY Amelia's Book Club Meeting at 7:30pm -9:00pm Selection for discussion will be Patricia Highsmith & Claire Morgan’s The Price of Salt. . FMI: TBA. BENNINGTON - Vermont Freedom to Marry Bennington County volunteer meeting, review Community Forum and plan upcoming activities, home of Judy Murphy at 7:00pm. New volun- teers welcome. FMI Rose-Marie Pelletier, 802- 823-0257. MONTPEUER - W.O.W. Dinner and a Movie. Dinner at Julio's on Main St at 5:00pm, then choose among the movies playing in town. Meet for dinner at 5 p.m. If you just want to see a 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 movie, meet in front of Julio's at about 6:15 p.m. 13 THURSDAY RICHMOND - Rainbow Business Association Mixer at Chequers Restaurant in Richmond (jct of I-89 and rt-2), from 6:30pm-8:30pm. The event is open to all with a cover charge of $10 for FtBA members and $12 for non-members. Luis Garcia, Attorney at Law will be our guest speaker providing “GLBT Political insights and perspectives for Year 2000". 14 FRIDAY PUTNEY - Gender-role-free Ballroom Dancing A three-part gender-role-free ballroom dancing program featuring Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango and Swing will be offered in Putney, Vermont, at the Putney Community Center in January 2000. The dates are three successive Fridays, January 14, 21, and 28, from 7:00 - 9:00 PM. All dances are taught, and no partner or experience is necessary. Number of participants will be lim- ited, and advance sign-up will be required. Participants may attend all three evenings, or only one or two. Watch for more infonnation on cost and how to sign up! If you are interested in this program and would like to be on our mailing list, call Alex at 802-257-8571 and leave a mes- sage on the machine. 15 SATURDAY BURLINGTON - Mountain Pride Media's Green Mountain Tour at the home of Cheryl Carmi and Charrisa Herrick. See back page ad for details. MISSISSIOUOI — CRONES Winter Sports. Meet at Mississiquoi Nature Center at 1pm for Nordic skiing, snow-shoeing or hiking of about 1.5 miles. Call Elizabeth 372-3866 for details. 16 SUNDAY BELLOWS FALLS - Gay Guy Get Togethers - Gay Dads social and pot luck. Join other Dads for camaraderie and a pot luck supper at 4:00pm. Let’s determine interest in meeting on a regular basis and possible discussion topics to explore. For more information, call 802 463 8132 BURLINGTON - 135 Pearl Brunch from 11:00am -2:00pm. All welcome. BURLINGTON - BiNet Brunch at 135 Pearl at 12:00pm. Look for the purple triangle on the table. FMI: contact Nancy Ellen at 864-4957 EAST MIDDLEBURY — Towanda's~ Ski Moosalamoo. Vala will organize. FMI: 802-849- 6185. 13 TUESDAY MONTPELIER - Gender-Free Ballroom Dance Classes. Learn classic, popular dances you can use._No partner or experience required. if you can walk, you can dance! Swing — Tues 1/18-2/8 (6-7pm), Tango — Tues 1/18-2/8 (7-8pm)). $40 per person per 4-week class ($10 off for each additional class). To sign up or get more info, call instructor Nancy Shulz (802) 223 7035. MONTPELIER - VT Freedom To Marry Taskforce Washington County Meeting. Volunteer planning meeting, at the Montpe|ierUnitarian Universalist Church, 7:00pm. New volunteers welcome! FMI: Dee Ro|lins,229-1167. 19 wenuesnmr WKDR 1390AM - “The Mark Johnson Program" at 9:00am. Tune-in, call-in, show your support ! Sharon‘ Randall, “Vermont Rainbow Connection" TV show host and Minister Gary Kowolski from the Unitarian Universalist will be guests on “The Mark Johnson Program.” Gary and Sharon will be discussing the on-going, ignorant remarks made by “Dr. Laura" and focus on educating listeners regarding the realities of G/L people. 802- 655-6753 20 THURSDAY OITM Deadline for letters to the editor, cal- endar, Community Compass, classifieds and Source. BURLINGTON - Living with HIV/AIDS Support Group planning meeting at Vermont CARES, 361 Pearl Street. Help us plan a group to meet your needs. Pizza and soda provided. Group will begin meeting in February. Call Kara at 863- 2437 or 800-649-2437 BURUNGTON - Pride Committee Meeting at Vermont Floral on Pine Street. Anyone wanting to help plan our community's celebration is we!- come to attend and get involved. For more infor- mation, email bartender@adelphia.net. 21 FRIDAY BRATTLEBORO - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force - Public Event. Viewing of the 1998 oral arguments in Baker v. State: the same-gen- der marriage case before re the Vermont Supreme Court. Video of arguments as present- ed to the Vermont Supreme Court (both sides), with Q&A period. Free and everyone welcome. Brattleboro Savings and Loan Assn. Community Room, 221 Main St. (downstairs - enter through rear of building) at 7:00pm. FMI: Bari Shamas 802 387-5788. MONTPELIER — Northern New England Tradeswomen GEAR UP graduation. FMI con- tact NNET, 189 N. Main St #9, Barre VT 05641. Call (802) 476-4040. PUTNEY — Gender-role-free Ballroom Dancing. See 1/14 entry for details. 22 SATURDAY R.U.1.2? Community Coffeehouse Evening, Zabby‘s Stone Soup, College St. Burlington, 7:30-11, $5 donation. Be a part of the latest and greatest event happening for queer peo- ple in Burlington. Share your poetry, music, and jokes at the open-mic, or just sick back and relax in the cozy ambiance of a GLBT cof- feehouse. FMI and to learn about featured performers, call 860-1044, email ru12ccen- ter@bigheavyworld.com or check out the Web site at homepages.together.net/~lerpad/ru12/index.ht ml. 26 WEDNESDAY BURLINGTON - VT Freedom To Marry Taskforce - Public event. Baker v. State: the same-gender marriage question before the Vermont Supreme Coun. Video of the oral argu- ments presented to the Vermont Supreme Court (both sides), with Q&A period with Beth Robinson, attorney for the plaintiffs. Fletcher Free Public Library, Pickering Room at 7:00pm. Sponsored by the Chittenden County Freedom to Marry Task Force and the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force. FMI: Erika Nestor, 863- 4256. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 THURSDAY OITM Distribution AMHERST, MA - University of Massachusetts - LBGT Studies Lecture Series. Sean P. O'Connell, Professor of Philosophy at Albertus Magnus College will present “Telling Tales in School: A Queer Response to the Heterosexist Narrative in Higher Education". The lecture will take place in the University of Massachusetts Campus Center, Room 804-08 at 12:30pm. This event is cosponsored by The Stonewall Center, GLBT Graduate Student Organization, Women's Studies, and The Chancellor's Task Force on GLBT Matters. Open to the public, free and wheelchair accessible. 28 FRIDAY JOHNSON - Burlington Taiko Benefit Concert at Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson.State College, 7pm. Burlington Taiko will perform a benefit concert for AWARE and the Clarina Howard Nichols Center. Tickets may be pur- chased at The Music Shop in Morrisville. Bear Pond Books in Stowe, Galaxy Bookshop in Hardwick and the Dibden Center Box Office, JSC. Tickets are $10 or $5 students/seniors and children under 5 are free. FMI: call Clarina Howard Nichols Center at 888-2584. PUTNEY — Gender-role-free Ballroom Dancing. See 1/14 entry for details. 29 SATURDAY BURLINGTON - BiNet - Breakfast and Shopping. Meet for breakfast at the Oasis diner (look for the purple triangle) at 9:00am, 10am depart for Thrift Store Shopping Extravaganza. Get your Duds for the Drag Bat!!! FMI: Contact Max at 863-3963 PITTSFORD — Mountain Pride Media's Green Mountain Tour at the home of Bob Hooker and Greg Sharrow. See back page ad for details. 30 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - Brunch and Tea Dance. Brunch and Tea Dance to benefit Men’s Health Project of Vermont CARES held at Club 156, 156 St. Paul St.. Brunch will start at 1pm with the Tea Dance to follow at 4pm. The price of admission will be $5 and all the money raised will go directly to the Men's Health Project of Vermont CARES. Come and celebrate Bur|ington's newest LGBT Club while raising money for MHP and connecting with people in the community. Any questions please call Thomas Henning at Vermont CARES at 802- 863-2437. JOHNSON - Fried Green Tomatoes - Sliding Party. Come to Glo’s in Johnson for the 6th annual sliding party, 12:00pm. Bring a potluck dish to share. Call 635-9770 for directions and remember to bring snowshoes and x-country skis, too. NORTHFIELD - W.O.W. Pancakes and Planning at 10:00am. Bring your favorite pan- cake topping. We'll do brunch. then plan events for the next newsletter. FMI or directions: 802- 485-8588. 31 MONDAY BURLINGTON - BiNet Social. Causual, infor- mal, social gathering at 135 Pearl at 8pm, look for the purple triangle. FMI: contact Max at 863- 3963