26 Out in the Mountains | December 1999 HELP WANTED V Racial and Economic Justice Policy Analyst for The Policy Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Will direct the Racial and Economic Justice initiative, a con- crete five-year program which seeks to add economic and racial justice priorities to the agendas of mainstream GLBT organizations and educate non-gay groups working .on race, poverty and age about the realities of their GLBT constituents. The Policy Analyst will work closely with social scientists to con- duct research into the issues and policy needs facing GLBT people of color and low- income people, as well as racism within the GLBT community. Qualifications: 5 years experience working in the gay, lesbian, bisex- ual and transgender movement required. Activist experience fighting racism and poverty also preferred. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Background in sta- tistical analysis and quantitative research methodologies. Masters degree required, preferably in a social science field; Ph.D.pre- ferred. Spanish or other language ability besides English preferred. Experience in both academic and activist environments preferred. Benefits: Salary commensurate with experience. Full health benefits. Three weeks vacation annually. To Apply: The dead- line for applications is December 20, 1999. This is a firm deadline, no exceptions. Please mail a cover letter describing qualifications and salary requirements. a complete and current resume, a writing sample, and the names and phone numbers of three refer- ences from past employers and colleagues to: Sean Cahill, Ph.D., Research and Policy Director, Policy Institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 121 W. 27th St., Suite 501, New York, NY 10001, Attention: Racial and Economic Justice Policy Analyst Position No phone calls please. No email applications accepted. V Administrative Assistant for The Policy institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. The Administrative Assistant provides the Director of the Policy Institute with admin- istrative, clerical and organizing support; and maintains all databases of the Institute. Qualifications: At least 3 years experience of organizing or administrative experience work- ing in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgen- der movement required. Knowledge of File Maker Pro and Access database; Word; inter- net research ability; and extensive computer fluency required. Excellent written and oral communication skills required. Spanish lan- guage ability very helpful. Flexibility, ability to complete tasks on deadlines, and a commit- ment to GLBT liberation necessary. Benefits: Salary commensurate with experience. Full health benefits. Three weeks vacation annu- ally. To Apply: The deadline for applications is December 20, 1999. This is a firm deadline, no exceptions. Please mail a cover letter describing qualifications, a complete and cur- rent resume, a writing sample, and the names and phone numbers of three references from past employers and colleagues to: Attention: Administrative Assistant Position Search, Policy institute of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 121 W. 27th St., Suite 501, New York, NY 10001 No phone calls please. No email applications accepted. Executive Director - AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition. Not-for-profit AlDS advo- cacy group with the mission of speeding development of preventive HIV vaccines seeks an Executive Director, Washington DC office. The ED supports and promotes AVAC's mission by directly advocating and developing policy, and by marshaling the time, wisdom, effort and financial resources of the AVAC Board of Directors, staff, volun- teer advocates, funders, and allied organiza- tions. The Executive Director formulates work and staffing plan, manages AVAC's fundrais- ing and finances, and acts as a spokesper- son for the organization. The ED supports the network of AVAC advocates to remain highly informed and effective. Persons living with Hill, women, and people of color are encouraged to apply. Send resume, writing sample and salary requirements: Executive Director Search. Steve Wakefield, AVAC Board Chair, 1948 West Evergreen, Chicago, IL 60622. Executive Director Job Description Title: AVAC Executive Director Reports to: Board Chair Salary Range: (based on experience) Location: Washington, DC Position Summary: The AVAC Executive Director supports and promotes AVAC's mis- sion by directly advocating and developing policy, and by marshaling the time, wisdom, 'l'he.lVlosI:ly Ilnfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green... After The 3 day weekend You had to work. With Ethan Green effort and financial resources of the AVAC Board of Directors, staff, volunteer advocates, funders, and allied organizations. The Executive Director works to formulating AVAC policy, develop AVAC's work plan and staffing plan, manage AVAC's fundraising and finances, and act as advocacy spokesperson for the organization. The Executive Director supports the network of AVAC advocates to remain highly informed and effective in vaccine advocacy. Position Responsibilities: 1. Works with AVAC Board to analyze obstacles to HIV vac- cine development and to advocate to over- come those obstacles. Stays current on HIV vaccine research and development efforts through contact with researchers, participa- tion in scientific meetings, and other commu- nication. Manages the formulation of AVAC advocacy policy. 2. Develops organization work plan for policy papers and advocacy. Manages and supervises AVAC staff in the writing, production, and distribution of AVAC advocacy publications. 3. Acts as official spokesperson for AVAC and represents AVAC at national, state, and local events to advance the public policies of AVAC as developed and adopted by the Board. Promotes AVAC and its policies in local and national media, and ensures that press releases and articles are written for newspa- pers, magazines, and journals on AVAC pro- grams and policy positions. 4. Maintains clear and regular communication with the AVAC Board of Directors, reporting on a quarterly and monthly basis on organization activities to the Board. Hires and supervises AVAC staff and contract employees. Supports communication on vaccine advoca- ...by Eric 0:-ner feeliue ISol.ATED krrer WorKiNGOVEr at 3-DAY weekeudl, ‘ our Hero cALl.s A Few Ft-ieNDs ToSee whxr he Mis$ED.. Your ‘Z0 - something friends Your 30 - something friends _ E eTh. IT WAS THE BEST weekend EvEr_l VERY HOT PM-TY.. Nex'r Time Yau GOTTA TQLLTHAT Boss or; «(ours ‘to ea‘)-lh°°r>.r, 1 Gown conserence cut. Go'r'rA Rim. MUM-l MUAH’ -: :- I MISS exam " ‘H Just -mxiine You misssv AN Ex(EL- - LENT EVE NT GI_Kl.FRlENP. ' You"IlE 5EC°MlNG_A REG- ULAR cos IN toeira STASH oF"PorNo’,‘ Mfillmcnovs NEW 951' or YOUR PARENTS. RESEHTS YOUR PRESENIE. PLANSTO SITE YOU!‘ HAND... €Discover iT sTi‘LL WorKS.. ‘UNNeRve ‘your 8TrAieuT cousin ‘Breudtan. ' I ALWAYS LIKED You-. LooKE1'HAN.':'MNor FA|.|.iNG BREr;I>I;N...You vteae. -‘A2/nAit47ve_"' LE 1' oSI‘Al"I' ins ¢|-|ArcoAl.'l'o HQLP (MINA SATIS- FY Her eucrev Nee3.S.. e/4ssis:r your GREAT AuNT.77‘Loreuce w/ BeAu1'g» MAKe-OVer.. MY C.-AWD ow GIRL... who 'rAu6H'r You To AWL‘;- . LIPSTICK? PIcASso? am&_ " xue_se Beic-ae _ QAPHNGS Are THeY’re MY " Ml RAC Le EAl‘S‘."_. .?«“AiLiN ATTeN\PT T_o eSCAPe MoM'S DiABoLicAL GUILT MAGNET... ericsorner@ ao1.com