O 24 Out in the Mountains | November 1999 a 6 . ' X git BUSINESS Thousands ef linings el guy/lesbian bus neues organizations and businesses illei welcome you. e celnplele Pink Pages in en the web @ GAY‘/ELLOWPages . pinkweb.com - . ' " ‘i memfie s of tlie a , [es6ian, 6ise;(ua[amf rtransgerigcfrgerfcommunity. V ~ ‘ -100s of great recipes g «- ‘* ‘ .. — - 20 years goodwill % fie - Fixtures, lease, L equipment, in newly I renovated. 2700 fiz Come fiear us sing a5out CALL 351-5y "9Em6racing tfie (Dar/{ness 61 434-3148 Looliin Torwarzf to tfie Liglit” a H N K Saturday (1)ece1r‘il:'ler 11t/i at 8 pm. """ " "' 22 ° 't fru at tie I we ca r g . nwersi y o ermon ’s ra n ape 3,. I: = ~< 3 = 3 E.‘ n : '2 I: H In 5’ F. :r .o C P’ o ‘I § 9. 4?. §. ;% Li Need some extracash? Want to help out your community’? Sellads for Out in the Mountains 4 4 in your area. Excellent communitcation and organization skills a must. You’ll also need a 4 phone,‘ a computer with internet capabilities, andia great sense of humor. Email your letterof interest today to oitm @together.net Include a resume if you like, just be sure to tell us why you’d be perfect to help your community’s paper grow! The Snmml/xi Sm are a sacred music c/iorafe for frierufs an an V6 3: :2 (corner of University anJQ’earl). Co—sponsoreJ 6y ’U’V9l1’s o_fiice of L g‘(B‘TQfl Services and tfie Cooperative Cliristian 9l'linistr_'y @ 'U’V9l't. (Donations (J 8-12 suggested) 'wilT Eenefit tfie ‘Vermont Respite Jfouse in Wiffiston. For more information, call Annette at 860-9594, Chuck at 644-1910 or visit our web site at www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/3052/ 3:: 5 cu m o r ‘o _ioundotionolvermont Our Mission The Samara Foundation of Vermont is a charitable foundation. whose mission; is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, '3liésbian,.,‘A.A’bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. "p.90. box 541, hinesburg, Vermont, 05461 802-482-5938 ' samara@together.net _How To Contact Us; 4.