And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor Staying Connected with MPM //‘Q n November 1, 1999 Mountain Pride Media relaunched its Web site at The redesigned site is more colorful, easier to navi- gate and boasts several new features. All the news articles, editorials, columns, and features from the print version of Out In The Mountains are still there; they're not only reformat- ted for easier reading, but now feature pictures from the paper as well. In addi- tion, you can browse OITM classifieds online (and even submit one, should your heart desire). Information resources include our community events calendar, an up- to-date Source, and weather forecasts for towns across the state — as well as for key vaca- tion spots. An online sub- scription form means you’re just a few clicks away from supporting our community’s newspaper and the convenience of ' finding‘OI’l"M'i‘n“your‘maili box every month. The MPM site also fea- tures an updated OITM advertisers page that lets you find contact informa- tion for advertisers. Even better, the site has also added online ads strate- ‘ gically placed throughout. Businesses and organi- zations can now reach readers beyond Vermont, and readers can keep an eye out for great online offers. These improvements rnunity "““"ciornimiitmerits > are just the tip of the ice- berg. The Web project is one of Mountain Pride Media’s major initiatives this year. Thanks to the support of the Haymarket People's Fund, the Gill Foundation, Physicians Computer Company, and individual donations; the Web Team continues to help build community and to make Mountain Pride Media and its services more accessible to every- one, regardless of loca- tion. In the near future, even more features will be appearing, including the complete Out in the Mountains archives every article from every issue of our community newspaper's 13-year his- tory. In addition, electron- ic meeting rooms will be developed and made available to individuals and by reservation to any GLBTQ organization in the state, so we can all stay in touch no matter what the weather! In addition to the com- already mentioned, MPM’s year-long project includes practical part- nerships with three other non—profits in the state. The Web Team is helping the Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights, Outright Vermont, and Vermont CARES reach out to their members and to the GLBTQ community at large. The Web Team is providing various degrees of site develop- ment support, from a ‘innovative 1 ways-' to keep =' Mountain Pride Media December 1999 | Out in the Mountains |23 9 4 C Sweet Rolls 0 Muffins ° Granola Bars / ‘Pl \\’ Cakes ° Cookies —— including low-fat, 3432:«\ \, naturally sweetened & vegan selections c ‘BAKERY l _ ___ BAKERY OPEN: M-F 6-6 Sat SC Sun 6-4 brand new site for . VCLGR to increased M” :::,,d:f,:s§a1:A§cn,f,r'3fi11 functionality _ and E Lunch Everydayll-4 gnrgrpygd dcéepslggs for ac...’ __.- -- 434-3143 urig an . ,, Another community connection is T-Shirts - Travel Mugs - Sfollen Cookies VTPR'DEnet’ our family Gift Certificates - Gingerbread Houses of Iistservs that let people stay in touch, discuss issues, and make announcements via email. Instructions for joining and participating in any or all of our discus- sion and announcement lists appear on and in every issue of OITM. V None of this would be " possible without the dedi- cation of the MPM Web Team staff and volun- teers: project leader Roland Palmer, MPM board members Carrie Rampp and Jim Petrie, Jennifer Ponder, Web editor and designer Mack Roark, and Web consul- tant/trainers Andrew Allen and Paul Hendler. Their efforts help ensure that Mountain Pride Media continues to find new and (P.S. Local Legends is Coming Soon!) RAINBOW CATTLE C0. BRKTTLEBORO, VT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT DANCE TO LATEST CLUB MUSIC FRIDAY 5. SATURDAY LEVI-LEATHER LAST SATURDAY or EACH MONTH OPEN AT 8PM WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY ' 940 US RT. 5, B12-.'I'WEEN EXITS 3&4 or‘? 1-91 www.together.netI~cattleco 802-254-9830 Don't Miss Out! subscribe to vtpridenet and vtpride-announce everyone in our commu- nity connected and is always open to sugges- tions. For more information on any of the topics men- tioned above, check out www. vtpride. org. For information about adver- tising on the Mountain Pride Media web site, contact It's easy from our Web site Is Pleased To Offer Advertising On Our Web Site! Looking to P increase traffic to your web site? Call Us At 802-434-5237 Want to reach For More Details! We Are Offering A 50%! Off Introductory Promotion Starting Is A Limited Time Ofer So Call Today! December 1, 1999! This WWW.VTPRIDE.ORG E‘ ' ' "‘ '9‘ " 7. .. j E- _: I1€W CUStOII1€I'S \ ‘ via the Internet? Email Us At ads@vtpride.or_g We Can Help! I_ .\ 5