I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I health and wellhein CARES Supporters ‘Step Out’ Statewide for AlDSWalk ‘99 Vermont CARES’ armual fund- and awareness- rais- ing AlDSWalk took place in four locations ‘ around the state at the end of September. Kevin Bean (far right photo) collected the most money of any walker in the state. Ten-year-old Courtney Dozetos, pictured below with Thomas Henning of Vermont CARES, collected the sec- ond highest amount in the Burlington Walk. HEALTH ALANA Health care Organization P88 857, 178 8. VIIIIIIII 8!, IIlI'III|Iun VI 85481 ' 884-2881/884-2882 Alcoholics Anonymous Iii‘. I58-4221 ‘ PDI 5858 lIr|Il|Ill VT 85482 ' Illr, 78! It. I'aaI's catlslral, clan-y 81 ml, —, I88-857-4888 Vlal. 7:88sI. Flr-at csaaraaatlaaal I:IaI-ctr II. IIIII I VIIIIIIIIII 8!. Ital-. -, II vs. I:88pl, Ilartusatl Hltclclcl Iaalnal cum- vlaasa aaly. I1, H. (888) 857-4888 ‘ Ill, 7-8:l8|l. 8811 tar IIc8II8I. I21!-, -, llalaya, 7:889- IIII tlllr-cl, 888 IIIIII II. lasts. I, llaalays. 7:88p: umn llaltarlaa church The Comprehensive Women’s Program (CWP) P88 5248, III-llI|taI 85482 882-888-2487 or 888 848-2487 Dawnland center (Native American) F88 1858. I8I'I'l 8t.. llsatpallsr V1 85881 228-8881 Hepatitis Support Group VA Hospital Vlllta llvsr .Icl., VT Ilary IIIIIIII III ‘ 882-288-5181 I8I8I:lII'!QIlIIIII.G8l Lesbian cancer Support group I88-8888 Men's Health Project 888 5248. Iarllaataa 85482 g 882-888-2487 at‘ 888-848-2487 North Star Holistic Health care 882 Isa 8255, llarrlsatlla VT 85881 888-2858 Tribal Remedies (ALANA Community Organization) 8 lllllstaa. 8|-altlalsra V1 85881 254-2872 Twin State Women's Network P88 8, cavaallsl VI’ 85142-8888 228-7887 ' llar seIaII.tla.aat WWI.I8l'II8III.8lIIIIVIlII8l'|8I8II.IIII VT Dept. ol Health. Ottice ol Minority Health 188 clsrry 81, P88 78. lsrllaataa VT 85482 " III-7278 Vermont women’s Health center 888 Hart! Ava, III'IlI|l8I VT 85481 888-1888 HIV/AIDS SERVICES Hotlines Var-last (888) 882-2487 III (888) 752-2487 NV ltata (888) 541-2481 IA (I17) 522-4888 HE (588) 851-2487 llatlaaal: (888) 842-2487 llatlsaal 1TV:(888) 248-7888 Taaa Iatllaa: (888) 284-“!!! AIDS community Awareness Project (ACAP) P88 I88. II. Jslasaary VT 85818 748-1148 AIDS community Resource Network (AcoRN) 518 Ilartlsrl. Vlllts Ilvsr Jet V1 85881 882-285-8777ll88-818-2228 scar-aeIaIIsy.aat AIDS Services lor the Monadnock Region (588) 888-7888 IAIIE-IIIPEIB Barlla Haaltl canal- 871-4842 RD #4, In 1878 Montpelier, VT 85882 Baaalaptoa Family Practlca Assoc. 447-1181 148 Hospital |II'IV8 Baaalaptoa, VT 85281 IIATTIBII corapralaaslva can cllalc 257-8888 8|-attlaloro Illaraorlal Hospital 8 Dalraoat Avaaua 8|-attlalroro, V1 5881 IIILHTII coraraultty Hsaltl caatar 884-8888 817 II|V8I‘8|lI8 Ava., Sulta 288 Bur-llaptoa, VT 85481 November 1999 | Out in the Mountains I17 photos (above, right, left) Max Stroud AlDServices of Southwestern VT 188 Ilalaa 81. ll, Iaaalansa V1’ 85281 Allca IIIII‘ 447-8887 Bennington Area AIDS Project F88 1888. IIIIIIIIII VT 85281 442-4481 or (son) uum Braltlehoro Area AIDS Project 888 1488, 87 Hall 8t.. 41! II. Irattlslsra rr osaoz - 254-am or 254-4444 IIIIIQIIVIIHIII comprehensive Care clinics IIIIIIII: (888) 788-2488 Irattlalars: 257-8888 747-1881 81. Jalaalar-y:148-7881 Franklin county AIDS Network Dalla 888-2487, III 888-848-2487 National Assoc. lor People with AIDS (28!) 888-8414 NHNT HIV lntormation Network on www IIIIII/IIIJIPIIIIIIJII/IIVIIU Falally Hsaltl 855-2855 811 Mallstta Bay Avaaua P.8. Itox 85 colclsstar, VT 85448 88IlII.I.E Haaltl ltaatar, lac. 884-2275 8a: 185, Hill 8tI-sat Daavllla, VT 85828 IAIIIIGI Haaltl csatar 472-8888 Hlpl III-sat, 8.8. 8a): 585 Harrlwlck, V1 85848 I8I.Al PIII Haaltl costar 728-4888 Mltlllla 811-ast Ialaarl PDIII, VT 85848 Rutland county AIDS Network lary lallryl 775-5884 Vermont CARES VaI'IIII.8AIE8QGtI.IIt P88 5248, IlI'I|I|III VT 85482 882-2487 Ir (888) 848-2487 I'D Ill 8888. IIIIIII VT 85881 775-5884 P8 Isa 275, llsatasltar VT 85881 228-4588 P8 In 588, It. Jalalllry V1‘ 85818 748-8881 llvlap ulItlV AIII8 sapaar-I |l'8l88: I cant), lala a 228-4588 csaaty. Ian lam-ya 775-I884 lara 888-2487 - st. J Vermont Deal AIDS Project 888 172. lranlalara VT 88882 888-257-1128/ (TTV) 888-258-8185/ lax 257-2818 VT Dept. ol Health AIDS Program 188 clarry 8!, P88 78, Iarllaataa 85482 888-7245 IIILBIII Dpaa Door l:lIIIc 888-8187 P8 Box 85 Illlolllatiurv. VT 85758 38881 Nor-tlaast Illaallola Haaltl caatar 884-5888 88 country St:-sat Ilawport. V1 85855 PITEI Tlolaas Hosklas, 81.8. 887-5581 Mala 81., P.8. Box 247 Putaay, VT 85848 IITLIII tlorapralaaslva cars cllalc llutlaad llaploaal Msrllcal caatar 747-1881 photo Chris Wood Vermont People With AIDS coalition P88 11, Ilalpallar VT 85881 ' 228-5754 or 888-IIVIFVIA ' VI|I88Ql888P.lII III.88V8I'.IIIlVIII88I Washington county AIDS Network llalaala at 228-4588 8T. AIJAII Rolrart Zalazo, 18.8. 524-8558 2 8|-ast Road 8!. Allan, VT 85478 81. JZIIIII colapralaaslva cars l:IIsIc 748-7478 Hortlaaat Varraoat Ilaplaaal Hospital Hospital Drive St. Jolaslury, VT 85818 I388! laaly Hltclcack cllalc 874-2188