www.vtpride.org/event~ 1 MONDAY PITTSFORD - Gay fathers’ discus- sion/support group. Future meetings will be on the first Monday of every month. Open to gay fathers and their partners. FMI: Bob or Greg, 483- 6739. 5 FRIDAY BURLINGTON - Crones: The “Art Trolley " and First Friday at Pearl's, 4:45 pm. Meet at the Firehouse Gallery on Church St. where we will catch the trolley and check out some of the galleries before going on to Pearl's for food and dance. FMI: Fran, 951-9012. 6 SATURDAY BERLIN - WOW Game Night (new venue) at Nettie and Sheila’s, 7 pm. We've got a poker table, a pool table, and Foosball, too! Bring your own drinks and snacks. FMI or direc- tions: 479-9003. PUTNEY - Gender-Role-Free Contra Dance, 8-11 pm. Putney Community Center. All welcome! Tom Mousin calling; live music by Lise Brown and Friends. $6-$8, sliding scale. Beginners’ introduction at 8 pm. No partner or experience necessary. FMI: Howie, (603) 256-6995 or Alex 257-8571. 7 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. THETFORD - Amelia’s Potluck brunch at Nancy's. 10 am. FMI: 785-2612. 8 MONDAY BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2.? Good Cookin' Community Potluck. 6-8 pm. Join the folks from the R.U.1.2.? Community Center for a delicious potluck supper at the Rhombus Gallery (corner of College and Church). Meet new folks and join in good conversation. All ages- bring your friends and food or bever- ages. FMl: Don or Mike at ru12ccen- ter@bigheavyworld.com, 860- 1044, http://homepages.together. net/~|erpad/ru12.html. 10 WEDNESDAY BURLINGTON - Rainbow Business Association annual meeting, 6:30- 8:30 pm, Parima Thai Restaurant, Pearl St. $10 members; $12 non- members. hors d'oeuvres, cash bar. Election of officers and board mem- bers. BURLINGTON - Pride Vermont com- mittee meeting, 7:00 pm, Vermont Floral, Pine Street. Anyone interested in helping to shape the 2000 Pride festivities is encouraged to attend. FMl: Tracy 864-3455 or bar- tender@ade|phia.net. 12 FRIDAY BELLOWS FALLS - “Religion and The Freedom to Marry: Area Clergy Speak About Love, Marriage and Same-gender Relationships." 7 pm, The Compass School. An open forum exploring the roles of spiritual- ity, religion, society, culture, tradi- tion, sexuality and government. Panelists representing the United Church of Christ, Episcopalian, and UU perspectives. Free. Everyone welcome. Co-sponsored by VFMTF and the Interfaith Alliance. FMI: 388- 2633 or www.vtfreetomarry.org. BURLINGTON - Womyn's Night OUT - a benefit for HOWL. An evening of womyn’s music, comedy, and poet- ry. 8 pm, Campus Center Theatre, Billings Student Center, UVM. Sponsored by: Free to Be GLBTA at UVM 13 SATURDAY BURLINGTON - Community Coffeehouse, 7:30-11 pm. Zabby’s Stone Soup, College St. An evening of local entertainment, poets, come- dians, musicians, and an open mic hosted by R.U.1.2? and Outright Vermont. All-ages; chem-free. Refreshments; $5 (more if you can, less if you can't). FMI: Mike at ru12ccenter@bigheavyworld.com or 860-1044. Made possible in part by a grant from the Samara Foundation. BURLINGTON -_ Both Sides Now, 6:30 pm, Spirit Dancer Bookstore, 125 S. Winooski. A socia|/discus- sion group for bisexual men and women. First gathering; join us! FMl: http://www.angelfire.com/vt/both- sidesnow/. PORTSMOUTH, NH - Northeast Regional PFLAG Conference (Sat & Sun). FMI: Regional Conference, 6 Meadow Lane, Exeter, NH 03833- 3112, email: pegginsone @acl.com. 14 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. 16 TUESDAY NEWINGTON, NH - Rainbow Families meet at Chuck E. Cheese. 11:30 am. 17 WEDNESDAY OITM Deadline - Letters to the edi- tor, Community Compass entries, calendar items, and classified ads for the December issue due by 5 pm. See individual sections for the appropriate email address for sub- mission. 20 SATURDAY CLAREMONT, NH - One In Ten - Gay and Bisexual Men's Discussion Group, 7 pm. FMI: Chris Holman, HIV Prevention Coordinator for AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region, (800) 639-7903 or (603) 357-6855. MIDDLEBURY - Movie night, 7 pm. “Torch Song Trilogy." An enjoyable and funny film about Harvey Fierstein's breakthrough play about gay life and love. Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society (CVUUS) Meetinghouse, 6 Cross St. All welcome; munchies provided. FMI: CVUUS Welcoming Congregation Committee, 388- 8080, or Dorothy Mammen, 388- 7240. November 1999 I Out in the Mountains I19 OI‘ write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NEW HAMPTON, NH - Thanksgiving dinner with the Lakes and Mountains women. FMI: (603) 744-2489. 21 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - Crones: 12th annual vegetarian Thanksgiving pot luck at Al's. 2 pm. RSVP 863-4822 (need count for dishes, etc.) BURLINGTON - UU Circle: Full Moon and ritual, potluck, and meeting. All who support the Covenant of UU Pagans’ mission are welcome. Wear garb if you like, and bring something for feast, a musical instrument, and a cushion to sit on. HC accessible. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St., 6 pm. Donations. Info, 658-9689. 26 FRIDAY RICHMOND - Come work off the holiday feast. OITM distribution in our offices above the Daily Bread Bakery on Bridge St. FMI: 434-6486 or oitm@together.net. 27 SATURDAY KILLINGTON - Amelia’s hike, 1 pm. Around and up Deer Leap. FMI: Lynn & Jeanne, 672-5280. 28 SUNDAY BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. dec 2 THURSDAY ST. ALBANS - Franklin/Grand Isle AIDS Taskforce invites you to a Community Forum to learn more about HIV/AIDS in the Franklin/Grand Isle Community. 7 pm. Northwestern Medical Center Conference Center. Panel of HlV+ speakers and an educator from VT [PO Box 1078, VT 05477] by the 20th of the month prior to publication. To announce your event for 0ITM’s monthly calendar email [calendar@vtpride.org], Richmond, 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 4 1011 CARES will speak and answer ques- tions. FMI: Kara, (800)649-2437. 4 SATURDAY FRANKLIN, NH - Amelia’s Holiday Potluck and Games, 6 pm, at Laurie and Carla's: (603) 934-6526. MONTPELIER - The Vermont Gay Men's Chorus - “A Vocal Minority" - winter concert, 8 pm, UU Church. Music by Bach, Vivaldi, Ken Langer and other traditional pieces. Suggested $6; dessert reception to follow. FMI: 633-2389 or rob- nyves@together.net. WILLIAMSTOWN - 4 pm, W.O.W. Annual Tacky Christmas Party. Bring your tacky gift, a food item to share and your preferred beverage. Tacky dress optional. FMI or directions: 433-5990. 5 SUNDAY ST. JOHNSBURY - The Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus “A Vocal Minority” winter concert. 4 pm, UU Church. Music by Bach, Vivaldi, Ken Langer and other traditional pieces. Suggested $6; dessert reception to follow. FMI: 633-2389 or rob- nyves@together.net. 8 WEDNESDAY GRANTHAM, NH - Amelia’s Book Club Meeting. 7:30-9 pm. Selection for discussion will be Erica Fischer, Edna Mccown (T ranslator)’s Aimee & Jaguar : A Love Story, Berlin 1943 $10.36 @ amazon.com. FMI & directions: Bev, (603) 863-2810. 10 FRIDAY FAIRLEE - Weekend Retreat for GLBTOA Youth: Headrest’s Teens Taking Charge for a World Without AIDS (Fri-Sun). This inexpensive/free weekend retreat focuses on community building and HIV prevention for GLBTOA youth of high school age from NH and VT. Transportation may be available for VT participants. FMI: Gina Capossela, Headrest Teen Program Director, (603) 448-4872, ext. 210 ‘or gina@headrest.org for pam- phlets, permission forms, and regis- tration info. ASAP! .'-—m ,1‘