20 Out in the Mountains December 1999 We held our first meeting in November and it was an inspiring expe- rience. A room full of bisexual folks, excited in the group’s potential, sharing thoughts and ideas and dreams. Amazing. We want to thank each and every one of you who came, many of whom have helped support the birth of this new adventure. So, let’s do it again. Saturday, December 18th; we’ll post details online soon. A suggested topic for that meeting was bisexuality and promiscuity. Joining the mailing list, if you haven’t done so already, is a good way to keep in touch and share with others. To join the Both Sides Now e-mail community on-line, go to: www.onelist.com/community/BothSide sNowVT and follow the directions. We’ll also be updating the web site regularly: www.angelfire.com/vt/both- sidesnow Burlington lI.Il.1.z? community center On Saturday, October 30 the board of directors of Burlington R.U.1.2? Community. Center -- -,.. convened in Starksboro’ fora day-long retreat to determine a set of goals for the project to establish an LGBT community ser- vices center in downtown Burlington. Diane Felicio and Jackie Weinstock facilitated a discussion that led to a 2- year plan of action for making the com- munity center a reality. The board hopes to establish a center where community groups can hold meetings, social events, and workshops. Some members envision a storefront café area where visitors can meet one another, have coffee together, and make connections to LGBT community in a comfortable and accessible space. R.U.1 .2? also plans to olfer office space and materials in the future to new orga- nizations and underserved populations in our community. The directors agreed that R.U.l.2?’s existing social, cultural, artistic and educational programming is essential to the goal of building a physical center. To this end, the oard decided to contin- ue its popular bi-monthly coffeehouse event, the monthly “Good Cookin” potluck, and the Vermont Queer Archives Project. Over the next 12 months, R.U.1.2? plans to schedule some educational seminars to benefit the LGBT community. Check the OIT M calendar and Source for contact infor- mation and events. cnamnlain Ilallev Ilnitarian llniversalist sneietv CVUUS had a successful and enjoy- able movie night on November 20, watching Torch Song Trilogy, with 10 people in attendance. What a great film, and a lot of messages! We are tak- ing a month off from monthly movies in December, for the holidays. But in the meantime, we would like to com- pile a list of good glbtq-themed and glbtq—related movies to recommend to people. Do you have any suggestions? Please send your favorite movie sug- gestions to marnmen@sover.net. Also, as we write every month, we are co- sponsoring a Same-Gender Marriage Decision Day Gathering with VFMTF on the day of the Vermont Supreme Court Decision, 7 pm at the CVUUS Meetinghouse, 6 Cross Street, whatev- er the decision. See you there! For more information about CVUUS in general or any event in particular, please call CVUUS at 388-8080 or Dorothy Mammen at 388-7240. Mountain Pride Media board mem- bers, staff, and friends helped out with Vermont Public Radio’s most recent fund drive in October. We answered phones for two hours on October 16th during a special edition of Car Talk. Special thanks to MPM board member Sarah Harrington, who coordinated this outreach event and to all that participat- ed.Mountain Pride Media continues to improve our web site: www.vtpride.org. You can now submit classified ads online as well as purchase subscriptions to Out In The Mountains. Are you look- ing for the perfect gift for that person who recently left Vermont but still wants to stay in touch with what’s hap- pening? Know of someone who just .- recently moved to the area or is think- ing about it? A subscription to Out In The Mountains is the best way to stay connected! We welcome Andrew Allen and Paul Hendler as Web Consultants/Trainers for a grant-funded project, partnering MPM with three local non-profit orga- nizations. We will be working with these organizations to develop and enhance their Web sites. This project is generously being funded by The Gill Foundation, Haymarket People’s Fund, Physicians Computer Company (PCC) and individual donations. Happy Holidays from everyone here at Mountain Pride Media! Theatre (Ill 3 S|ll|8SlI‘i|l!I We’re a local, non-profit, tax-exempt theatre company. We have many new and exciting things planned for the new millennium. One is the addition of an email list subscription. This free sub- scription allows you to receive exclu- sive email from TOAS dealing with job opportunities in theatre, dance, and film as well as contests for email list sub- scribers only each month. To subscribe to this service, go to the Web site (www.theatreshoe.com), click on the Community Compass is a service of OITM. GLBT organizations from around the state are invited to provide 200—word descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. Send your submissions to us by email at editor@vtpride.org by the 15th of the month. logo and find the Topica subscription box. Enter your email address, click submit, and you’re added! TOAS is also plarming many other surprises through- out the next year. To keep abreast of what TOAS is planning, subscribe to our monthly newsletter by sending your request via email to newsletter@the- atreshoe.com or by mail to Newsletter, c/o TOAS, PO Box 1012, Burlington, VT 05402-1012. - Vflflllfllll HBGIIIIIII I0 Marrv Task Fflfflfl In November, along with the Interfaith Alliance, the Windham County regional chapter of VFMTF co- sponsored a clergy panel on same-gen- der marriage. About 60 people were in the audience to hear leadership voices from four different faiths__—~ Episcopal, Jewish, Quaker, and United Church of The Snmnciiii Sin ers I I are a sacrezf music clioralefor a J K memfiers of tfie gay, [es6ian, fiisexuafanzf transgenfererf community. 2:! Christ — speak about why they support freedom to marry. The panel served as a nice reminder that many people of faith support same-gender marriage. Almost 100 Vermont religious leaders have signed the Marriage Resolution. Our regional groups are hopping. Two have planned Decision Day gath- erings for the day the Vermont Supreme Court Decision is announced: Burlington at the UU Society, 4-7 pm; Middlebury at the UU meetinghouse, starting at 7 pm. FMI please call Erika Nestor (863- 4256 (h) or 656-0367 (w)) or Dorothy Mammen, 388-2633. We don’t know when the decision will be made. But in the meantime, there are still plenty of Vermonters to talk with about this issue. Check out “the Source” page for a listing of regional coordinators, or call 388-2633 to find. out what’s hap- pening in your area. V W 0 Come liear us sing about "ilimfiracing tfie Q)arl{ness 6'2: Loo/{ing Torwartf to t/ie Lig/it” on Saturday, ®ece'm6er 11tli at 8 pm. at tiie University of ‘Vermont's Ira }l[[en Cfiapef A in Qurlington (corner of University anzf(PearD. Co-sponsorezf 6y ‘U’V9l'l’s ofiice ofL g‘(B‘T Services and tfie Cooperative Christian flvtinistry @ ‘U’!/911. (Donations (J 8-12 suggested) wi[[ Eenefit t/ie ‘Vermont Respite ifouse in ’Wi[[ist0n. aahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaneaaaen For more information, call Annette at 860-9594, Chuck at 644-1910 or visit our web site at www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/3052/ 31 aanaaaanaaaaaaaaaana 31