wnwvvvvv ‘V1171. 7 . vvw 1‘V1l‘V wwvvvww 17 NEW ENGLAND CENTER FOR ACUPUNCTURE &. HERBOLOEY Nationally Licensed and Internationally trained in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Elizabeth A. Scheuerman Charles C. Murdock -.- HEAL STRESS 0 PAIN 0 clinical nurse specialist in ho/isitic nursing integrates mind-body modalities into your current plan of care enhancing health, healing and well-being. December1999 Out In the Mountains 17 INC CHOIC ILLNESS ES FOR healing touch - hypnosis meditation - interactive imagery JACKIE LEVIN, RN, MS 802-660-8345 home, hospital, office visits VOne of the Largest Chinese Herbal Pharmacies in Northern New England 7 10 Marsett Road, Suite 4, Shelbume, Vermont 05482 (802) 985-0718 1717-cnv-0 v . .7.-v - -‘.>'.*‘.r'.*‘.>1>'.v‘.*‘.>'.>'.>I>'J 'J"»*C*'v".>1‘-553>I1'5§t5I>5'I>*5‘5‘:"5:“5 r <‘.t<'J~‘.I-$‘.>-‘J‘.>§r‘Ja‘> '»*‘a-‘.>1r‘.~ir€>-’.+’.*‘J-‘.><>x‘>-I)-‘.>5>¢~'¢‘.*{>¢~‘.>\ ’ 1 ~. ‘I 1 '7‘*?*7‘Ii‘ W7‘? Tribal Remedies (ALANA IIlTTlEIOI0 PIITIEV st. Jotiustiur-y, VT oasis community comprehensive flare I:llnli: IAIIINII Thoma: lloslilns. M.”- . . _ ’ - Iuuisol orgamzamm) :67tIIB:o M m mi iio: ital |I;.2l-lansfiilmfl ralI:In585tml' 0 Box 247 tnhil Hitchcock fllllllc swllllston, Bratt|eboroVT05301 P‘ B 0"“ ° 0 F -' ' ' 254-2972 0 Belmont Avoriuii IIIIII sti-oat, 9.0. Box 535 Putnoy, VT 06840 874-2193 Twin State Women’s Network POB 3, Cavendish VT 05142-0003 Bi-attlolioi-o, VT 05001 IIIHIWIIIII, VT 05040 IIITIAII 2254307 . Ma,goc@ma;| ms "91 IIIILIIGTBI IIIAIII HINI comprehensive care clliili: www.dartmouth.edu/~hivnetlorgswsn1.htm| communltv lllilltll |3l||lI|' Hill“ 53'1"" “"'7I'1":3':""""' M"'“"' c"""' VT Dept. of Health, Office of 884-8309 723-43"" 7‘ ' 017 ltlvoi-sloo Aiio., Suite 200 Middle Street Minorityflealth 108 Cherry St, POB 70, Burlington VT 05402 - 863-7273 Iiur-llnoton, VT 06401 Islanil Ponit, VT 05840 VERMONT's FINEST 0 I ‘_, ' ' ' — Vitamins , " Vitamin Connection _ Herbs . & J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Knowmdwiabln & : QOOVSEEPOIIWICS. 0 ' ., GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES , Prolri_cei0li:1|Cr>rvir~r» ' BOCILI C'0I'€ . - Pet Core 0 _ , , -. \/ 852-2590 - I-800-760 3020. ()pLn Mini Sat II) 6 Cheryl A‘ Gibson MD‘ 23 Mansfield Avenue Lower Main Street ,Downtown Burlington Susan l=_ smith M_D_ BUr||n9t0n.Vg8r£lf38r16t30gg81 Across From the Downhill Edge Faxi 302-353-9537 Mail Orfler Worldwide www.VitaminConnection.com PRIMARY CARE IN FRANKLIN COUNTY KAISR PERMANENTE . . C'L';3fi$f.“l.T‘i-"..‘.'l Fm 802/5242867 --~ I MD. NORTHhAST DIVISION Family Practice Specialist NMC Rural Health Services Carol Thaw,’ MD, Caring for Adults & Children Enosburg Swanton East Fairfield 933-5831 868-2454 827-3032 0 PO Box 1160.RD2 ° Fairfax. VT 05454 I E : Vermont women’; Heatth Mus community nasal"-cg St. Johnsbury: 748-7361 - Rutland County. Mary Kathryn 775-5884 I """""""""""' came, Netwo.-kmconu) Franklin County AIDS Network - Burlington. Kara 863-2437 I 336 Nonh Ave Burlington vi 05401 573 Harttord White River .101 vi 05001 Donna 353-2437. or 300-549-2437 ' 5‘ J°““5I’”'V' R'° 743‘95°‘ I ALMA. "23"" ca” 863-1386 ' 302-295-377,7/300-315-2220 National Assoc. tor People with V8|'l||0||t 093' M93 Pfolect : Urganization acom@Va,,ey,m Ams POB 172, Brattleboro VT 05302 ; POB357. 179 s. Winooski st. Burlington |-||V/Ams sEflV|cES “us services for the (202) 898_0414 800-257-1123/(TTY) 300-253-0195/ ' VT°54°‘ 354-253‘/354-2532 H tlin s ' NH HIV Information Network I” 2574013 : co ones Anon mm ‘’ ° _ "'°“"""°°""°9'°“ /I" VT De t. or Health Aios . _ V Vermont (800) 682 2437 (800)639-7903 on WW I, : Erratum-658-4221“P°B 5653 NH (300) 752-2437 Alnservices of Southwestern VT htlp://www.dartmouth.edu/~hivnetl '°9'3'“ . ' 3”"‘"9‘°” VT °54°2 ‘ T'“”' 79"‘ NY SW (300) 5414437 103 Union St #3 Bennington VT 05201 Rutland County AIDS Network 1°“ °"“”V 5" POB 7°- B””'"9‘°" “S402 I St. Paul's Cathedral, Cherry St MA (517) 522.4090 Alice M an" 4'4./._8'0o7 Mary Kathryn 7756884 863-7245 _ I °"’°°““' "“' 6°3‘357'43°° "'5 I30”) “5“2437 Bennington Area AIDS Project Vermont CARES V°"“°“t P°°I"° Wm‘ “ms I Wed. 7:30pm, First Congregational Church National; 300 342.2437 . coafltion - . . I I POB1066 BennlnglonVT05201 Verrnont.CAFlES@Gte.net I N" "'3'" 8‘ Wa5"'"°I°" SI’ ”“"°“a' mi (500) 2434339 442-4431 'or (300) 345-2437 POB 5243 Burlington VT 05402 P03 “- M°“‘F’°"°' VT °55°‘ ‘229'575“ r Hauler. NLTIIUTSGKYS. 5130001. Teen Hotline: (800) 234-TEEN Bratueboro Area Mus Pro-ect 363_2437'o,(300) 6494437 or B00-69VTPWA-vtpwac@sover.net I Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center mus c ' A n _ I www_5oVemelj.v1 wag] . . °'“'“'"“tV ""9 es‘ POB 1433. 67 Main St., 4th ii, Brattleboro PO Box 3033, Rutland VT 05501 _ P I women Only‘ VT 05302 . 254_3253 of 2544444 775.5334 Washington County I ‘Em’ “" I603’ 3574300." P08 608. St. Johnsburv VT 05819 snell@sovemer PO Box 275, Montpelier VT 05601 Network 4:, 1 Sat. 7-8:30pm. Call for location. 7484149 . . . 29 4 60 M I -e at229_4560 7* - . Comprehensive care clinics 2 - 5 W" ' W33’ “" 5”"daVS' 7'3°"'“ » . PO Box 503 St Johnsbury VT 05319 : uu Church, 539 Union st. Eiot::ieE(89IJ2)5776g£360 m_9061 ' ' I Masha’ Mondays‘ mopm BI: e °nI'556_4594 Living wlHlV AIDS support groups: I Nash“ ””""""’" °"”I°" , R”,,'"°§I"I47 1831 - washington county, Melanie 229-4560 : The comprehensive women s “ 3" - ' . Program (GWP) I . POB 5248, Burlington 05402 I 802-863-2437 or 300 649-2437 E Rawnland) Center (Native , merican ' POB 1358, Barre St., Montpelier VT 05601 I . - 229-0601 I Hepatitis support Group om:-uoiimua A eotcmra IIIILBVIT I1’.lI.IAll I VA Hospital White River Jct.. VT Iorlln iinith l:outoi- Family Health om Imr l=IInIc~ |NI|III't1I|Il'- M- : Mary Chattee RN - 802-296-5191 371-4342 055-2055 333-0137 524-3553 I hepccmary@hotmail.com no #4, Ion 1370 311 Milton: Boy Aiiouuo Po Box as itci‘-I-us‘! Ilsa‘; "am I Lesbian cancer Support group Montpelier, VT ossuz P.0. Box as Mi-iriainu-v. vi 0676:! - I-I8. : 559.3355 - 00Il:lII8lll‘. VT 05443 IEIWII '1 '""".'I' I Men S Health Prmect ‘annual N tli till it It ltti cantor comprehensive can clinic "9!- : POB 5248, Burlington 05402 Ilonnlnnton Family Practice Assoc. lAlVIu.E or no no IIIII II : 802-863-2437 or 300-649-2437 447-1101 health center, lilo. 334-5003 743-7473 R I | 1 North Star HDIISIIC Health care 140 Hospital or-Iva 084-2275 80 Coventry Str-not Northeast Vermont on on: I RR2 Box 3255, Morrisville VT 05661 ltonnlnnton, VT 05201 Box 185, Hill Str-lot Newport, VT 05055 Ilosiiltal - 888-2853 nanvlllo, VT 35323 Iiosiiltal III-Iv- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I