LI people of color, women, and transgen- dered people, are especially encouraged to apply. Send cover letter and resume to: HIV PROGRAM COORDINATOR SEARCH COMMITTEE: IGLHRC c/o Human Rights Watch, 350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10118. Deadline for application: October 15, 1999 or until filled. (10/99) SERVICES OFFERED V MASSAGE WORKS! Discover the benefits: relieve stress, promote healing, learn holistic techniques to help yourself! We provide Therapeutic Massage in the convenience and privacy of your own home. Massage modalities include: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, Reflexology and Relki. Serving: Vermont (Manchester and surrounding areas) and New York (Lake George to Saratoga). Consider a Massage GIFT CERTIFI- CATE or “Massage Hour’ at your next holiday party...Professionally trained Massage Therapists. Licensed in NY State. Call us! 518-854-7083 Healing Hands T.M. (10/99) GWM 40, seeks house-sitting position(s). Will provide plant & animal care. Your home will be cared for in a compassion- ate manner and spirit, at no charge. Available 9-1-99 through 12-31-99. References graciously provided. Please respond to: S.B., 7766 Route 2A, St.George, VT 05495 (10/99) Curbside SHOVE oI=F..GoTTA Go To STUPID WORKIN THE » MORNING- ROB, You Do~'1' KNOW WHATI'° Rmw-ten Do TI-IAN Goro THAT DuMsAss :rot3... I.'D—I'D RA‘rH£P~ Go To won: FUCK A DUCK THAN '1'oMo9.Izow.’ OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER _1999 — 31 BY ROBERT KIRK? ‘rem WELL 1'0 NELL I'D RATHER Fuéié A E P. Him Tb EAT new Duck -nw;I A BIG BOWL OF 7 AHEM’: I PEILso~AI.LY wouw RATHER HAVE Tb SNIFF MY LAND’ LoKD'5 (5uTT Fan A FuLL '2. Howls 1-HAN HAVE TO GOTD MY PLACE OF EMeLoY ToMoILP.ow. YeAI—I, YOU BY EOBERT KI REY MY Mom wAsN'T'roo HAPPY WITH ME THOUC-IH.-"l’| I / WHAT A NICE vIew—A BRILL wALL'. Come sActc HoMe,I-IoNeY, I'LL STAY our oF YOUR Isvswess, 1: Ptzomse I I'LL MAKE You vINNek on SUNDAYS.’ AFTER HE'D HAD, ENOUGH OF ME I MOVED OUT INTO MY VERY own LITTLE CRACKERBDX IN SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS. SACK THEN ALL :1: WANTED FROM OTHER CM_)YS WAS oNe THINCa,So 1 REAL‘-Y APPILE<-IATED THE ?&\VAcY. - ._ GROUPS Y My daughter and l have recently embarked upon the homeshooling adventure. We're hoping to connect with like-minded homeschoolers for social contact, outings, and information sharing. ‘HE FII>.sT TIME I TRIED To SETTLE Dow»: wm-I A BOYFRIEND‘ TYPE GUY IT DIDN'T WORK OUT so 6ooD. HE wA$ A YUPPIE INANNABE AND I wAs Youne AND ToTALL‘f N01’-IMP QESSED. Rf" '-7‘ CHECK OUTTHE NEN THREADS! THEY- |'l| be thrilled to learn that a local group exists already. Failing that, I'd like to start something from scratch. Please contact Barbara at or phone 388-8298. (1 299) The Vermont Gay Men's Chorus is always looking for new singing members as well as anyone interested in helping this new community group grow. Board members are always needed. We are accepting singing members for the upcoming fall schedule. Call 802-633- 2389 or e-mail for more information. (10/99) LIVING SITUATIONS WANTED V I'm looking for a place to live through the winter months in exchange for work around the house. I'm going through a separation and have child support pay- ments and I have a steady job, but not enough money to rent an apartment. I will do anything for anyone in the house. I'm honest and a good cook. Males or females can apply, gay or -straight. Call me at 244-1961, ask for Craig. (11/99) V Male couple with well behaved, excel- lent dog seeking small house or large appartment with yard for rent, Rutland area. Excellent references, stable, clean folks. Call collect to Florida (561)992- 9755 or E-Mail (10/99) - LIVING . SITUATIONS OFFERED V GM looking for roommate to share a 2 bedroom home in the country. A well- behaved pet welcome. No snakes or spi- ders! Rent negotiable plus half utilities. I DIDN'T CARE A5ooT BRICK wALL SCENERY, $uNt>AYDINNeILs all ANY OF THAT. I LIKED BEING ON MY OWN. CALLING MY owN SHOTS. .'— ‘rte HAVING A SALE _, YEARS DowN ‘THE LINE, 1? FIND MY- SELF ACLIDENTALLY LIVING WITH ANOTI-IE/L GUY I.’M INVOLVED WITH. BUT IT'S GDING BETTER THIS TIME. I REMEMBER MY PAST MIsTAI