18 | Out in the Mountains | December 1999 S80.JI'tOS8.J AZ].‘_EUnUlUlOO 123.19 lUOtU.JeA 40 KJ0l09JTP eAIituIieo s.w1I0 ARTS & RECREATION. Burlington R.U.1.2? Community Center MikeorDon-860-1044-POB0x5883 Burlington. VT 05402-0209 ni12ccenter@bigtieavyworld.com homepeges.togelf1er.net/-lerpad/ru12findexhtrnl Chiltern Mountain Club - VT Chapter(Gay & Lesbian Outdoor Organization) Bob Bland. (888) 3313100 cinuy Clemence. (802) 429-2308 bland@sover.net - www.ctiiltem.orglctullernI Gay/Bi Men’s Reading Group Brattleboro FMl:Jonatf1an (802) 258-2693 or Michael (802) 254-6239 Green Mountain Freedom Band Aiiiaeii wl Lesbian and Gay Bands of America - FMI: Michelle 'Milo‘Thornas POB 5322, Burlington, VT 05402-5322 gossamer@togettier.net Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. POB307-Sl.AlbansVT05478-8492739 www.together.net/-lavender Poetry Workshops David Weinslock. 388-7523. Middlebury Women/Lesbian Book Group Pulney FMI: Tatiana. (302) 387-2781 or mtianas@s0ver.net Nudists/Naturists Group Tonic Waters - POB 6111 Brattleboro, VT 05302 The Samadhi Singers A Sacred Music Chorale for the GLBT Community - Burlington. 864-5327 Theatre on a Shoestring POB 1012 Burlington VT 05402 (888) 212-5884 - inl0@tt1eatreslioe.com wwwtheatreshoecom Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus 13007503434 - tax: (802) 633-2389 robnyves@toge1her.net Visible in Vermont Arts (VIVA) POB 812. Burlington VT05402 - 865-0385 BISEXUAL....................... Bisexual Network of Vermont POB 8124. 8urlington,VT 05602 - 229-0112 (Kim Ward). B65-2605 (vinoenr). or 864-4957 (Nancy Ellen) - Biviraniors@ao|.corn Both Sides Now (Socialldiscussion group) http:IIwwi0.angelfire.coi1i/Wbotlisidesriowl ENDING V|OLENCE.......... Addison County Women In Crisis P08 67. Middlebury VT 05753 - 388-4205 Battered Women’s Services, Inc. POB 828. MontpelierVT 05601 24 Hour Hotline: 223-6855 Burlington Police Department ‘Community Based Police Officer Lieutenant Bill Laware - 6587658 Clarina Howard Nichols Center Women’s dornesticlsexual violence shelter PO BOX 517, Morrisvil|e,VT 05661 Homne: (802)888-5256 Business: (802) 888-2584 Same-Sex Domestic Violence Subcommittee (Chittenden County Domestic Violence Task Force) 31 Elmwood Ave Burlington. vr05401 Take Back the Trails Local Contact Mel (603) 5431700 www.pririceton.edu/~rcurlis/aeetrai|.htrnl Assault Vermont Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual www.vriadvsa.together.c0m 24-hour hotlines: Domestic Violence 1-800228-7395 Sexual Assault 1-800-489-7273 Women’s Crisis Center POB 933, Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-7364 24 Hour Hotline: 254-6954 Women Helping Battered Women POB 1535. Burlington VT 05402 - 658-1996 Women’s Rape Crisis Center POB 92, Burlington VT 05402 - 864-0555 See Healtlisource, p 17 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 110 E. State St.. Montpelier VT 05602 223-6304 - acluvt@aol.com http‘JIrnernbers.aol.corriIacluvt/liome.htrnl Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Legal Association c/cBlackwoodandKraynak-POB875 Burlington 05402 - 863-2517 Vermont Human Rights Commission 133 State St. Montpelier VT 05633-6301 (302) 828-2480 or (800) 416-2010 Guys Like Us (newsletter) c/o Brian Douglierty NH AIDS Foundation 1087 Elm St #501, FOB 59 Manchester. NH 03105 800-639-1122 - brtannhal@aol.com llear Us OUT POB 285. Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-0332 Mountain Pride Media, Inc. POB 1078. Richmond VT 05477 Out in the Mountains POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477 - 434-OlTM 0itm@together.net - www.vtpride.0ng The Prism Newsletter (Northern NY) POB 307. Potsdam. NY 13676 (315) 265-3605 - www.r\ortl1netorgl‘prism »_ Reaching Out (Outright Youth Zine) POB 5235. Burlington VT 05402 865-9677 - OutrightVT@ao|.com The Vennont Rainbow Connection (111 program) do lavender visions productions POB 307 St Albans VT 05478 lavender@together.net Berkshire Bears New England and Eastern Upstate New York http1/geocities.cornIwesthol|ywoodI2081 Gay and Bisexual Men’s Group Bennington County and area FMI: Daniel, 447-8007; arnazur@sover.net. Gay Fathers Support Group 50 Mechanic St. Piltslord, VT 05763-9317 Bob, 483-6739 Gay Men’s Ritual Group 862-6646 Keene Gay Men’s Support Group (800) 6397903 - Keene, NH Men Alive! POB 423, Burlington VT 054021 8652247 Minotaurs Brotherhood Club‘ (Leather 81 Levi's Club) - POB 2141 Concord, NH 03302-2141 Minoraur8c@aoi.oorn - (603) 753-9059 Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) POB 1124, Keene NH 03431 (603) 357-5544 - MonadGay@a0l.c0m http1/members.aol.c0rnIm0nadgayI One in Ten Project Discussion/social group. Claremont, NH Brian. 800-639-7903 Radical Faeries tblanda. POB 812. Burlington VT 05402 Gabriel. POB 224, Brattleboro VT 05302 (302) 2574371 3 MGM (Mature Gay Men) 860-1810 Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) POB 237. Burlington VT 05402-0237 865-3734 - vtvgsa@aol.com - www.VGSAcom MULTICULTURAL............. ALANA (African, Latino, Asian, Native American) Community Program 8 Williston St., Brattleboro VT 05301 254-2972 Kwanzaa POB 583, Burlington VT 05402-0583 Women of Color Alliance POB 1534, Burlington VT 05402 (802) 660-0606 PH|LANTHROPlES........... Samara Foundation PO Box 541, Hinesburg. VT 05451 Bill Lipperl. 860-6236 samara@together.net POLITICAL...................... Brattleboro Area Gays and Lesbians POB 875. Brattleboro VT 05302 254-5947 Gay Info Line of NH 26 So Main St. Box 18 Concord, NH 03301- (603) 224-1686 Nashua Pride 4233 Amherst St Suite 113 Nashua. NH 03063 - Gil (603) 881-9522 Out and Equal/New Hampshire (ONE/NH)Rights ' POB 730. Concord NH 03302 (603) 224-1686 ONEctNH@aoI.com Peace and Justice Center 21 Church St, Burlington W 05401 863-8326 Pride Vermont Committee POB 5113. Burlington VT 05402-5113 864-3455 - vtpride@holmai|.com ~ http1Arirww.geoi>ities.1»rriANestHollywood/ Parade/9660dndex.htrnl Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights (VCLGR) POB 1125, Montpelier VT 05602 888825-4989 - Liaisons to the government: Virginia Renlrew, 4964333 Keith Goslant. 4543552 Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force POB 1312. Middlebury VT 05753 V ‘ coord@vtlreetornarryLorg" ' 1 ~ "' ‘ Regional coordinators: Bennington County Rose-Marie Pelletier, 823-0257 Chittenden County cocoordinatorsz Erika Nestor. 863-4256 Mark Larson. 862-7596 Katie Antos. 654-2566 Franklin County: Joy Griffith. 8488002 Grand Isle County Sheny Corbin. 372-3402 Rultarid Cointy Jeanne 3253690 Washington County Dee Rollins. 8830368 Windham County: Bari Shamas, 387-5788 PROFESS|ONAL............... EAGLE (IBM employees) Mary Alice Schatzle 769 4635 maschalz@us.ibrn.o0m - Jim Leavens, 769 4413, J|eavens@usibm.com eag|ebtv@usibm.ccm pdcarey.p0lLibm.comlEAGLEIeagle.htrnl Gay/Lesbian/Straight Educators Network (GLSEN) Southern Vermont POB 942, PulneyVT 05346 - 254-5150 Rainbow Business Association GBLT businesses 8. professionals organization POB 8335. Burlington VT 05402 878-7037 - RBAvt@ao|.com Vermont-NEA GLB Educators and Their Allies Bill Cavanaugh, 645-9630 - POB 156 West Pawlet VT 05775 SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS... All Souls Church Unitarian Universalist 29 South Street Brattleboro - 2599377 Central Vermont Sangha (Tibetan Buddhist) - POB 517. Montpelier 05601 - 426-4111 or 533-2527 Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society Ari ctficial welcoming congregation POB 857. Middlebury. VT 05753 ~ 388-8080 Christ Church Presbyterian-More Light Church UVM - BurlingtonVT 05401 ~ 862-1898 College Street Congregational Church Across from the YMCA in Burlington Open and atiinning - 864-7704 Dignity Vermont POBOX61\Mnoosl1iVT05404~6556706 Dignity New Hampshire POB 7. Manchester NH 031050007 603647-0206 - DignityNH@aol.com Faerie Camp Destiny POB 1492, Brattleboro, VT 05302 453-5760 - lcd@popstarc0m www.s0ver.nel/-mattbucy/tcdl First Universalist Parish (UU) Derby Line, VT 873-3563 or 754-8780 Interweave (Unitarian Universalist) 152 Pearl St, Burlington VT 05401 John Byer. 802-863-1818 Unitarian Church of Montpelier 130 Main St, MontpelierVT 05602 223-7861 Vermont Gay Men’s Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond Pl., Burlington VT 05401 Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce c/0 Drew, POB 942. Middlebury VT 05753 388-6457 - VTOpenCirc|e@hotmai|.com wiivw.geocities.com/rainloreslI1258 Vermont Organization for Weddings of the Same Gender (VOWS) Rev. Brendan Hadash, RR 3, Box 134B West Glover VT 05875 - 5253875 www.geocities.oomlWestH0|lywood/Heights/ 3936 Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley Nancy Crumbine - 6498828 - Box 1110 Norwich VT 05055 - uucuv@dartmcuth.edu STUDENTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LSC-GSA (Lyndon State College Gay-Straight Alliance) c/o Olfice ol Student Activities Lyndon State College. Lyndonville VT 05851 6266200 (ask lor Student Activities Office) LSCGSA@hotrnail.com httpJlwww.ange|fire.cornM/lscgsa ORA (Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance) Hanover NH 03755 - (603)646-3636 Free to Be: GLBTA at UVM FreeT0 Be: GLBTA Oltice - B163 Billings 6560699 - lree2b@zoo.uvm.edu - Faculty Advisor: 656-2058 Goddard Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Alliance cooiiaiu _O_ol|ege..P|aintieldVT,05667‘_m_)_ _ Keene State College LBG Alliance Keene State College. Keene NH 03431 Johnson State College GSA GLBOAA, clo Student Association, Johnson, VT 05656 - th0mpsoa@badger.jsc.vsc.edu Landmark Gay/lesbian/Bisexual Alliance Landmark College. Ritney VT 05346 387-6752 moqa (Middlebury Open Dueer Alliance) Drawer 8. Middlebury College Middlebury. VT 05753-6033 moqa@panti1er.rniddlebury.edu www,midd|ebury.edu/~moqa One in Ten (castleton State College) Castlelon VT 05735 Stacie Rose (secretary) 468-1826 Advisor: Becky.Eno@castletcn.3du St Michael’s College ALLY Group Student Resource Center. Winooski Park, Colchester 05446 - Unda Hollingdale. . 654-2546 - or Laura Crain 654-2388 Trinity College GLBA Mercy Hall. Burlington VT 05401 - 864-7528 kslora@charity.trinityvt.edu The Alliance at VT Law School South Royalton VT 05068 - Michael Mercer, 763-8496 - www.vermont|aw.eduI-alliance Vermont Technical College - Lambda Mary Mulhem. VTC Randolph Center, VT 05061 hltpd/www.vtc.vsc.edulclubs/lambda SUPPORT........................ Gay & Bisexual Men’s Support Group Guys Like Us - Brian Dougherly, NH AIDS Foundation, 1087 Elm St. #501, POB 59, Manchester. NH 03105 - 800639-1122 briannhal@aol.com Gay & Bisexual Men’s Support Group Keene, NH - Shawn, 800-6397903 Connections - Support group for GLBOT Adults Beth El Congregation Synagogue 225 North St. Bennington,VT Free at Last Support/Counseling tor ex-cult/ci.ilt members POB 6111, Brattleboro VT 05302 Friends in Adoption 44 South St, POB 128, Middletown Springs, VT 05757 - 2352373 VT Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) Brattleboro Area. J. Cram - 409 Hillsinds, Brattleboro 05301, 257-5409 Central VT, 3rd Sundays, 1pm - UU Church, Montpelier (School St, entrance) Lake Champlain, Lil Venner - 23 Birchwood Burlington VT 05401 - 863-4285 Manchester Area, Mae and Jay Monow POB 92. ManchesterVT 05254 - 362-4400 Rutland Area, Julie and Peter Cooper 11 North St. Rutland VT 05701 - 773-7601 Southwest VT Area 2nd Sundays. 2pm - l-‘irst Congregational Church UCC, Williamstown, MA (side entrance) - (802) 442-5557 NH Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) P08 3 - Jellerson NH 03583 - 603-536-5522 in NH 800750-2524 Straight Spouses of GLB Partners Support Network Shelburne Falls, MA - Jane Harris 413 625-6033 - aharris@va|inet.com Keene, NH - Lucinda Nightingale 603-352-9337 Vermont Lesbian and Gay Parents Meeting into: 6026586045 TRANSGENDER................ TRANS (T ransgender Radical Action, Networking, & Support) POB 5687. Burlington VT 05402 - 472-8115 transvl2@aoI.com Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area (ALMA) POB 6345. Keene NH 03431 603-363-4961 Amelia Earhart POB 746. Lebanon NH 03766 Brattleboro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) 254-7721 Burlington Women’s Council POB 0583. Burlington VT 05402-0583 CRONES (For women over 40) 143 Rollin lnsh Rd, Milton VT 05468 DYKE TALK Women's discussion group Wendy, 802877-3653 Fried Green Tomatoes (Northern VT Vtfimmin‘s Social Group) RR 1, Box 6845, Morrisville VT 05661 888-7118 Golden Threads (Lesbian Contact Publication) - POB 65 ‘ Ftichlord VT 05476-0065 - 848-7037 goldentred@ao|.com Huntington Open Women’s Land (HOWL) . - Camping, events, day hikes. intentional community. ~ 434-3953 Lesbian Social/Support group-for women 40 and older Brattleboro - 254-7345 New Beginnings Women's Support 5 Main St, Springfield VT 05156 - 8852368 24 Hr. Hotline: 885-2050 Umbrella Women’s Center 16 Main St, St. Johnsbury VT 05819 748-8645 Woman Center 5 School Ave, Montpelier VT 05602 229-6202 Women’s Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover 31, Lebanon NH 03766 603-448-5922 - 24 hr. hctline: 603-448-5525 Women of the Woods (WOW) RFD 1 Box 5260, Worcester VT 05682 2290109 Central Vermont OUTRIGHT Weekly meetings in Montpelier (300) GLBCHAT or 452-2423 Creating Change St Johnsbury. VT Lore Caldwell 748 8645 Gay/Straight Alliance for High School students Mt. Anthony Union High School, Bennington Lisa Moore 447-7511 G/Learn (Gay/Lesbian Education and Resource Network) do Upper Valley Outright Vermont POB_ 27. Norwich VT - 649-5297 or 802-2963858 - newvic@ao|.oom Outright Vermont (youth 22 and under) POB 5235, Burlington VT 05402 8659677 - OutrightVT@ao|.com httpzl/members.aol.corn/outrightvll Youth Hotline: 800GLB-CHAT (452-2428) Prism, at Brattleboro U.H.S. g Andrea Carlson,Ybutl1 Services, 257-0361 Tracy Binet, 257-0356 Woodstock Area Gay/Straight Youth Alliance » FMI: Outright Vermont at 800-GLB-CHAT Youth Aware of Addison County do POB 646, Middlebury VT 05753 300452-2423 (Outright vr) www.angellire.com/Wyouttiaware YouthAware@usa.net