04 Out in the Mountains November 1999 IIIIM, Pll Box 1078, lllchmnnll, lll 05471-1078 or aitmotuiiellm-.nel Out in the Mountains welcomes your letters. Although we will withhold names from printing upon request, the letter must be accompanied by a verifiable name and address in order to be considered for publication. we reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. Letters are also subject to the editorial policy stated in the masthead. Not All Employers are Eager to Offer DP Benefits Editor, Your October editorial sug- gested OITM readers should ask their employers for domestic partnership health care benefits. In addition, the opinion was offered that, ‘‘In this time of extremely low unemployment rates, you’ll find businesses more eager than ever to make their employees happy.” Perhaps that is true for some employ- ers, but not for all. The ques- tion then is: Where does one turn for help when one’s employer refuses to grant domestic partnership bene- fits, and bases their refusal on discriminatory state and fed- eral marriage laws? In June, I asked for, and was denied, domestic partner- ship health benefits at work. I appealed the decision twice and was denied each time. I then contacted the Vermont Human Rights Commission, the Civil Rights Department of the Vermont Office of the Attorney General, and the ACLU. None was willing to help. The Human Rights C Commission told me they “did not have jurisdiction in this matter” and referred me to the Attorney General’s ‘ Office. The Attorney General’s Office responded that they only address “employment discrimination and civil hate-crime reme- dies, [and] therefore [were] unable to assist [me].” They suggested I contact the 1, ACLU. However, the ACLU had already told me they were “sorry that [my] employer does not provide health bene- fits, to domestic partners.” They agreed thelaws upon which my employer based their opinion (i.e. marriage laws) are “indeed discrimina- tory.” However, they offered no assistance and simply sent me a brochure about a semi- nar on same-sex marriage and the constitution they were sponsoring. Where does one turn for help in getting domestic part- nership benefits?" Who is available to help an employee coordinate efforts, track down similar cases, and present a clear and convincing case before one’s employer? Why are the three major routes for addressing issues of discrimi- nation in Vermont not willing to help in this matter? Sincerely, Alan M. Hultquist, EdD West Glover, VT Dr. Laura Needs to be Silenced ‘Editor This is quite scary, but oh so true. Syndicated talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger airs right in our own back- yards. According to “Dr. Laura” gay men and lesbians represent “biological develop- mental errors.” This, accord- ing to Dr. Laura makes the debate over gay rights nonsen- sical. She describes two men or two women having a sexual relationship as “sadness” and, according to Dr. Laura, reflects our inability to have a healthy relationship with someone of the opposite sex. She contends that we can be “cured” and thinks it’s absolutely wrong for L/G peo- ple to adopt or raise children. My interest in “Dr. Laura” has not been overnight, as I recall reporting on her harmful ‘ rhetoric previously on The Vt. Rainbow Connection TV show and a previous sister show in New York. However, this past month, receiving information from GLAAD (Gay &‘ Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), refueled my interest in Dr. Laura’s com- ments. We reported on. last months program that GLAAD ‘ is asking the GLBT communi- ty and allies to “write to Dr. Laura as well as local radio stations that air her program. Upon "logging onto GI.-,.AAD’s web page, I thought the most local station to encourage ‘viewers to contact would be in New Hampshire or Massachusetts. Initially _j I“ felt good about living in one, per- haps the only state, that didn’t carry this ignorant woman’s show. However, after doing some research, I’ve disc_ov- ered that WKDR 1390AM (Winooski, VT.) airs the “Dr. Laura” show 5 days/week. I have since asked GLAADVto update their web page listing. I said on the TV show that I would have to do some heavy meditating prior to writing my letters, since my knee jerk reaction was one of anger and I wanted to write a scathing, angry letter. GLAAD’s recom- mendation, however, and one I knew intellectually was cor- rect, is for writers to not “attack,” but to instead to express their opinions “ratio- nally and thoughtfully.” Below is the letter I chose to write to WKDR that flowed easily and surprisingly didn’t require much editing for harsh, angry counterproduc- tive attacks. I will keep you posted on what kind of response I receive from WKDR. I would like to encourage everyone to take a few minutesiand please write to WKDR 1390AM attn: Jeff Nicholson 1 Main street (The Champlain Mill) Winooski, VT. 05404. Also, please log onto GLAAD’s web page at www.glaad.org to read the actual transcripts of what Dr. Laura has to say about you and me. ' Dear Jefi’ Nicholson, 1 am writing to you today with the hope that you will read this letter and truly ‘consider - the dijference your radio sta- tion can make in the lives of lis- teners. I fluctuate between being saddened and outraged that WKDR 1390AM chooses to carry the Dr: Laura Schlessinger program. The views Dr. Laura expresses regarding Gay & lesbian peo- ple are filled with ignorance, fear and plain untruths. Being a Producer/co-anchor of a local news TV show, I value and cherish the right of free speech. Having said that, I ‘also believe that when free speech fans the fires of preju- dice and hatred, the responsi- bility of halting the speech lies on the conscience of networks and radio stations serving the public. ~ One year ago this past week a young man named Matthew Shepherd was brutally beaten, tied to a fence ‘and left to die simply because he was an openly gay man. His attackers held such hatred and "igno- rance in their hearts regarding A Gay/Lesbian people, allowing them, in some misguided way to think they were somehow justified in their attack on Matthew. Matt was not the first victim of such anti-gay vio- lence, nor, I grieve to report, has he been the last. Dr. Lauras ongoing remarks regarding Gay/ Lesbian peo- ple, whether she realizes it or not, takes responsibility for them or not, is a catalyst for hatred and violence. Many people who pass along their own fears and myths about Gay and Lesbian people will often insist they are never "telling people to be violent toward someone who is gay," they miss, however the crucial point, that their very words incite hatred and therefore con- tribute to violence directed toward Gay and Lesbian peo- pie. “The Vermont Rainbow Connection" Television show works very hard to dispel the myths and combat the negative stereotypes that continue to plague society, and threaten the safety, equality, and basic human happiness that Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people deserve. Knowing a syndicated radio talk show like "Dr "Laura, airs in our own backyards is both disturbing and frightening to me as a lesbian woman liv- ing in Vermont. V _ Please consider the lives of so many GLBT people as well as their families and friends, no doubt many of whom are your neighbors, co-workers and people you trust, respect and interact with daily, whether you are aware of it or not, the next time you air the “Dr. Laura" show. Futhermore, when she makes derogatory remarks regarding Lesbian and Gay people, think about all the innocent, loving, upstanding citizens you are inadvertently harming by promoting her show. I ” Ideally, I wish you would cancel the Dr. Laura Schlessinger program com- I: rpletely, however, if you choose to continue airing the show on your station, will you please also consider allowing myself and some wonderfully articu- late community members to speak truthfully about what being G/L/B/T is all about .7. I assure you we can and will dis- pel» the myths that Dr., Laura puts forth in her show - please give us, at least, that opportu- nity. . I look forward to 1 hearing fiom you at your earliest con- venience. Sincerely, Sharon M. Randall Producer/Co—Anchor, Vermont Rainbow Connection