S has upheld its new law granti- 14 I Out in the Mountains I December 1999 World Briefs continued from page 3 unanimously convicting Creech of violating church law. A defiant Creech, 55, pre- dicted afier the verdict that it would “widen the wound of the soul” of the 9.5-million- member church. “The church has said it will use its power — legal power, spiritual power and financial power — to enforce bigotry. It is a sad day. It is a scandalous ‘ day for the United Methodist Church,” he said. PARIS —— A court in France po -et -ry \'p(‘)-9-tré n. 1 a : a metrical writing: VERSE b : the productions of a poet : POEMS 2 : writing that fonnulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound and rhythm ng extensive legal rights to unmarried couples, including gays. After a year of heated debate,‘ the National Assembly asked the 9-member constitu- tional watchdog group to A t e T T 0 TA The law will take effect in 5 5 t the coming months after - _ .. - _ _ _ _ _ _ .. .. .. _ - _ A President Jacques Chirac signs g ples as well as the 4.4 million heterosexual couples who live approved the law in October decide whether the law violat- it as a symbolic gesture. together but are not married. by a vote of 315-249. ’ Conservative lawmakers had "' M d the co Smut, _ hich vemdrirs FORUM FOR LESBIAN am BISEXUA Auoriunsdsuoaaissues e n 1 ion, in w case it would have been void. The law would affect an unknown number of gay cou- The law will let couples file joint tax forms after three years eegeeheee help eeeple Submit your masterpiece for publication! Winners will receive ‘I-grins fofrelgn Parltners to cash prizes and their work will be featured in a special sec- rance; orce em 0 ers to . .- . . . . . take eeuelee. J-em‘: feeeeien tion in the April issue of OITM. They will also be invited to plans into account; and make ‘ read their work in several Vermont locations in 2000. partners accountable for each - others’ debts. V M.“-‘minimal Judges for the competition are: SACRAMENTO, Calif. — ' CATHY RESMER Qlfhe stgitet 0: California has COYLE roppe is an on gays an - lesbians adopting foster chil- ~ LYLE dren. The move by Gov. Gray Davis’ administration rescind- ed a 1995 order by then- Republican Gov. Pete Wilson. Gay activists applauded the change as a victory for fami- lies, while conservative rem- A Deadline for submission is February 15, 2000. . gious leaders condemn it as “a For submission rules contact oitm@together.net or write to disaster for children.” _ Beforetheban weedeeeeeee OITM Poetry Contest, PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477 gays and lesbians could still , _ No phone calls, please. win the right to adopt, but it meant hiring a lawyer and hop- ing a judge would overrule the S".ate’S °pp°siti°n‘ JACQUELINE M'A”RiNo Attorneys representing gay 9- Senior Associate 802-453-6677 and lesbian groups challenged t. REALTOR” . fax 802-453-6685 the regulatlon earner thls yeah gg-'Fi':léJE9., (ao2)e7es2i3e FAX dlescp)e)@1t3c:)g(et:i2er.net State Department of Social Services attorneys “concluded that it was an underground reg- ulation, or one that did not go through the proper legal process,” agency spokes- jackie@together.n_et E-M'AlL 42 Trillium Lane_ Starksboro, VT 05487 Investment Adviser Representative of, and securities offered through BANKER D REALTY MART 288 WILLISTON no WILLISTON, vr 05495 @ . . . . Tower Square Securities, Inc.‘ woman Sidonie Squier said. V sea. Oflicelslndependently Mam, NASD/sjpc Wm‘W< ‘Not affiliated with Choice Financial Services