',’;.,+_ 20 | Out in the Mountains | November 1999 5 K \r' .1 community compas Community Compass is a service of OITM. state are invited to provide 200—word descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. Send your submissions to us by email at 15th of the month. editor@vtpride.org by the Bi-NE! VBIIIIIIIII Bi-Net Vermont has been gaining membership and momentum with a flurry of activies and increased commu- nication. In October Bi-Net members met in Richmond, Vermont for a social gathering at the Daily Bread and Hike of Camel’s Hump and in Central Vermont for a showing of “Better Than Chocolate” at the Savoy Theatre. In Burlington discussions are underway to plan a regular Sunday Breakfast/Brunch group. On the Internet members of Bi- Net are beginning to get to know each other through the a new discussion list. (To sub- scribe email to: majordomo@ Queemet.org and type: sub- scribe binetvermont). On November 17 at 6pm Bi-Net will host a sledding or skating party in Montpelier, VT fol- lowed by hot coco at Uncommon Grounds. For more information about this event contact Kim at 802-229- 0112 cllamplain llalleil II n I I a r i a n Universalist socletv Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society (CVUUS) in Middlebury is making a conscious effort on a daily basis to live up to our status as a Welcoming Congregation, in our sermons, social activities, language, religious education, printed matter, and advertis- ing. We are working to live our values, including affirmation of the inherent worth and dig- nity of every person. Activities coming up: On Saturday, November 20, we are launch- ing a monthly movie night, beginning with. “Torch Song Trilogy” (see calendar listing). Munchies provided. Also, along with Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, we will host a same-gender marriage Decision Day Openhouse beginning at 7 pm on whatever Friday the Vermont Supreme Court decision is announced. Whether it’s a night for cele- bration or commiseration, we are on.” Bring some munchies and/or music if you are so inspired, or just come. All are warmly invited to our events. Look for the pink trian- £5 gle chalice on our sign at 6 Cross Street, Middlebury. For more information about CVUUS, please call 388-8080. IIIQIIIIW VGIIIIIIIII DignityNT is a group for LBGT Catholics and others. We are ecumenical and inclu- sive and providea safe and supportive environment in which people may worship and socialize. We meet on the first Sunday of each month from 4 to 6 pm in the chapel at the Bishop Booth Conference Center at Rock Point in Burlington (off Institute Road near North Beach). Although the format may vary from time to time, gather- ings usually begin with a Celebration of the Eucharist and conclude with a short meeting and social time for which those in attendance are invited to bring refreshments to share. 8 For more information, please call Thom at 655-6706 or Charles at 658-4436.Th'e mailing address for DignityNT is P.O. Box 61, Winooski, VT 05404. Come experience the joy of being gay . . . and Christian! M0lIIfl'II'l'II:Melia Mountain Pride Media board members and staff were in Mclndoe Falls as part of our Green Mountain Tour, on October 2, 1999. We want to thank our hosts, Rob Larabee & Yves Morrissette, and the Green Mountain Band for pro- viding musical entertainment. The day included a writing workshop conducted by OIT M editor Barbara Dozetos and an evening reception. New and renewed sub- scribers over the past several weeks were entered into a drawing to win tickets to Gilberto Gil, An Evening with Ellen DeGeneres and most recently the Moscow City Ballet’s performance of Cinderella. Congratulations to the winners Mountain Pride Media is also hard at work at improving our web site: www.vtpride.org. Mack Roark, our new web edi- tor & designer, has been busy updating the look of the online version of Out In The Mountains. The first stage of the redesign will be up in early November. Major support for our web improvement project came from The Gill Foundation, Haymarket People’s Fund, and Physicians Computer Company as well as individual donations. There are many more enhancements on the way, so be sure to check us out on the web. ’ Mountain Pride Media is always looking for volunteers to help with monthly distribu- tion of Out In The Mountains. If you would like to distribute papers in your area to desig- nated drop off sites or can help with preparing the mailing in Richmond send an email to oitrn@together.net. l’I"II:l}0lIllilee200II The Pride Committee has been very busy in recent weeks with planning for next year’s Pride festivities as well as fundraising events to help pay for it. Tom Crowley has gracious- ly given the Pride Vermont Committee a home by opening up his‘ business as meeting space. More than 20 people came to the re-organizational meeting last month. The group is energized and eager to wel- come anyone else who would like to participate in making Pride 2000 as fabulous as pos- sible. In order to make the plan- ning process more accessible to everyone in the state, we have established an email dis- cussion group, PrideVermont. To subscribe and participate in ongoing plans, send an email to majordomo@queernet.org with the message: subscribe PrideVermont in the body of the email. Emerald City Ball last month raised nearly $500 for Pride. Thank you to all of you who helped and came to give sup- port. Special thanks to the orga- nizations who sponsored the event: Outright Vermont, Vermont Gay Social Alternatives, Cooperative Campus Ministries, Burlington R.U.l.2? Community Center, Mens Health Project of Vermont CARES, Free To Be GLBTA at UVM, NCOW Committee 1999, and the City of Burlington Community and Economic Development Office. Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 10 at 6:30 at Vermont Floral on Pine Street in Burlington. We will be electing chairpersons for the committee. Sfllllalllll SIIIQBIS On Saturday December 11th, The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community will per- form its fall concert at 8 pm in the University of Vermont’s Ira Allen Chapel in Burlington (comer of University and Pearl). Now in their 3rd year of performing, The Samadhi Singers will sing a variety of pieces highlighting the theme “Embracing the Darkness - Looking Forward to the Light.” Co—sponsored by UVM’s office of LGBTQA Services and the Cooperative Christian Ministry @ UVM, ticket donations of $8-12 will help to benefit the Respite House in Williston, VT. FMI call Annette Browne 860-9594. Samara Hlllllllillillll III VBIIIIIIIII Samara Foundation board members, Eileen Blackwood and Linda Markin, along with Executive Director Bill Lippert, joined representatives from fifteen GLBT community foundations at their recent national meeting in Minneapolis. GLBT communi- ty foundations from around the country exchanged ideas and developed a national GLBT community foundations net- work. Mickey Maclntyre, strate- gist and trainer from the Gill Foundation, offered a day-long training and encouraged the development of GLBT com- munity foundations in each of the 50 states. Maclntyre out- lined what he called “5 in 50 by ’05” a plan to build at least five local GLBT organizations in each state by 2005. Along with establishing in each state a GLBT community founda- tion, Maclntyre also views developing a community cen- ter, a non-profit law firm, an anti-violence project and a GLBT statewide political organization, as the necessary infrastructure for a truly suc- cessful GLBT social change GLBT organizations from around the movement. Maclntyre challenged par- ticipants to raise the necessary financial resources to develop this essential infrastructure. Maclntyre acknowledges that the GLBT community will have to take itself more seri- ously, and be willing to com- mit more charitable and politi- cal giving than ever before. Samara Foundation is pub- lishing its first Samara Community Report, a periodic newsletter of interest to the GLBT communities. If you want to be sure to receive a copy, contact Bill Lippert, Executive Director at 860- 6236 or info@samarafounda- tion.org. Vflflllfllll HBGIIIIIII I0 Mal” Task FIIIGE In October we took our new tabletop displays, funded by Samara Foundation, to numer- ous community events around the state, including the two- day South Hero Applefest, where LOTS of signatures were collected in support of the freedom to marry. There is \a lot of support out there — we just have to ask people! Another October highlight was the sea of hot pink ‘‘I Support the Freedom to Marry” stick- ers at Ellen’s Coming Out week kickoff lecture in Burlington. What a wonderful sight! Now that it’s November, community events are becom- ing sparser, and we are lining up more engagements directly. On November 12 there will be a Clergy Panel in Bellows Falls (see the Community Calendar). Later in November or perhaps early December we plan to ‘ have a panel in Middlebury and a forum in Rutland —— watch the online OITM calendar or our web page, www.vtfreetomarry.org, for more information. If you would like to receive email notification from us on Decision Day, please send your name and email address to coord@vtfreetomarry.org . lfyou’d like to receive our fall newsletter, please send your snail mail address to the email above or call the Task Force at 388-2633. V